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Author Topic: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!  (Read 36054 times)

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STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« on: May 05, 2021, 08:09:03 am »

The STAR 2021 Routes website is online! 15 road and 6 ADV rides to choose from. Check out the EZ Route finder here!

Norm Kern


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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2021, 03:48:23 pm »

Very good job Norm.  And the others that helped you!  Thanks for all the work and effort everyone put in to produce the routes and all the supporting docs.  The website is very nice and well laid out.  The users guide is very good and should be the first thing everyone should read and use to setup their GPS's.

I am looking forward to Star 2021 and the Canaan Valley Resort.

 :trink39:  :clap:


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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2021, 09:26:28 pm »

I am not using a GPS, but looking at the routes they look like great routes.  But, in the printed version in PDF, it mainly shows names of roads.  It would also be very very helpful to have the road numbers.
I am trying to get a feel for the routes, and Bing maps as well as Google maps use the road number.  State maps don't use any names, just numbers also.
Carl Wieman, 2016-2022 MSTA Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator,    2022 Vanderhall Venice, 1986 Honda Gold Wing Interstate 
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2021, 10:10:34 pm »


I think you’ll find that a lot of the little roads don’t HAVE numbers, just names. But you can put together some really good routes on your own just by taking a WV state map and staying on state routes.  They are pretty much ALL twisty. 
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2021, 08:25:46 am »

I am not using a GPS, but looking at the routes they look like great routes.  But, in the printed version in PDF, it mainly shows names of roads.  It would also be very very helpful to have the road numbers.
I am trying to get a feel for the routes, and Bing maps as well as Google maps use the road number.  State maps don't use any names, just numbers also.
I have this same issue with the Garmin maps in my Zumo. The turn alerts at the top of the GPS screen give street names when you are approaching a town or city instead of highway  numbers.
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2021, 02:11:31 pm »

Well I’m having an issue I’ve not seen before. I have a Nav 6. I downloaded the zip file of the gpx files. Unzipped them on my PC into a su file I made. I click on one of the routes and the Garmin BaseCamp setup Wizard starts. I click next, I accept and click next then I get an MSI Error. InstallFailure.



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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2021, 03:14:16 pm »

Well I’m having an issue I’ve not seen before. I have a Nav 6. I downloaded the zip file of the gpx files. Unzipped them on my PC into a su file I made. I click on one of the routes and the Garmin BaseCamp setup Wizard starts. I click next, I accept and click next then I get an MSI Error. InstallFailure.



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First question: what heck is an su file? Second, did you read Norm's "Downloading and Using MSTA
STAR21 Routes" instructions?
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STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #7 on: May 11, 2021, 03:19:40 pm »

Well I’m having an issue I’ve not seen before. I have a Nav 6. I downloaded the zip file of the gpx files. Unzipped them on my PC into a su file I made. I click on one of the routes and the Garmin BaseCamp setup Wizard starts. I click next, I accept and click next then I get an MSI Error. InstallFailure.



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First question: what heck is an su file? Second, did you read Norm's "Downloading and Using MSTA
STAR21 Routes" instructions?
Sorry su was supposed to be subfile file. And yes I’ve read it 5 times.

Recently I deleted BaseCamp and went to Garmin and reinstalled it. Now I click on one of the routes and it’s trying to install BaseCamp for an hour. WTH???


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« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 05:21:19 pm by Brick »
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2021, 12:34:53 pm »

WOW!  Pat must have been in a bad mood when he wrote the response to me.  I waited, and see that a few others have similar questions.  First, it seems like Pat is saying, if I don't like and cannot follow the routes provided, make my own and then hope that I get back to the resort before it is time to go home.  Then as I look at it some more, maybe he is saying, if anyone doesn't like the routes, they should stay home.
Well, I have thought and looked and I will use the #22 route to Tom's to explain.  Near Oakland, the map shows the route on 219, but that is not listed on the turn-by-turn directions.
I do see listed R221 several times, but not shown on any of the maps.  I don't see any road names on the map for any of the route.
I have designed routes for our MS RRR for many years, and have had many compliments for the little extras added, such as town names when you get near them and such.  There is not one town listed on this route.  What if someone makes a wrong turn, there is no way to find your self back to the route, or even find your way back to the Resort.  We don't want to end up somewhere in the middle of no-where listening to banjos playing.
On the attached page of this year's MS RRR route, you can see that I have also added a road name and the road number if it uses both.
Carl Wieman, 2016-2022 MSTA Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator,    2022 Vanderhall Venice, 1986 Honda Gold Wing Interstate 
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2021, 01:27:51 pm »

Carl I'm fairly certain Pat is not trying to tell you any of those things. He may simply be saying if the routes that are supplied don't work or are too hard to follow you can create your own.

I bought my first GPS primarily because I was having trouble following routes at events without them, since my vision didn't allow me to read map on tank bag while moving and finding some of the turns (those smaller roads that often don't have numbers) was becoming more difficult.

The simple fact is GPS routing with shared routes is not an exact science since it relies on many factors. I've had trouble with my share of GPS routes, usually because of my own short cuts (I don't often use basecamp or other software to load routes to my GPS).

As for how things are labeled, using names instead of numbers that the stupid GPS. Also many turn by turn directions become pointless in towns as 10-20 turns is all about following the same US or state highway thru town, which can usually be done by paying attention.

Since I often lead and am responsible for following routes I spend some time in my hotel room each night reviewing the route, looking at maps to try and make sure I have some general idea of where we're going and what routes we're following.
Steve Grabowski
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2021, 01:51:49 pm »

I will just say again the fault is with garmins map product.  They are not targeted at road travelers, just loo,  at the name:City Nav!  Norm and the wv route team have done a great job with the map product they have to work with, IMHO. Plus the help page has great info, including how to deal with getting off route.
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2021, 02:04:43 pm »

Carl….if you look at the routes listed for people without GPS, and spread out a WV State map next to one of them, I think you’ll be able to match it up pretty easily with the map. 

The volunteers putting these routes together (some of whom aren’t even MSTA members!) we’re asked to prepare routes for GPS usage, because the vast majority of members do use dedicated GPS or phones to navigate with.  They had to start from scratch with little or no prior knowledge of how we (as a club) are used to setting up routes for our events. We will try to help those that don’t use GPS as much as we can.  But we would ask that if you need help with certain routes, please cut your request down to just a few of the routes that you plan to use. 
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2021, 08:20:45 pm »

I know when I first started mapping routes, they were not perfect either.  In fact, I did not want to make the routes.  I finally made it my goal to have good routes.  Or, as one rider told me 2 years ago on a route in Wisconsin, he did not know I had designed and mapped the route for that year's Ride.  He was with a few other riders and they were commenting about the route when I walked by at the gas station and I asked if I could help.  They said it was the best designed route they had been on for many years and loved the turn-by-turn directions. 
All of them were shocked when I mentioned that I designed it as well as the T-by-T.  They said they could look down at it every little while and had a good feeling where they were going.
That comment made me feel good.
I have tried many different programs, but have found as the best for making the directions.  I then drive the route and verify the turns and roads as well as mileage.  Then it is put into the written format like in the attachment.  It is a lot of work, but it makes it so anyone can ride it without any problems, we hope.
Many times, I have driven the route several times, as I refine it, with a co-pilot taking notes.
The three routes that I have printed and thinking about riding at STAR, are: #10, 14, 22.  Those are the only ones at this time.  We may team up with some other friend riders that have GPS for more rides as we plan to be there from about Friday to Wed night.  And, as several of us found out at STAR in Bristol, GPS is not always correct either and we had to refer to the maps to get back to the hotel.  GPS sent us down a dead end road.  Darn Tom-Tom is known for that.
I have looked at a W VA map.  It is not an official W VA map, it is from AAA.  It may not have all of the small roads, but when I compare it to the map for that route, it looks very similar.  At least the AAA map shows Davis and Onego and others, which the route map does not.  It always has all the road numbers listed, but no road names.
I think the STAR map should at least have the road names or number on the route. 
A good suggestion, have a supply of official WV state maps on hand at Registration.  At La Crosse, both WI and MN gave us a box and we returned the unused maps.  We were lucky, the Welcome Centers were within a few miles.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2021, 11:09:04 pm by Ride4MS »
Carl Wieman, 2016-2022 MSTA Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator,    2022 Vanderhall Venice, 1986 Honda Gold Wing Interstate 
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #13 on: May 13, 2021, 07:02:04 am »

We have already contacted the states of West Virginia and Virginia for maps.  If we get enough, there will be one of each in every registration packet.
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Re: STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!
« Reply #14 on: May 13, 2021, 09:16:11 am »

I started playing around with the routes, maps, gps, route site, etc. this morning and I have to agree with Carl somewhat.  Just using route 10 as an example, the route instructions are hard to follow.  Part of that is because of where waypoints may have been put into the routes.

For example on route 10…

8…turn right onto Wren st
9…turn right onto water street
10…turn left onto Clements St
11..turn right onto S Fork Road

Could all be simplified by saying…

When you get to Moorefield
Turn right on Old WV 55 (Winchester Ave)
Turn right on WV 7 (S Fork Road)

The routes sometimes take you on village back streets.  My guess is that the software is set up to take the shortest distance.

Now….HOW did I figure this out? 

On my computer I have loaded a GPX viewer and recorder.  So when I click on the GPX designation for route 10, it comes up and shows me the complete route.  When I focus in on the route, I can see the way it goes in detail, and read both the street names and route numbers. 

I admit that this will take everyone a little time and effort to work out, and that some of these little roads don’t show well on the state maps.  However, as I’ve stated before, it’s OK to bypass some of these little roads and just stay on the major state routes.  Like this…

Come out of park and turn right/south onto 32.  Got to Harmon and turn left onto 33. Got to Senaca Rocks and turn left onto 28.  Go to Petersburg and take 220 to Moorefield. Turn right on 55, turn left on 29, turn left on 50 to Romney.

That’s the 90% of 1st half of route 10, except it leaves out some of the little roads that hardly show on state maps and would be hard to follow without a GPS.

But why not just break down and get a GPS?  Even a cheap one designed for a car can work on many of these routes.
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