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Forum > STAR 2021

STAR 2021 Routes Website is online!

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I want everyone to know, that I was not complaining, but I want to make it better and easier for everyone, especially someone that might be new to the STAR so that they don't get disappointed and never come back.

I am also willing to be part of the solution and explain how I make routes and maps.
Does that mean that I am willing to put on a short seminar at STAR.  Yes.
I am also willing to help someone on the phone for these routes if they would like to contact me.

As far as break down and get a GPS.  I am on my 2nd Garmin for a car.  The last that I bought is less than 2 years old. 

But, Garmin does not recommend using a car version on a cycle with the vibration as well as the rain if it happens.
As much as I like it in a cage, using it many times per month, even on routes that I know, I just like riding without a GPS.
But, maybe in the future this old dog will change.


I certainly appreciate your concern and your desire to make this STAR a great experience for everyone.  I’m going to try and help too.

I’ve printed out all of the PDF versions of the road routes and will be going through them.  I’ll try to come up with simple turn by turn instructions for them, using primarily the state route numbers.  However, that might mean having to eliminate parts of them, so as to make them less confusing so someone not using a GPS.  I’ll bring them along with me to STAR (along with a copy machine/printer that I was already bringing) and five out copies to the people that REALLY need them.

I’ll add this…..I used to attend TRISTAR without a GPS and every year I would get messed up on a route.  Once I got a GPS and loaded routes into it, I found myself on great roads that I never even knew existed.  I’d never go back to not having one again.  Worth every penny.

Pat I was in the same boat, recall having trouble following routes at a few events, Tri-STAR was one of them. I bought a cheap car GPS (Nuvi something) that I connected in a poor way initially, and over time got that setup better. But it was invaluable following routes at events, and then when traveling out west to new places it was great to have to find the hotels, gas, places to eat. Then I started doing my own routes in the GPS, often for after an event or the ride there and back. Over time I needed something better, and the screen was starting to develop glitches. I still use it some since the Zumo I have only has the one dock attached to the main touring bike.

Pre GPS I recall reviewing maps and turn by turn directions for the routes at events and just eliminating pieces I didn't think I could follow.

Having a route sheet which includes both road names and numbers is certainly desirable, but I have yet to see any software package that includes both. I used to create a route, download the turn-by-turn instructions from the software into an Excel file, and then tweak the instructions to fit a format that I liked better and would also include other info...like both names and numbers. But doing that was mind-numbingly tedious and it took an immense amount of time.

I’ve found that the older version of Microsoft Street and Trips shows both street names and route numbers in their turn by turn instructions.  However, it also shows a lot of “extra” instructions, especially when state routes combine with each other for a period of time.  So it’s important to read those instructions carefully and ignore the ones not needed. 

I’m in the midst of going through the routes and coming up with S&T versions that I can use to give simple written instructions.


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