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Author Topic: Fly-By Week Update- May, 8, 2018  (Read 15118 times)

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Offline normkern

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  • Norm Kern
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Fly-By Week Update- May, 8, 2018
« on: May 08, 2018, 09:25:40 am »
Went to Marietta last weekend to do some riding and and work on FBWeek routes.

Routes- I had hoped to create a "country lanes" scenic backroads route for riding at a leisurely pace and worked on part of it last year. Unfortunately last winter was not kind to these roads, creating slips, broken pavement, gravel and potholes, so I'm designating it as a "mostly paved adventure route." It's a lot of fun if you're on an adventure bike- Even if you've never ridden gravel before, you'll get a taste of it, but not enough to wear you out. Ron Vess got a kick out of it on his Africa Twin. I rode the whole thing on my FJR, so how hard could it be? The second adventure route will be on Ohio West of Marietta near Wayne National Forest and will have plenty of gravel and dirt roads. I'll be working on that one with a local rider who knows all the good stuff.

Best Western Marietta Hotel- Under new ownership this year, they are doing well. Double rooms will be about $75 plus tax and include a free breakfast buffet with good bacon and sausage, real scrambled eggs etc. There is also a bar and restaurant in the hotel that has reasonably priced drinks and a menu of sandwiches and dinner entrees including great steaks and BBQ ribs. The MSTA deal and block of rooms closes on August 10, so get your event registration and room booking in early!

Time's-a-wastin! Make your plans and register now.

Event registration and full info at http://www.planetreg.com/Fly-ByWeek2018

Norm Kern
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 09:43:33 am by normkern »


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