Events > Fall Colors

Fall Colors Reservation Information

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--- Quote from: touringman on September 27, 2021, 11:06:12 pm ---Hello everyone,  I'm overjoyed at the interest in Fall Colors this year!! Please make your reservation ASAP to make sure you nail down our special rate. It looks like we will have a record group for the Early Bird Dinner on Thursday night! If you are towing, or just have a four wheel vehicle,  please give us a hand transporting folks to Food and Friends Thursday night.  We will be leaving  the Quality Inn parking lot around 6:10 to start ferry⁰ing folks to the restaurant.  We'll aĺ meet in the QI parking lot by 6:10. So far,  I've had a problem finding a public mode of transportation to take a larger group,  but I'm still  trying.  Love you guys,  and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! Please forgive me if I don't remember everyone's name immediately! It's been a long two years,  and my brain isn't quite as sharp as it once was! I will be forwarding further information about the menu. They have a "bus menu " which may insure faster service for you, if you find an item you like.  I will try to upload the menus here for you. You are welcome order anything you wish from the menu,  but some  entrees may require a little more time.  I assure you that you will be satisfied with whatever you chose.  Updates may follow! Thanks, Syd

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Way to go Syd. Glad to hear we may have a record turnout, and it's definitely been a long couple years. Steve and I (along with a 3rd) will be heading down Thursday, but don't expect to get there in time for the group dinner. Y'all have fun, we'll see you in the hotel lot later for refreshments.

Looking forward to seeing you guys,  and everyone else! We have dinner reservations at Food And Friends at 6:30 tomorrow night.  That means we'll  start ferrying people to the restaurant at about 6:10, meeting in front of my room  (117). A SPECIAL NOTICETO ALL WHO WILL BE ON 4 WHEELS!!!!, PLEASE TRY TO HAVE YOUR VEHICLE PREPARED TO HELP CARRY FOLKS BACK AND FORTH TO THE RESTAURANT!!! This would be extremely helpful.  I am in Lewisburg, sipping on a beverage right now,  and I'm excited about the Ride and the weather!  See 'ya when you get here.  Syd


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