Main Forums > Welcome Mat
New member in Cherryville, NC
--- Quote from: Patmo on September 17, 2021, 05:12:06 pm ---
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on September 17, 2021, 04:14:17 pm ---Welcome from East Tennessee! I have to admit that I've always admired the 1100 Breva. If I could have put my hands on one, I'd hoped to ride it in the 2005 Iron Butt Rally.
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In the Hopeless Class, no doubt. :)
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It might have been considered so. The IBR was won on a Guzzi once upon a time...even though it did finish on only one cylinder.
Welcome and look forward to making your acquaintance at a future event. I see you plan to come to FCR - see you there.
--- Quote from: Phlip on September 16, 2021, 03:11:06 pm ---Thanks guys.
--- Quote from: Brick on September 16, 2021, 03:54:31 am ---Flip I posted on COFSTA that some of us are riding up to the MSTA’s Fall Colors rally, you should join us.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Brick, that sounds good but I can't commit yet. I may be going to Austin with my son that weekend. I'll have to wait to hear from him to see if he will be off that weekend. He is currently off the grid at Fort Leonard Wood, MO. He an a few others have been camping out and blowing stuff up and jumping in a lake out of a helicopter and other fun stuff for the last several weeks.
Okay, my Texas trip is cancelled and I have my room is booked for the Fall Colors Rally. I'll be tagging along with the Old Farts from NC.
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Excellent see you there. Weather forecast is looking good, hope that holds. Cold and wet is often a big part of FCR, a warmer/dry event is welcome.
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