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Forum > Just For Fun Ride Reports

What no Tri-Star reports???

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Living vicariously through others, looking for a report from Spata. Didn't anyone have fun???   TM

A small but very enthusiastic group of riders assembled in Sparta, NC for TriSTAR 2022.

I arrived Thursday in somewhat rainy weather along with about a half dozen of us. After carpooling down to the Mexican restaurant at the far end of town, several of us had a fine dinner.
Friday started out a bit damp, but riders kept arriving. By the end of the day, we had 20-24 riders. I rode up to Burke's Garden with 3 others to sample Mattie's Place for a sandwich. It was good. The roads were a bit damp, and we even caught up with a bit of rain late in the day, but it was still fun.
As usual, Saturday, we split up into small groups and everyone was gone from the Alleghany Inn by mid morning. I decided to ride "Jim's Lunch Ride" which turned out to mirror the first part of the Burke's Garden route. But once it split off, it was well worth the duplication. It was a drop dead beautiful day with sunny skies and temps ranging from the 60s up to the low 70s. I'd much rather have these slightly cool temperatures than 90 degrees. About 1/2 of us carpooled out to a BBQ joint on US221...nice.
About 1/2 of the attendees needed to head home on Sunday, but the other half headed out for more fun. I rode out with a couple of other guys for the Indian Valley route. I remember having done this route maybe 15+ years ago, but I have been busy with other things in recent years. It was an absolute hoot to get out and ride curvy roads for 3 consecutive days! We carpooled back to the Mexican restaurant for our "traditional" Sunday night dinner (my 4-wheeler got a workout).
Monday dawned with everyone prepping to head out.

And a good time was had by all.

Working on it for the website, but I’ve also had a lot of STAR stuff to do, so look for it sometime this weekend.

Hey everyone….post your pictures up on the MSTA Smugmug site…….there’s a link for uploading pictures in the Members Only section.

Thank you Geoffrey and Pat. Glad it was a good time had by all. Maybe next year, ;)    TM


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