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Forum > STAR 2023
STAR 2023 / STAR '23
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I've been up there for lunch 3 times. The first time Roger White and I were told at the bottom of the mountain they didn't allow motorcycles up the mountain. We left disgusted. Later we heard they WERE now allowing motorcycles. I've had lunch there twice since then. Great view. Mediocre lunch. I hadn't heard one way or the other about being closed...I'd rather eat fast food.
I went by the Holiday Inn today to pick up the bike and return it to the dealership. Done.
While there, the folks at the HI told me they'd found a set of headphones and I have them. They are black with a different color trim. And since this unit is equipped with a microphone as well, I'm thinking it must be for a phone or some other communication device. It has a double plug for USB and a round stereo plug...the round plug seems to fit my phone.
If you lost such a thing at STAR, let me know.
I for one, had a great time at STAR and thought that everything went very well. The folks at HI were very accommodating and helpful. The staff was great and banquet was very nice. I enjoyed every minute I was there and sure appreciate everyone's efforts. If you didn't make it you sure missed a good one. The weather in east TN mostly cooperated and when it was not raining (just a low number of riding hours) it was just beautiful !!! Of course the scenery and roads were just fabulous, without saying. Thank you so much to Geoffrey G. and the STAR committee for a job well done.
I will second that!
--- Quote from: STLTHMSTA on June 17, 2023, 08:14:00 am ---I for one, had a great time at STAR and thought that everything went very well. The folks ar HI were very accommodating and helpful. The staff was great and banquet was very nice. I enjoyed every minute I was there and sure appreciate everyone's efforts. If you didn't make it you sure missed a good one. The weather in east TN mostly cooperated and when it was not raining (just a low number of riding hours) it was just beautiful !!! Of course the scenery and roads were just fabulous, without saying. Thank you so much to Geoffrey G. and the STAR committee for a job well done.
--- End quote --- We ride, and for the great routes, we HAVE to acknowledge Roger White. He laid out all of the street routes except S11 (I take the blame for that insanity). Roger is our local routing guru for sure! Norm Kern massaged the routes to be consistent with what we've done in the past...nice! And one of our local friends, Kenny Haynes, was involved with the adventure routes...he wasn't around during STAR because he was probably out doing a BDR or the TAT or something. He's one of those guys that dances aboard his "too big" adventure bikes and rides them like they are real dirt bikes. And to double and triple check the routes, some of our friends were coerced into loading the early versions of the routes on their various gps units to hopefully find any anomalies as we rode and re-rode the routes. Diana Davis did the ride boards. And the "STAR" balloons that were suspending the signs above the ride boards got moved into the banquet Wednesday. Rather than popping those balloons prior to the banquet, they added to the festive feelings of that dinner as well as they floated around. I thought that was cool. The national STAR committee did great! And none of this, and I mean NONE, could have happened without the many folks who stepped up as volunteers to do whatever needed to be done. My hat is off to each of you.
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