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Forum > STAR 2023
STAR 2023 / STAR '23
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Looks like a good choice for the lunch ride spot.
And just to clarify one thing...there will be pulled pork AND pulled chicken along with the sides and drinks. The sauce will be served on the side...probably mild and hot. Personally, I like it all.
--- Quote from: HawkGTRider on March 16, 2023, 04:02:49 pm ---And just to clarify one thing...there will be pulled pork AND pulled chicken along with the sides and drinks. The sauce will be served on the side...probably mild and hot. Personally, I like it all.
--- End quote --- That will make both myself and Stacie happy!
If you haven't put STAR on your calendar, do it NOW! It's going to be FUN! Welcome meeting will be Saturday night (rather than Sunday) since so many of the attendees have started showing up "early". Routes are done but being checked and rechecked to make sure they do what we want them to do. Backroads Roger White has a fine collection of routes and I've added one (watch for the "BS" route) because he can't have all the fun. The lunch ride Tuesday will be catered by Buddy's BBQ and will serve pulled pork AND chicken, sides, and drinks. What a deal for only $15!! Routes will include Deal's Gap/Tail of the Dragon, the Cherohala Skyway, the Foothills Parkway, the Devi's Triangle, and so much more!
It's only 2 months now until STAR. I'm looking forward to seeing you here in my home town...Knoxville, TN.
Slightly off topic question for the TN people. What's the deal with McCloud mountain. Google says the restaurant is closed. Can I still ride up there? It looks like a fun place to visit on the way to Star.
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