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Forum > STAR 2022 Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Get yourself tested...

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I'm sorry to hear of folks getting sick, hope everyone recovers quickly.

I did 2 home tests a day apart after getting back, both were negative. Since those tests aren't as good, I'll get a proper test at work tomorrow to be sure.

FWIW, I am fully vaxxed and have had the boosters twice.

Let's be careful out there...

Paco Bulto:
Glad that you are doing well Bryan. It seems this latest virus is puzzling in who it affects. I also am fully vaxxed and double boosted, but it got me. My son shared a room with me at STAR and has been unaffected. The only difference is that David got the original Covid 19 before the vaccines were available and has since been twice vaxxed and twice boosted.


FWIW, I am fully vaxxed and have had the boosters twice.

Let's be careful out there...

Thanks Sgt. Hillstreet ;)

Well, we both tested positive, me last night and Denise this morning. The Mayo Clinic system has a injection through a vein that can be given if minor symptoms and within the first 2 days, unhospitalized. It has been used on over 250,000 people with good results. It is supposed to help in the recovery process and ward off major symptoms, before they get out of hand, especially poor breathing and oxygen deficiencies.
We went this morning for me to receive the injection, and while there, they asked Denise if she would like it also. She only had a small cough. I had a cough and sore all over last night, but went away with Advil.
Now we have to wait 60 days before we can get the 2nd booster.

Hope everyone else is doing good.

Paco Bulto:
I am doing very well today and should be back to normal (or as normal as I ever get ;D) in another day. My oxygen never did get below 97 and is 99 today, so it evidently didn't affect my lungs.


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