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Forum > STAR 2022 Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Get yourself tested...
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That is my experience also. I'm feeling fine (or a good as usual) and still tested + today. Current protocol at work is 5 days of quarantine after testing + and mask up. I'm still on vacation from after STAR so it won't be an issue there. But it sure is discouraging to see the 2 lines show up. TM
Here is what Mayo Clinic sent to me when I asked that same question. "You could test positive for as long as 90 days (but not likely). You are no longer considered contagious. Please follow your local health department regarding quarantine and isolation guidelines. Most local health departments will tell you to isolate for the first 5 days from when symptoms started then you may go out in public with a mask on for the next 5 days until the 10 day period is over, then you are in the clear."
Ok, I know I've been told this before but I really AM negative this time. ;) I'm good to go. Unfortunately it's go to work tomorrow. It's been a nice ride, I've been off since STAR. TM
Paco Bulto:
Same here, Tom. Except I don't have work to go back to. ;)
--- Quote from: STLTHMSTA on July 06, 2022, 09:24:00 pm ---Ok, I know I've been told this before but I really AM negative this time. ;) I'm good to go. Unfortunately it's go to work tomorrow. It's been a nice ride, I've been off since STAR. TM
--- End quote --- Paid leave???? Or forced to use vacation time...
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