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Forum > STAR 2022 Cape Girardeau, Missouri

Get yourself tested...

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I was at a conference from work last week, one of my co-workers had a really raspy voice, said he got a scratchy throat bothering him after the first night in the hotel. When he got home on Friday he tested and was positive. I took 2 tests over the next few days and was negative.

I hope everybody avoids any serious issues and that most who test are negative. This stuff isn't gone and most people at most larger gatherings are going without masks, which is fine. I saw one of our vendors wearing a mask, a few staff at the hotel too. Just have to make sure you get tested quickly if not feeling right.

I tested negative this morning and feel fine

Paco Bulto:
I felt ok yesterday morning when I left, but by the time I got home after a 3 hour ride in the heat I didn't feel very good. Thought it must be the effects of the heat. Sore throat, cough and upper body aches today but I tested positive.

Fred Z.

Oooooh Noooooo!! Does this make us no better than the folks at Sturgis??  LOL Percentage-wise we might.
Best to all and let's hope this doesn't get too bad. TM

I'll retest the middle of next week which will be 6-7 days after I first noticed I was congested.

The people I spent the most time around, including my roommate at STAR, have all tested negative. So maybe I didn't share it with anyone else. I'll gain a little consolation from that.

If this crap is still around next year and I'm doing registration again, perhaps being masked during those days wouldn't be a terrible idea.


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