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Forum > Regional Rallies

Calendar Planning for 2023

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I put together a years long calendar for the Florida membership, which includes our twice monthly RTEs and as many other events that I can find to promote.
To avoid conflicts with our RTEs, I schedule our events to not occur on your event weekends.  We always include the regional events from April to November.  Many of our FL membership regularly attend the SE events. 

The question for today:  will most of the event planners continue to host their rallies on the same weekends for 2023?  The day/date shift is a given.

Thanks, Van  FL State Co-Director

TriSTAR in Sparta, NC will be Memorial Day weekend from Thursday through Monday as has been done in the past. I look forward to seeing a good contingent of folks from all over at the Alleghany Inn that weekend.

Bull Shoals Rally is always the weekend after Labor Day in Theodosia Missouri.

The answer is yes…within the parameter that the weekend date can change by a few days one way or the other based on how the calendar changes. But yes, most rallies tend to be held on just about the same weekend every year.  We normally have the complete calendar set up by the first of the new year.

I’m setting up a NEW JFF event in Kentucky for 2023.  It will be held July 2-4 (Sun-Tues) at the Little Abner Motel in Slade, Ky……the new Red River Gorge JFF Rally!

I’ll have detail up in a few days here, they are already posted on Facebook.


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