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Forum > Welcome Mat

New Member From Indiana

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Greetings Everyone!

I'm a new guy from Indiana, (West Lafayatte) and am just finding out about MSTA. Sounds like an excellent organization! I am looking forward to learning more about it.

A little bit about me: I just turned 60 and have been riding for 25+ years. BUT, that is misleading because most of my 30K miles are from the 1-2 summer trips I like to do each year with my buddies. I like to ride in the Smokies for sure, (The Cherohala Skyway is a personal favorite) but I don't get to do it very often. I can be talked into other places as well (Northeastern GA, Arkansas, MO, OH, WI..... In short: I like red, orange, and yellow roads on my Butler Maps!!). I am probably a beginner / intermediate in terms of skill level, been tempted but never did a track day or anything like that, and would like to learn from anyone willing to share safety / skills tips with me.

I haven't found too many interesting roads in Northeastern IN. Things are mostly flat and straight. If anyone knows of any good ones, please let me know! It takes a few hours for me to get to the more interesting parts of IN, south of Bloomington ish. So, that tends to cut down on the miles and number of times I hop on the bike. For the most part I'll either use the bike to go 5 miles to get the random gallon of milk at the store (helmet only, always feels wrong!) or gear up and go on a week long trip. I tend not to commute (though I have) or use my bike as primary transportation mostly because of the time to get in and out of the safety gear for what is primarily "city driving" anyway..... I dunno, does that disqualify me from MSTA?

I have a 2008 Honda VFR 800F. It's a tight fit but my wife does like to ride with me every now and then. I learned about MSTA from a new friend and I plan on going with him and his group to STAR 23. Any other events you guys might suggest?

Stay safe and have a great day!

Cheers everyone!

Welcome!  Good group in Indiana and they are very active.  There are several smaller events that we have that you should consider attending.  1st on the list as far as being close to you is the River City Ride in Corydon, Indiana that happens in late July. Follow that one up with the Red River Gorge rally in east-central KY in early August, and then FlyBy Week, held in SE Ohio, in late August.  All of them will feature good people to ride with on great roads. You can find information about them here in the forum or on the website (www.ridemsta.com). You really can’t go wrong with any of the MSTA rallies thought, they are all great.  See you at STAR!

Thanks! I'll look into those.


--- Quote from: Silverstreak on March 25, 2023, 01:28:29 pm ---Greetings Everyone!

I'm a new guy from Indiana, (West Lafayatte) and am just finding out about MSTA. Sounds like an excellent organization! I am looking forward to learning more about it.

I have a 2008 Honda VFR 800F. It's a tight fit but my wife does like to ride with me every now and then. I learned about MSTA from a new friend and I plan on going with him and his group to STAR 23. Any other events you guys might suggest?

Stay safe and have a great day!

--- End quote ---

You should be able to reach the Cherohala while you're at  STAR in Knoxville.
I'm a former VFR 800 owner. (1998). It's a great bike.
I live near Asheville NC and can help with routes in the Appalachian's, just contact me.

Welcome to the MSTA from the flat part of Ohio.


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