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Forum > Arkansas
RTE: November 16, 2024 Grumpy's Hamburger Barn
Well November is almost here and I wanted to schedule our next Ride To Eat for the month. Let's ride to Grumpys Burger Barn on Saturday November 16, 2024. Let's meet there at 11:30AM. The address is : 14499 AR-21, Ozone, AR 72854
This is Randy's new place, the great chef from the Catalpa Cafe. The food is always good. We can also run down and see Dustin & Kate at the
Let's Ride!
This upcoming Saturday is our RTE to Grumpy's Burger Barn. The weather forecast looks amazing, so we should have a great turn out. Can't wait to see you all there.
If you have time, don't forget to stop by the So Live So Ride Moto Ranch! - on you way to or from the event. Dustin Lee Coit & Kate Bonczek Coit have built a moto dream place, so go check it out!
Oh so tempting...but I can't do a turn around for lunch and be home Saturday night this weekend. Maybe another time.
Have a great lunch!
That is what I was also thinking, to hard to make it back home in the coming weather. It is about 700 miles for Owatonna, MN and we have some rain coming in the next few days as well as maybe some snow. About 90 miles NW of us there was a Halloween snow this year of about 8 inches. They still have some in piles that were pushed off the streets. If you get near Bentonville, check out the Sam Walton Dime Store/Museum downtown. There is a photo of Denise with Sam Walton when he came to the Grand Opening of the first WM in Minnesota, which was Owatonna. Denise was there during set-up and continued for over 38 years as Paint & Hardware Dept Manager. She had been to Bentonville several times for meetings through the years and we also stopped there when on a few MSTA Rallies in Ark.
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