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Author Topic: Assistance list  (Read 15227 times)

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Offline Brick

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Assistance list
« on: July 21, 2014, 04:09:31 pm »
This was posted to the Super Tenere' list from the FJR list... looks interesting to me. They suggest it go to others... we are others.
What say Ya'll?

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  Posted 17 February 2013 - 07:55 PM
The Assistance List, version 3 is now out of beta and is available for you to sign up!


 Version 1: Gypsy started the FJR Assistance List in Feb 2006
 Version 2: Bungie took over the FJR Assistance List in Feb of 2009.
 Version 3: Bungie launches the AssistanceList.com in Feb 2013!
So, what is new and how does it affect me.
  • The assistance list is no longer manually maintained. You maintain your own data via the website
  • The list is available on demand 24/7. Ready for printing or for downloading the GPX file.
  • It is no longer just the FJR list. It is for any group or organization who wants to have their own list. You decide which groups you want to participate in. Your information is only available to the groups you join. This can greatly expand the the amount of, and reduce distance to, the help you require. If your a member of another forum and want to start a list, just send me an email and I'll add it.
  • You can filter the list for only specific countries, state/provinces or even assistance types. Keeping the size small for printing.
  • Secure, the assistance list uses your email address to send you a 24 hour access code, after that 24 hours, you must generate another access code.
  • The assistance list is Telephony enabled! This means we can send out Text Messages in real time in addition to email when you request assistance.
  • You can access the assistance list at any time from any device. Desktop, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Speaking of Spot Trackers, we've wired up your Spot Tracker directly to the assistance list. Press HELP and we'll contact as many people as you define via email and via text message in addition to any members within a 100 mile radius of your location. That's right, the list is now fully location aware.
  • When we know your location, we even send a google map link to your exact location in both email and text message so responders know exactly where you are.
  • Don't have the list printed or on your GPS. Text our number with your location and we'll contact your Spot Contacts via email/SMS.
The assistance list has been, and will continue to be free. You can use it to participate and generate a list or GPX file and seek help in any way you see fit. Just like always.
However, the telephony component (Text Messages, Voice access which is coming soon!) will carry a $5.00 Cdn charge for each incident request. It doesn't matter if we send out 1 or a 100 SMS Text messages, it is still the same rate. This is to cover the cost of providing that service and to offset the cost of running the website. I seriously doubt anybody will be getting rich off this.
You have a 3 day grace period from the date of sign up to configure and test the website SMS functionality and I will wave the charges. Don't kill me m'kay! It shouldn't take more than a couple of tries to verify it works. After that, add as many 'Spot Contacts' in both email and telephone and your good to go.
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Re: Assistance list
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2014, 11:26:17 am »
Wow, what a cool and potentially helpful idea.

The SPOT help button feature is really a great idea for when you are far from the buddy your sending a message.
I still dislike forums...


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