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Author Topic: Exploring Western Kentucky Parks...part 3  (Read 13935 times)

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Offline Patmo

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Exploring Western Kentucky Parks...part 3
« on: July 25, 2014, 06:42:50 am »
Good morning!  At the speed I write and post, it will take me almost as long to write this report up, as it did to ride it!   :-*

When last I left you, I was at the Kentucky Dam Village.  From there, I continued my westward trek toward the far reaches of the Bluegrass state.  Along the way, I found an unusual rest stop......Whitehaven.  No one can deny that Kentucky has class after seeing this highway "rest stop".  Located off of I-24, at the route 62 exit, it is probably the most unusual and nicest rest stop I have ever seen.  Historical too!

photo 1......Whitehaven

photo 2....the story

After a quick stop to grab some pictures, I continued on my way west.  I was heading now for the western edge of the state, and very near where the Ohio river flows into the Mississippi. Those of you that have read Mark Twain's book about Huck Finn will recall the spot near Cairo, Illinois and how Jim and Huck missed getting off and heading up the Ohio, and into the "free states"......funny how literature comes to life at times, isn't it?  My next stop was the town of Wickliffe and the Wickliffe Mounds.

The Wickliffe Mounds is a prehistoric archeological site about 3 miles from the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers.  This site has been linked with others along the Ohio River in Illinois and Kentucky.  it is believed that native Americans lived at this site as long ago as 1000 CE, and was abandoned somewhere around 1350 CE.  Digs have been going on here since 1913.....over 100 years of exploration.  Unfortunately, it was closed on Tuesday and I could not do any exploring myself.

photo 3....the sign at the road

photo 4...the locked gate  :-\

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not all that wander are lost


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