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Forum > Just For Fun Ride Reports

Exploring Western Kentucky Parks...part 4


My next stop was only about 20 miles away, and turned out to be one of the biggest surprises of the trip, and one stop I definitely want to revisit someday.....Columbus-Belmont State Park.  On the shores of the Mississippi River, it is the site of a CONFEDERATE fortification built during the Civil War.  The "Rebs" knew, as the Union did to, that control of the Mississippi River was a key to success in the western theatre of the war.  Sitting on a high bluff, overlooking Missouri and at a bend in the river, this site was a perfect spot to harass and stop northern gunboats and supply vessels from reaching the Union armies of the west.  Confederate General Leonidas Polk fortified the area beginning in September of 1861.  Polk referred to the fort as the "Gibraltar of the West".  He equipped it with a massive chain that stretched across the Mississippi to block passage of any boats heading down to the south.  He equipped the earthen fort with 143 cannon.  it was the Northern-most Confederate base along the Mississippi and a key to Confederate supply lines.  The battle fought across the river at Belmont was the first combat test of the war for Ulysses S Grant.  This park has plenty of picnic areas and playgrounds, a museum, and even a snack store in a reproduction log building...along with PLENTY of large shade trees.  One of the nicest parks I have visited anywhere in the state.   :)

photo 1.....the park sign on route 80

photo 2-5.....views around the park

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