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Author Topic: Charity event at AMA Museum Sept. 7  (Read 14866 times)

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Offline doug mcpeek

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Charity event at AMA Museum Sept. 7
« on: August 18, 2014, 10:45:30 pm »

I received this message from Andrew and am passing it on .

"I want to let you know about a event at the AMA Museum on Sept 7th. I do annual Fundraiser for kids'nKamp, a 10,000 mile/ 10 day Solo Ride. This Year I have partnerd with the AMA and will be having a Launch Party/Ride at the AMA Museum in Pickerington. Before I hit the rode, We are planing a group ride around the 270 loop basically to let everyone be involved in the Fundraiser. If all goes well, there should be a large number of bikes. I know its not the typical kind of riding we all like to do(270 loop), but its more about bringing awareness to the cause. I wanted to ask if you would be able to organize a ride that day and incorporate being at the Museum for a bit and then join in on the Launch. The AMA is doing free admission that day for the fundraiser attendees. There will be live music (The Dan Orr Project, silent auction, Live auction, beverages, hot dog, 50/50 raffle, etc) Riders who donate $20 will receive a T-shirt as well. Let me know your thoughts, any help promoting the Ride would be greatly appreciated. When I return, I look forward to participating in group rides with everyone.  Thanks again!"

Ohio MSTA State Director
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