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Forum > Just For Fun Ride Reports
Slaying The Dragon With an Old Friend
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Nice video and read. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, that was excellent! However I think that if I were scraping that much I would work on my suspension before I got tossed in the weeds. At least crank on some more preload. Just my $.02 worth. YMMV You should do more video... you are good!
--- Quote from: Brick on March 14, 2014, 10:55:10 pm ---Wow, that was excellent! However I think that if I were scraping that much I would work on my suspension before I got tossed in the weeds. At least crank on some more preload. Just my $.02 worth. YMMV You should do more video... you are good!
--- End quote --- Excellent point Brick.
--- Quote from: OldButNotDead on March 15, 2014, 08:42:58 am --- --- Quote from: Brick on March 14, 2014, 10:55:10 pm ---Wow, that was excellent! However I think that if I were scraping that much I would work on my suspension before I got tossed in the weeds. At least crank on some more preload. Just my $.02 worth. YMMV You should do more video... you are good!
--- End quote --- Excellent point Brick.
--- End quote ---
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
My buddy hasn't had that strom very long and he is still getting it sorted to his liking. He has mentioned a stiffer spring and I have a feeling he will be removing the center stand. That's what keeps touching down.
Adam, Although I have ridden with more Wee Strom riders than its big brother, I had always thought under normal conditions it had LOTS of clearance. I had an 06 FJR, which I think you are very familiar with, which I would occasionally scrape pegs on. A lot more than I thought it should. I weigh 240lbs nekked, and would always put way more than I needed in my bags. I spent about $280 on a set up HyperPro springs, front and rear. Best bang for the money I ever spent. Spring compression in twisties was drastically reduced and scraping just about eliminated. I would highly recommend that your friend look into a set. Rod
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