Thread Archive > STAR 2015

Motorcycling in Arkansas official state website

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At the Cleveland motorcycle show the State of Arkansas Tourism department had a table set up, handing out lots of information about riding there.  I picked up their information packet and brought it home.  Finally had a chance this morning to sit down and start going through it, and what I found I want to share....lots of GREAT information.

They actually put out a complete official MOTORCYCLE guide for the state.  You can get your copy online by going to Lots of routes, places to see, places to stay, and discount information included.  They even have DUAL SPORT routes listed and shown in it!  In addition, you can also download or order many similar booklets that are put out by the cities/towns themselves...such as Eureka Springs and Harrison.

There is a listing. with links, for many other motorcycle events being held in Arkansas this year.  Most are cruiser/HD events of course, but the BMWOA has their event listed as well.   Perhaps we should go ahead and put STAR on the list, with links to this site and information about the MSTA?  It looks like it's free to do so!

From the looks of things, this is one state that GETS IT!

I agree it would be a great idea to put us on there... Now it's in the hands of the EC.  8)

Arkansas really markets the motorcyclist.
A couple of years back they even sent a CD with video of the great roads. -JEP-

Arkansas had already gone to print with this edition, so we are not included as an event.
But, we have plenty of these booklets for everyone attending STAR.
There are several dual sport routes in there also. 
The State actually did a great job on these, they understand what kind of revenues come from these events.
The big Bikes, Blues and Bar-b-que rally in Fayetteville in October has become one of the largest in the country.  I is the largest rally for charity in the country now.

Arkansas also has a 'Motorcycle Riding Guide of the Ozarks' available too... Harrison, Arkansas puts it out. Call 870 741-1789 or go to
I think there is also one for Eureka Springs too...I'll check and see if I have a copy at home....
For anyone who wants to find other interesting things to see and do while at STAR you can order a 2015 Arkansas Tour Guide.
Looks like there should be plenty to see and do if one wants too.....


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