Main Forums > General Discussion
WeekDAY rallies?
Just a general question for y’all……
What are your thoughts regarding doing a regional rally during the WEEK… from a Sunday-Wednesday/Thursday?
Many venues are more available those days (especially during the summer months) and the rates are generally better.
Less traffic on the roads too. I realize that it might be a deal breaker for some that work, but with enough notice could it be managed?
I’m retired so it works for me.
Like Phil I too am retired so it would work for me.
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While this will appeal to our base, it does nothing for recruitment. I was 51 when I bought the VFR and sought out MSTA. While I haven't made a rally since 2015, a draw for all the rallies I attended is that I did not have to use vacation time for at least some days.
It depends on the time of the year more than the day of the week for me. I'd be up for a mid-week event.
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