Thread Archive > STAR 2014

2014 STAR Photos


Hi All - The Boss and I are back home from our 41 day trip (which includes time at STAR).
I am currently editing the STAR photos.
Once I have completed the editing and receive photos from my contributing photographers (THANKS GUYS!), I will be mailing out the prints of the group photo and DVD to those folks that ordered them.
Photos will also be posted later to our MSTA Smugbug site for your viewing.
I hope to have this completed in the next few weeks.
In the meantime, there are already several photos posted on our site for viewing and comment.
Visit the site at:
Enjoy! -JEP-

To those members that ordered the 2014 STAR group photo and/or the CD, they are in the mail.
They should arrive this week.
Thank you for your patience. -JEP-

Okay boys and girls. The 2014 STAR photos are now on the Smugbug website.
They are best viewed using the "slideshow" feature.
A big thank you to the members that have contributed their photographs!
Enjoy. -JEP-


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