Flea Market > Wanted

KAW green left side bag

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They shot your front tag?  So this happened in a car? Was trying to understand how the traffic camera got a bike, since they usually take picture as you approach.

I have a simple rule, when I'm on a highway and enter towns I slow down, even without or before seeing a speed limit. Traffic, pedestrians, kids, pets all those hazards are a good reason to slow. I'm more likely to accelerate too soon leaving town, that's the last time I was pulled over (let off with a warning) for speeding. Still I've seen some of these speed traps and know how easy it can be to miss the sign, or not have enough time to slow.


--- Quote from: stevegrab on July 30, 2018, 10:29:33 am ---They shot your front tag?  So this happened in a car? Was trying to understand how the traffic camera got a bike, since they usually take picture as you approach.

I have a simple rule, when I'm on a highway and enter towns I slow down, even without or before seeing a speed limit. Traffic, pedestrians, kids, pets all those hazards are a good reason to slow. I'm more likely to accelerate too soon leaving town, that's the last time I was pulled over (let off with a warning) for speeding. Still I've seen some of these speed traps and know how easy it can be to miss the sign, or not have enough time to slow.

It was the car.  I don't recall going through the town.  It's 251 people spread down the banks of the OHIO river.  I wouldn't be surprised if the welcome to town sign and thanks for coming are on the same post!  I'm looking at this like when your dad popped you and you said I didn't do anything and he said BANK IT.  Plenty of times I should have gotten pinched and didn't.  It's just a road use tax.  Rat Bastards.
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