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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Herricane on September 02, 2016, 03:16:59 PM

Title: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Herricane on September 02, 2016, 03:16:59 PM
Since my doctor acted like I was crazy for asking, I figured I would turn to my MSTA family with this question.  I will soon be getting a 3-level cervical fusion and can't help but wonder if this means the end of my riding days. 

My surgeon will be going in through the front of my neck to remove and replace three discs with cadaver bone material and then secure them with 6 screws.  Then I will be flipped over and he will go into the back of my neck to place a rod and 4 more screws to insure a successful fusion. 

I would love to hear from any of you that have had, or know of someone else that has had the same or similar procedure and eventually returned to riding their bike again.
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Brick on September 02, 2016, 05:26:46 PM
Whoa!!! I've got no idea but certainly wish you the very best!

Let's Ride!
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Herricane on September 02, 2016, 05:28:23 PM
Whoa!!! I've got no idea but certainly wish you the very best!

Let's Ride!

Thank you Brick!  :)
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: HawkGTRider on September 03, 2016, 11:44:32 AM
Purely guessing here with some random thoughts...

Many people already think we are nuts for riding. Why would your surgeon be any different?

The surgery sounds like a huge investment of talent, training, money, time, and resources from a wide variety of sources. Maybe he thinks that investment in you would be wasted by exposing yourself to the many risks we accept as riders.

If you can tilt your head up and down and to either side as well as turning your head in either direction, it still sounds like a go to me. Altering the ergonomics of the bike, getting a different bike, or altering your riding style may help.

If the surgery leaves you more fragile with a high probability of riding having an effect on the results of the surgery, then it's up to you to decide how much risk you're willing to accept. You're already doing that. It's just one more factor to consider.
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: NinjaBob on September 04, 2016, 01:10:00 PM
Are you able to ride now? I assume you have some mighty bad symptoms now or you would not be considering this sugery. I also assume  (and wish you the best of luck on it) that the surgery will improve your symptoms. If so I see no reason to rule out riding.
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: ladtodt on September 05, 2016, 06:09:50 PM
It's pretty rare to find a surgeon who thinks riding is worth the risk.  That's why they look at you like you're crazy.  NinjaBob and HawkGTRider bring up the most important points to consider, IMHO.
Ask the doc if you can reasonably expect to turn your head side to side etc (show him/her what you mean) after surgery.
If that's a reasonable expectation, if I were in your shoes, I think I'd go for it. Be sure you allow enough time to recover fully. 
All surgeries have risks, All rides have risks.

Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: smcculloch84 on September 05, 2016, 07:18:49 PM
Yes there is.  It takes awhile to heal though - a few months initially to recover from surgery, and a few months after that to regain the neck strength and endurance you used to have.  My neurosurgeon thought I was nuts for asking as well.  Also, my college roommate had the procedure, and he is back to riding and skydiving.  The problem is that the surgery provides instant pain relief and you have to be good to allow your body to heal.  Not one of my strongpoints.
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Herricane on September 06, 2016, 04:04:18 PM
I feel so much better getting such positive responses from all of you!  Thank you very much for that.

I have not been able to ride (except for a trial ride to and from church that like to kill me) since my car accident that started this whole mess.  Needless to say I have been a little grumpier and a lot more sad since then as well. 

smcculloch84, it sounds like you've had the procedure too and I'm afraid that once I start feeling better, I'm going to want to rush my healing time as well.  Thank goodness I have my husband to keep me in line. :)

Thanks for all the well wishes everybody!!
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: copdocpvd on September 06, 2016, 04:38:08 PM
I had 5-6-7 fused four years ago, had 4-5 fused two years ago after the disc ruptured.  Doc says I have lost about 15% of range of motion, total.  Turning my head left is a lot easier than right, but I still ride every chance I get.

I'd be happy to talk to you about anything you like as far as the surgery and recovery go.
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Herricane on September 07, 2016, 09:58:04 AM
I had 5-6-7 fused four years ago, had 4-5 fused two years ago after the disc ruptured.  Doc says I have lost about 15% of range of motion, total.  Turning my head left is a lot easier than right, but I still ride every chance I get.

I'd be happy to talk to you about anything you like as far as the surgery and recovery go.

Wow Pete, I'm appreciate your post and it helps ease my anxiety about this whole thing.  I will probably have questions during my rehab post-op so thanks for your contact info!!  I'm glad to hear that you are still riding  :) 
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: stevegrab on September 07, 2016, 02:10:26 PM
Heck somebody showed up to STAR one year with a broken leg and said they had the doctor set it in a bent position so they could continue to ride.

I hope you can return to riding but be patient, and try to head the warnings of the medical experts. I know how vitally important riding is to many of us but try to weigh the risks/rewards.
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: STLTHMSTA on September 09, 2016, 09:52:02 AM
Brad Lackey (I believe) has a roll cage and I do mean roll cage on his DIRT BIKE and he is a paraplegic. No you're not crazy to think about riding again. You can use that as your goal for recovery, with a realistic attitude. The timing looks to be that you won't ride again this season. Prep your bike for storage, concentrate on recovery after surgery (first things first) and you'll have time over the winter to work towards your goal. As much as it pains me to say it, it won't be the worst thing to happen if you can't ride, and there are few things that mean more to me. You have to take a step at a time to determine if you will be able to return to riding. If you return too soon (I'll take it that you won't be motocrossing) then you might cause more damage or not be able to ride safely. You still have to consider family and other loved ones if you were to go beyond reasonable risks.
There is a certain long time member that suffered a great setback that ended his riding forever. However, he is still our friend and member and enjoys many of our events because of his attitude. Life threw lemons at him and he mashed them in to lemonade.
keep us posted of your progress,  TM
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Herricane on September 09, 2016, 11:27:16 AM
Brad Lackey (I believe) has a roll cage and I do mean roll cage on his DIRT BIKE and he is a paraplegic. No you're not crazy to think about riding again. You can use that as your goal for recovery, with a realistic attitude. The timing looks to be that you won't ride again this season. Prep your bike for storage, concentrate on recovery after surgery (first things first) and you'll have time over the winter to work towards your goal. As much as it pains me to say it, it won't be the worst thing to happen if you can't ride, and there are few things that mean more to me. You have to take a step at a time to determine if you will be able to return to riding. If you return too soon (I'll take it that you won't be motocrossing) then you might cause more damage or not be able to ride safely. You still have to consider family and other loved ones if you were to go beyond reasonable risks.
There is a certain long time member that suffered a great setback that ended his riding forever. However, he is still our friend and member and enjoys many of our events because of his attitude. Life threw lemons at him and he mashed them in to lemonade.
keep us posted of your progress,  TM

TM, thank you for this.  You're absolutely right in everything you said and I appreciate you sharing this with me very much.  I am bound and determined to make lemonade out of this situation. 

My injury will be my sermon for sure ... above everything, I trust God with this and trust that His plan is the best one.  He already knows my heart but I believe I'm going through this so I can move a few steps closer to knowing His heart.

I have already learned how caring and sweet this organization is just through this little thread and it has done wonders for my soul!!

I will be sure to post my progress for sure. 

I'm five days post-op and just looking forward to feeling better  :)
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Brick on September 10, 2016, 08:36:44 AM
Oh your five days post-op!!! I hadn't realized your surgery had happened. Best to you! I'll be thinking good stuff on you for a complete and speedy recovery!

Let's Ride!
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Herricane on September 10, 2016, 08:28:45 PM
Dangit... That's what pain meds will do to you ... I meant PRE op. Sorry. Surgery is the 14th.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: STLTHMSTA on September 11, 2016, 06:54:02 PM
Gee Brick, that's the pot calling the kettle a good way. Not to highjack this thread but how are you doing these days??

Also to Herricane, you need to stay away from those dang cars. Those things are dangerous.  :)  TM
Title: Re: Is There Motorcycle Life After A Multi-Level Cervical Fusion
Post by: Herricane on September 12, 2016, 10:14:33 AM

Also to Herricane, you need to stay away from those dang cars. Those things are dangerous.  :)  TM

HA!  I know right?  LOL!!!