MSTA Forums

Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Brick on September 03, 2015, 12:22:11 pm

Title: Western NC non-MSTA Rally
Post by: Brick on September 03, 2015, 12:22:11 pm
Like many of you I also ride with other groups besides the MSTA. Where I live, Morganton, NC there is a club, Knob Mountain North Carolina Motorcycle Chapter better known as the NC Knobbies. This club is loosely associated with BMW but ALL brands are welcome. We meet EVERY Sunday and ride... that is the great part someone is always riding somewhere. They also have an annual Rally right here in Morganton, NC. The dues for this club are $10 for life time membership... so most of you could afford it.

I'm attaching the Summer 2015 newsletter which tells about the rally and about the club a bit. Anyone want more information just ask.

 Well I couldn't attach the newsletter as it was 1.29MB... I'm guessing that is why it didn't attach???

However, if you want to find out more about the NC Knobbies go here: ( and if you want to find out about the Rally go here: (

Since I live 1/5 miles from the rally site AND I don't camp I won't be staying there.

Great folks and some of the best riding any where.

PLUS Morganton is 14 miles away from the VERY BEST BBQ ever!! ( I'm tellin' Ya'll you will love it!

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Title: Re: Western NC non-MSTA Rally
Post by: Patmo on September 03, 2015, 01:21:03 pm
Hey Brick...that's when Dave Kutney, Rick Barger, and I are going to rent a house just north of Ashville.  Guess we will have to ride over and check it out.  Thanks for the info.  Hope to see you there.

Title: Re: Western NC non-MSTA Rally
Post by: Brick on September 03, 2015, 03:15:02 pm
Pat excellent! Now remember a lot will be out riding during the day. You could ride over early and catch a ride. I-26 south to Asheville and I-40 east and you are there. Obviously the roads to and or from in the mtns are much better. Or I suppose you might be able to meet a ride in the mtns.