MSTA Forums

Main Forums => The Garage => Topic started by: Brick on March 17, 2016, 05:46:29 pm

Title: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Brick on March 17, 2016, 05:46:29 pm
I'm getting my mc heaven set up pretty well. It's not like Tom Bartel's Garagemahall but it all mine.
What does yours look like?
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: qman8 on March 18, 2016, 07:35:48 am
Mine is packed so tight you cant even turn around in there.  Please buy my Vstrom!
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Brick on March 18, 2016, 08:49:11 am
No thank you... Sorry.

Mine is packed so tight you cant even turn around in there.  Please buy my Vstrom!
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: fartymarty on March 19, 2016, 03:27:04 pm
I'm getting my mc heaven set up pretty well.

Very nice Brick! Heated and cooled it appears..and a sofa too....sweet! Dang, is that a bathroom in the corner? (<--green with envy emoticon goes here)
 It appears to be in a basement with an outside door?

Good timing on this post, I've recently started cleaning and reorganizing mine (garage, not basement, I'm in Texas where basements are rare). It's a long process when I've neglected it for so long. Other than openning it up to cram more stuff in it then quickly shutting the door before it all falls on me, I haven't given it much attention.  ::)

What does yours look like?

 I'll eventually post some photos here but not until after the TV is installed. Don't expect to see a sofa in mine. I'd love to put a skinny recliner in it or even just a tilting office chair, but I'll be lucky if I can get a shop stool in.  :(

Mine is packed so tight you can't even turn around in there. 
Yep, that's exactly where I was. I can turn around in mine now, but each time I tackle a section it's like taking 3 steps backward to get that 4th step forward. That's the way it goes when you have a 2.25 car garage and you need it to do almost every thing: motorcycle storage; marginal limited wood shop; marginal limited metal shop; tool storage; household storage; occasional 4 wheel vehicle intrusion just for repair out of the rain; and man cave duty. I wouldn't have a chance at this if I didn't have a back yard storage building for mowers and rakes 'n' such. Pretty much decided that everything  is going to need wheels or castors installed (motorcycles all on dollies) or it just isn't going to work. I read the magazines and the Pinterest website for ideas and it depresses me that they always start off with storage ideas above the garage doors. I've only got 8' ceilings in my garage so not much is going in that area, maybe some light fixtures and long skinny stuff might fit up there. Darn, how I do so covet those garages with 10'-12' ceilings. Eventual plan is to build a small  3'X5' building/shed in the back yard right up near the garage for a dust collector and air compressor install to get the noise and dust and needed footprint out of the garage. If I was a billionaire I'd have two garage shops, one would be the garagemahal type with large open well lit polished floor spaces in between vehicles, and lighted collectible gas pump globes and signs all over the clean walls. The second one would be packed to the gills with stuff, sort of a 15 lbs of..$#! a 5lb bag motif and yet organized so it was all accessible. The second one would be my favorite. I'm not a billionaire, but maybe I can get a smaller version of the second garage anyway?.  ;D  Oh golly gosh, the motorcycle lift is on sale again at H.F. ...just where would I put that if I was to...

fyi: You did know that there is a forum for this right? (

.....yes, of course you did,... but did you know there is a 63 page section just for motorcycle garages ( started by our own tex929rr ( (aka Joe Paolilli and a slightly different username of tez929rr on that forum)? The thread has been around for 6 1/2 years so of course there are some busted photo links, but it's still a very nice thread.
Joe and Michelle were also kind enough to host an ice cream social in their garage/shop/lego village display for the MSTA Texas Hill Country Rally so I was fortunate enough to see it personally.
  Shout-out: ----> Thanks again Joe and Michelle (!..very nice of you both!
Title: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Brick on March 19, 2016, 05:40:56 pm
Whoa... I didn't know about the garage journal forum... I'll be checking that out. Thanks.
You asked about doors to the outside... Yes.


Oh I've been to Joe and Michell's garage... It has to be at the very top of all garages! But then it's in Texas and everything is supposed to be bigger in Texas. Right?!?!
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: brider on March 19, 2016, 09:05:58 pm
Ray Kang's is the most impressive garage I've ever seen including Bartels.
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: rideandfly on March 19, 2016, 09:12:39 pm
Got a boat in the cave for now. Hope I sell it during April, can take photos after the boat.

Here's a trick Brick showed me while visiting his cave. Use a Michelin Magic Marker to get a few more miles out of Pilot Powers!!!!!
Where do you buy those markers??? Every cave needs one!

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Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Brick on March 19, 2016, 09:20:39 pm
The last time I went to use it it was empty.
I'll have to look at my source to see if they still have them.
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Brick on March 19, 2016, 09:23:00 pm

Ray Kang's is the most impressive garage I've ever seen including Bartels.

I've only seen photos of Ray's and it was amazing. Always wondered how he gets bikes up on the top shelf?
It is cool!
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: fartymarty on March 19, 2016, 11:27:57 pm's in Texas and everything is supposed to be bigger in Texas. Right?!?! [ ( ]

Supposed to be, or so they say, but it didn't happen to my garage, so maybe it was smuggled in across the Red River?  :-\
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: stevegrab on March 22, 2016, 06:50:54 pm
Well first off I'm single, never married and no kids. So my whole house is my man cave ;)

As for the garage mahal, well I'm not the Mr. Fixit many in this club are, my tools literally fill a simple tool box you can carry. No bike lifts, no big tool boxes on wheels, and not a lot of other fancy stuff.

I did buy some nice foam flooring at Sears, and ended up using some in my kitchen over the holidays when I was spending a lot time at the sink and stove (yes I can cook a little).

With a 2 car garage, one car and 3 bikes there's ample room to work, if needed the car goes outside. Heck I can even fit a folding Kendon trailer in front of my car when I borrow one from my friend.
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: osufz6 on April 06, 2016, 05:47:45 pm
Garage envy. Two car ( whatever the minimum standards are ) garage, one car a scooter and my V Strom plus 2 large refuse containers. Most Striking Dave is your 'A' parking sign from The Ohio State University. Must have fallen from a post. I never noticed it.
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Brick on April 06, 2016, 07:14:12 pm
Garage envy. Two car ( whatever the minimum standards are ) garage, one car a scooter and my V Strom plus 2 large refuse containers. Most Striking Dave is your 'A' parking sign from The Ohio State University. Must have fallen from a post. I never noticed it.

Hmmm I wonder how that happened to be there!
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Outlaws Justice on April 08, 2016, 11:36:53 am
How about a bathroom for that man Cave? I made sure when I built my Garage to include a Bathroom and since its mine I thought that Aluminum Diamond plate on the walls would also be cool!

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Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: fartymarty on December 11, 2016, 04:40:43 pm
I'll eventually post some photos here but not until after the TV is installed. Don't expect to see a sofa in mine. I'd love to put a skinny recliner in it or even just a tilting office chair, but I'll be lucky if I can get a shop stool in.  :(

I wanted to have a TV installed, a motorcycle lift in place, and some cleaning up before I shared a photo, but I'm not getting any younger so maybe I should put up a photo now. Mine is obviously not as spacious as brick's is.  :(
Here is a test photo I took with my new cell phone to check out the pano feature. It should be interactive where you can drag and zoom but it may be slow to load and clear depending on your computer/internet speed. You will have to click on the photo below and then again when it goes to the google site. It'll be blurry at first but it should clear up eventually..get a cup o jo and come back. I couldn't figure out any way to make it easier as this Google pano stuff is still all new to me.

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Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Brick on December 11, 2016, 09:03:48 pm
Looks great Marty! Having lots of motorcycles in there makes it look fantastic!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Ride4MS on February 23, 2017, 11:25:27 am
Those all look very nice.  It is always good to have a place for our toys.  Here are some photos of our garage, 28' x 50'.  We could not add to the side, so we added onto the length about 8 years ago and wish I had done it sooner.  Had to put in 6' of fill in back as it sloped off.  There is room for 3 cars and 4 cycles with work space.  Also check out the ATGATT cabinet to keep everything handle for the quick ride.   Oh, as you can see we are also Car Nutz with some of my wife's and my trophies and posters.
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Ride4MS on February 23, 2017, 11:29:51 am
oops, here are the photos. 

Carl Wieman
Dan Clark Safety Program Coordinator
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Ride4MS on February 23, 2017, 11:31:36 am
I think I got all of them this time.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: fartymarty on February 24, 2017, 12:56:11 am
Quote from: Ride4MS

Very nice Carl. I wish I had added on to mine. My cars have to stay out in the driveway unless one needs to be worked on. Then I can move everything around to get the front half in out of the weather.

Quote from: Ride4MS
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What is the curtain rod looking thing to the upper right of the garage door track with the orange strap around it?...and more importantly why is it there?
Only answer if it is there for a useful reason that you care to share. I don't really want to be held accountable for everything sitting around in my garage  :-[ :-[.
 Sometimes garages just have "stuff" in them because there was a spot open, and "someone" (no names or familial relationship needed) didn't want it in the house
or the trash.
edit: A couple of photos were deleted. I checked with Carl and he didn't request it. I'm assuming that it was some sort of glitch in the software upgrade, so with Carl's assistance I've reposted one of them above and another one below.

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Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Ride4MS on February 24, 2017, 08:04:55 am
I restored a 1986 Gold Wing Interstate about 10 years ago, and after moving everything each weekend and leaving cars out then having to put it all back for the week, is when I decided to add on. 

That rod is hanging there from the last garage sale, as it was used to hang clothes on  and never got taken down.

And I thought I would get a question on the stove/oven in the corner.  No, it is not for when I need to live in the garage, but for powder coating small items.  Works great.  When the addition was built, we added cable TV, as it was moved when building the addition.  The next year, I got the TV for Father's Day.  I can listen or watch TV, and if I don't like the political nonsense last Fall, just turn it to music only on the cable channel.

Here is a photo of the backyard with the city park and offices, which is called the Castle.  It was an Orphanage in the 1930-40's and then State School then in the the 1970's they City bought it.  Today it looks different, after about 16" of snow last night.

Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: stevegrab on February 24, 2017, 04:33:07 pm
16" of snow, ok that rules out Ohio... Ok, see now you're in MN, guess winter returned last night, 75 here in Akron.

I was trying to pick out the ATGATT cabinet, then noticed it was the label on the pick. Didn't notice the stove but did see the chest freezer.
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: HawkGTRider on February 26, 2017, 12:28:35 pm
It was near 85 in Jennings, FL on Friday, and still pretty pleasant first thing Saturday morning. But after a cold front passed through early in the day Saturday, the temperature dropped throughout the rest of the day as I traveled northbound. By the time I got home around 10:00 p.m. Saturday night, the temps were in the mid 30s. When I got up this morning to go to "work" around 7:00, it was 28 degrees on my front porch. Those temps aren't much to compare to Minnesota, but they're a big adjustment from what parts of the US has seen the last few days.
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Ride4MS on March 11, 2017, 01:48:25 pm
The 1983 Interceptor is done and for sale.  See the For Sale section in the forum.  Tires have less that 500 miles, without using the Michelin Magic Marker shown by rideandfly in the above posting.  Carl

Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Larry Fine on January 28, 2021, 08:02:18 pm
My man-cave is my home theater. 10' diag. image, 7.2-channel, 2200 watts:


Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: fartymarty on February 08, 2021, 05:58:41 pm
My man-cave is my home theater. 10' diag. image, 7.2-channel, 2200 watts:

Well you clearly out watt me by a factor of 3, but still, I don't feel near as old when I see that others also still have a working VCR and cassette deck.  :)
Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: Larry Fine on February 08, 2021, 06:44:19 pm
Did you miss the laser-disc player?  ;)

I have actually upgraded a couple of things since the pics were taken. The B&K preamp/processor was replaced by a Fosgate FAP-T1+. Is that a beautiful back panel or what?!



Title: Re: My man cave/mc heaven
Post by: stevegrab on February 10, 2021, 01:25:40 pm

I still have a VCR, its actually a VCR/DVD combo deck with copying capability, was great way to save some old family videos before the tape quality degrades, or I no longer have a VCR. Most of my stereo equipment is in mothballs these days, may get something new for the home office that can do bluetooth, but it won't be top of the line equipment like that, more likely Sony which has rarely disappointed me.