MSTA Forums
Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: AugFern on May 01, 2016, 07:19:48 am
Have you planned what you're going to do for Raising Awareness? There are so many easy to do things that doesn't cost anything that help raise awareness. On FaceBook? Change your Profile & Cover photos to an awareness photo. Their are many to be found on the Internet. Post an awareness statement each day or other interval on your page, asking friends to share. On Twitter? Tweet a daily awareness message. "Look Twice 4 Motorcycles" works! On your bike? Drive with your Hi-Beam on during daylight hours, if you don't already. Here's one I do, I wave to drivers of left turning vehicles when I'm going by. A "Thank You" gesture for not turning into me, a characteristic of the number one killer of motorcyclists. Write letters to editors, call into radio talk shows or request local TV news outlets to do a piece. Of course one of my favorites is wearing Hi-Viz. Share your ideas & actions with us. Thanks.
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May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, designed to encourage all drivers and motorcyclists to “share the road” with each other. In 2014, 4,586 motorcyclists were killed in traffic crashes, a decrease of 2.3 percent from 2013 (4,692). Those deaths account for 14 percent of the total highway fatalities that year. This decrease in motorcycle fatalities continues to break a tragic trend over the last 17 years, which saw only one other decline in 2009. Injured motorcyclists also decreased from 93,000 in 2013 to 88,000 in 2014.
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Safe riding practices and cooperation from all road users will help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our nation’s highways. But it’s especially important for motorists to understand the safety challenges faced by motorcyclists such as size and visibility, and motorcycle riding practices like downshifting and weaving to know how to anticipate and respond to them. By raising motorists’ awareness, both drivers and riders will be safer sharing the road.(
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I am going to be on a radio talk show on Monday Night for a few hours about motorcycle awareness and safety.
Anyone you want to inform about the show it's [/size] ([/size] and they can either just log on to their computer or download the ap on their phone for free. The show is Monday night the 16th of May and the show starts at 7:00 P.M. Pacific Time.
I applaud the effort but sadly, whether we're talking PSAs, radio shows or TV spots the people who need to hear the message simply aren't listening. They're going to continue distracted driving because THEY don't see it as a problem. Their phone, GPS, breakfast, makeup, screaming kid, dog in their lap or whatever simply takes priority over paying attention to driving. Combine that with the young drivers driving too fast and following too closely and the old drivers who should have given up the keys already and the road is a very dangerous place.
:) Jim Randall - truer words were never spoken. That's why it's primarily up to us, the riders, to watch out and play the "I bet I know what you're gonna do." game with the car drivers.