MSTA Forums
Ride Reports => MSTA Sanctioned Event Reports => Topic started by: Brick on June 27, 2016, 08:15:14 am
STAR 2016 in Vermont has been beautiful so far! The weather is fantastic!
With Honda demo truck here Chris Jernigan took yesterday and rode 5 of the bikes Honda brought! Great fun! I do like the Africa Twin and while it's not a replacement for my Super Tenere it is a much better off road bike than the Tenere'. That being said the Tenere is a much better touring bike than the Africa Twin... in my opinion. YMMV!
Patricia flew in yesterday and so tomorrow when it's a 40% chance of rain we will drive to Ben and Gerry's. ;-)
Today I'm thinking of riding to Fort Ticonderoga.
Ok both Patricia and I won door prizes. (

I wanted to Thank these and all the vendors for donations to our club/event.
Here is a photo of Stratton mountain resorts Black bear lodge. (
Let's Ride!
With Honda demo truck here Chris Jernigan took yesterday and rode 5 of the bikes Honda brought! Great fun! I do like the Africa Twin and while it's not a replacement for my Super Tenere it is a much better off road bike than the Tenere'. That being said the Tenere is a much better touring bike than the Africa Twin... in my opinion. YMMV!
Hi Brick,
My opinion on the AT is the same as yours. A lot of fun off road, but I won't be replacing my Super Tenere with one. I'll continue to use my DR350 and DR435 for that.
Have a great time at STAR.
Fred Z.
(Taking good care of Donna after her recent back surgery)
Notes from the Members' Meeting at STAR 2016 in Vermont...
President Dennis Villarose introduced each of the Executive Board members.
Door prize winners are posted on the door of room 217 around the corner from the desk. Times to pick up any item you won are posted in the schedule of events.
Sanctioned events for the rest of the calendar year were highlighted.
Dennis highlighted the seminars scheduled for Tuesday evening.
Vice President Ann Redner presented several opportunities for volunteers. They include the national event coordinator (after 10+ years, Jon Sr and Janet Campbell are stepping down), STAR registrar (Harry Hemstreet is stepping down after 10 years, but he would be pleased to work with someone new for next year's STAR to help ease the transition), and Michigan state director.
We have new Dan Clark fund coordinators, and the checks for items submitted are scheduled to go out around the end of July.
The MSTA State Director of the Year award was presented to Patrick Mogavero of Kentucky.
The MSTA State Newsletter of the Year was awarded to Don Moe of Florida.
The MSTA State Web Site of the Year was presented to Van VanSteelant and Kim Longacre of Florida.
Membership report
Mike Tissandier, our membership director, announced that due to a system crash early in the year, several hundred renewal reminders have just recently gone out. Our membership currently stands at around 1300.
The vast majority of new members come to the club through recruitment by current members.
We are looking at signing up for an automated service to handle some of the membership duties, and we need additional volunteers to assist with mailings, etc.
After a brief question and answer session, we adjourned to the ice cream social provided by the hotel.
Having the Honda demo fleet here has been delightful. I've taken the opportunity to ride an NC700X (I liked it), a CB500X (I liked it), an Africa Twin (I LIKED it), a CB500F (I liked it), and a VFR1200X (it's not for me).
The roads in the southern Vermont area can be a little sneaky in places, definitely show wear and tear from tough winter months, and are pretty slow going in places with a little village seemingly every few miles with a 25 mph limit. But I'm extremely pleased to have had the opportunity to come here. I've passed through Vermont on a couple of occasions, but never had the chance to really visit. I haven't visited extensively this time either, but more so than in the past. In 3-5 days, all you can do is get an overview of an area anyhow, and I've done that. I'm pleased STAR was here this year.
With Honda demo truck here Chris Jernigan took yesterday and rode 5 of the bikes Honda brought! Great fun! I do like the Africa Twin and while it's not a replacement for my Super Tenere it is a much better off road bike than the Tenere'. That being said the Tenere is a much better touring bike than the Africa Twin... in my opinion. YMMV!
Hi Brick,
My opinion on the AT is the same as yours. A lot of fun off road, but I won't be replacing my Super Tenere with one. I'll continue to use my DR350 and DR435 for that.
Have a great time at STAR.
Fred Z.
(Taking good care of Donna after her recent back surgery)
Hi Fred,
Oh I wish Donna a speedy recovery!
Let's Ride!
I rode both of the manual shift Africa Twins (but not the DCT model). The one with street tires and hard bags I rode with the group and then I had a 45 minute 1 on 1 on the AT wearing knobbies largely off pavement with Doug Westley. Most know that my interests these days are dual sport and adventure riding/touring more than sport touring so my comments come that perspective.
Bottom line I REALLY like the bike. It's more of a real adventure bike than a adventure bike look alike. I love the motor. Nice progressive power with gobs of torque and a very satisfying MOTORCYLE sound. I thought the suspension was surprisingly good for a production Japanese bike. We didn't ride any really knarly stuff but it just seemed to glide over the chatter bumps and washouts on the gravel roads we rode. The seat was OK and ergonomics were very good for me (I'm tall) and I could stand comfortably. ABS works well (couldn't lock the wheels) and the rear can be turned off while moving. Traction control has 4 levels of influence. With it turned off completely the rear end will break loose off pavement with any big handfull of throttle. In the highest position the bike won't spin at all. Whacking the throttle wide open sounds like the engine drops back to only 1 cylinder.
Being 500ish pounds it's not quite as "dirty" as my DR650 but it's a MUCH better adventure tourer and is surprisingly capable on maintained unpaved roads. I LIKE it! I'd trade my V-Strom for one in a heartbeat except for the small matter of the $13k price tag. But hey, after I win the BMW F800GT tomorrow night, I'll just trade it for one ;-)
I rode 3 demo bikes, and enjoyed them all (Interceptor, CBR1000R, CB1100F), not sure I'd buy any but each had plusses and minuses. My brother Richard rode several demo bikes, all in our group of 4 did as did so many others. Thanks to Honda. :-)
Great event with fine weather, great roads and things to see, and of course the greatest people around with MSTA.
Capped off by my bro winning the bike. WOW!
Thanks to the EC and the many many great volunteers who do so much for us.
Turns out Richard will be riding the BMW back home. His VFR was exhibiting symptoms of an impending regular/rectifier failure and we decided this was the better plan. So the VFR was taken to a shop near Rutland VT and we're staying another day before heading for home, and hoping to return on the 4th to bring it back home on Tuesday.
I know the winner hasn't been present often, so riding the bike home would be even more rare. Has it been done before? Some strange karma going on here. We'll make sure to take pictures and videos.
I want those pics for the photo site!!!!! -JEP-
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From my recollection it's not been done before. In the HSTA days when we always had Honda bike as the raffle bike the actual bike the winner got was not present at the event. We would select which model we wanted as our raffle bike and Honda would take one of those bikes and set it aside in the warehouse with our name on it. Then the winner would tell which dealer he/she wanted to pick it up from. Honda would then ship it to that dealer and the winner would pick it up. Now I remember hearing that in the early years Honda actually donated a few of our raffle bikes and were present with the demo truck. I don't know if they brought it along or not. Perhaps Moose knows.
Either way it's very cool that he won and is now riding it home. 
Let's Ride!
I want those pics for the photo site!!!!! -JEP-
We will be sure and send them to you Jim but may be a week or so. Enjoy your trip.
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Sent from outer space using an electronic communication device.
I only rode the CB500X, and the NC 700X, which has the same drive train as my CTX 700. Suspension and seat were my only nit picks with both bikes. I was impressed with the power and agility of the little 500, but it's got a one hour seat. The rebound damping sucks, and I'll bet it will beat you to death. So, you'll spend more on those two items, if you plan to be satisfied with this bike. The NC700X was also disappointing to me for exactly the same reasons. Honda is hurting themselves, especially with experienced riders, by using such bargain basement components. I have put longer spacers in the forks of my CTX, both to stiffen and to raise the front end a little. The new dog bones I made for the rear raised it up to match the front. I don't know how my suspension differs from the NC 700, but it is superior in every way, offering better feed back, and a more compliant ride. The CTX averaged 60 to 65 mpg with everything but the kitchen sink in the bags and top case. That improved to 68 to 70 with just the top case. I had no problem cruising Int. 64 at 80 when fully loaded on the way home. Huge horsepower is somewhat overrated, in my humble opinion. Syd
I only rode the CB500X, and the NC 700X, which has the same drive train as my CTX 700. Suspension and seat were my only nit picks with both bikes. I was impressed with the power and agility of the little 500, but it's got a one hour seat. The rebound damping sucks, and I'll bet it will beat you to death. So, you'll spend more on those two items, if you plan to be satisfied with this bike. The NC700X was also disappointing to me for exactly the same reasons. Honda is hurting themselves, especially with experienced riders, by using such bargain basement components. I have put longer spacers in the forks of my CTX, both to stiffen and to raise the front end a little. The new dog bones I made for the rear raised it up to match the front. I don't know how my suspension differs from the NC 700, but it is superior in every way, offering better feed back, and a more compliant ride. The CTX averaged 60 to 65 mpg with everything but the kitchen sink in the bags and top case. That improved to 68 to 70 with just the top case. I had no problem cruising Int. 64 at 80 when fully loaded on the way home. Huge horsepower is somewhat overrated, in my humble opinion. Syd
I test rode the NC700X, a CB500X, the Africa Twin, and the VFR1200X. Part of my personal definition of performance is good fuel economy, so I was watching the mpg indicator on the dash of each bike along with everything else. I tend to accelerate pretty gently although I eventually get up to a decent speed.
The 500 started my ride indicating 66.7 mpg, but was over 67 by the end of my ride. I'd venture a guess that you could average 75 mpg pretty easily with a reasonable throttle hand. You might have to do a little tap dancing on the shifter of this bike, but its torque surprised me. It would pull away in a fairly high gear from pretty low rpms. It's a lightweight bike and has the fit and finish of one commiserate of a bike in this price range.
The 700 was the DCT version. I guess if you had one of these and rode it along with shifting bikes you'd get better at making the adjustments, but I was still reaching for the clutch and pressing the non-existent shift lever at the end of my test ride. There is plenty of torque in this low rpm engine. The DCT always shifted well below the rev limiter. One of the guys I know back home had a non-DCT NC700, and he said he was always banging into the red line.
The Africa Twin was really nice and I liked it a lot. The 3-level-plus-off traction control switch was on the left handgrip and could be changed on the fly. Easy peasy. My ride included a few miles on dirt/gravel roads, and I could easily feel the traction control kicking in when set on the most intrusive level. But even on the loose stuff, I never noticed any big change when on a less intrusive setting. ABS to the rear wheel can be disabled on the fly, but not the front wheel (seems reasonable to me, but some more aggressive riders might wish otherwise). Did I say I liked it? I did.
Oh, the VFR1200X was a big heavy tall thing with a beyond touchy throttle. Massive grunt from the engine, but overall, this bike just isn't for me. I'm not the target demographic, but I can't imagine much of anyone shelling out the bucks for this bike.
At the Killington lunch ride place I found a bungee outside on the upper level. Since we were some of the last to arrive (we almost missed the food), I put the bungee in my tank bag and meant to turn it in to lost and found. Since it was still in my tank bag when I got home yesterday I thought I'd post a thread that I have it. It's black with green and white dashes and about 19' long (before it's stretched). Let me know if it belongs to you and I'll get it back to you (somehow).
Hope everyone got home safe and see you in Colorado Springs if not before.
Mickey Tyler
[attachment=1][/attachment]This was our first STAR for Nate Davis and myself and we had a blast! Kudos to Dale Hall and Tom Mckierney (spelling?) for providing good sites to see and a pace that was fun, exciting but not pushing the envelope. The Honda demo fleet gave me an opportunity to scratch off my bucket list the F6B Goldwing Harley look-a-like cruiser. Didn't check the tach and put her into the rev limiter at 6k. Bike scared me to death when coming to a stop! Heard all those stories about falling over but was quite surprised how agile an elephant can be. After that demo I jumped on the VFR Interceptor and just fell in love. Very predictable, linear power delivery, and those four cylinders that sound was way cool! Probably move the pegs down a tab though.
Great banquet, Alonso was very entertaining and I walked away with a $50 gift certificate which I redeemed on my way home at Max BMW. Nate and I wanted to stop at Motorcyclepedia in Newburgh, New York. What a great place. My guess probably the largest Indian collection ever and Big Daddy Ed Roths creations were there including the famous "Rat Fink". Managed to squeeze 1895 miles in and just got home at 10:30am today!
Looking forward to the Mail Pouch Flyby!
Thanks Dennis, Ann and all the volunteers who made STAR an awesome event.
Congrats to Richard Grabowski for winning the BMW! Nice guys do finish first...enjoy for many years to come Rich. Larry
Betty Lise and I had a great time at STAR 16. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made it possible!
Larry I hadn't realized that you had not attended a STAR before. Glad you made this one. As usual it was great to se you!
The Ohio membership was well represented! It's a great group of friends from the big O-H-I-O. 
As you said the VFR is just too smooth! One bike I've never owned but should have. It seems I may have missed my chance as my joints seem to prefer a more sit up riding style that my Super Tenere' affords.
Let's Ride!
Kris flew back home Thursday. I left STAR for MA, RI and CT and visited an old high school friend, then got home today. Had a great time.
Many thanks to all the volunteers for a great STAR! We had a very good time.
Congratulations again to Rich for winning the F800. That's an excellent strategy for dealing with VFR R/R failure!
[...Congratulations again to Rich for winning the F800. That's an excellent strategy for dealing with VFR R/R failure!...]
Serious VFR riders wear a bandoleer under their riding jacket with multiple R/Rs poised and ready to go. :-)
Thanks Brick and it was great seeing you again. Probably will do Colorado Springs next year but looking forward to the Fly By. Here's some MSTA pics
and these...
have a safe 4th of July and remember it's Independence Day!
Just got off the phone with my brother Richard, he and the BMW F800GT at the the BMW dealer in Detroit area getting its first service. We droe to VT and back Mon/Tue to get his VFR and had a pleasant drive on the Southern Tier Expressway (I-86/NY17) across NY. Our hotel in Rutland was a dump, one of the worst I've stayed in from Choice Hotels. They recently bought it and were remodeling, and it was bad enough I'd think they should not even be open (had to go to a nearby Quality to check in, for breafkast, etc.) And some guy was doing contruction shortly after 7AM when we woke up.
But all that is still overshadowed by a great event, and the lack of real serious problems plus the raffle bike winner. Richard saw Bryan Dunlap posted some photos from the lunch ride, one that showed us on our bikes going bye. That is my favorite right now, and my desktop image at work. I need to review my GoPro and regular camera for other notable shots and get some off to Jim Park and the others. That inclues some photos and videos of Richard riding the raffle bike.
I absolutely suck at taking the time to take pictures so I have zero but I do want to ask if anyone else saw and then snapped a shot of bald egles nesting on top of the T top telephone poles? I saw them in NY, PA and I think in VT as well. Huge nests right on top of the poles. On the last day before my bike bit the dust I saw one thta you coulde clearly see a bald eagle sitting in it. Pretty cool.
I missed those bald eagles nesting, did see some near home in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park on my commute one day. With all the moose, elk and deer signs I'm surprised we saw none of them (maybe some deer but I see those daily on my commute).
I'm going to try and most some pics here, and maybe join the modern era with doing them on smugmug. Would also like to share some of my helmet cam videos with the group.
I did see a bald eagle but did not photograph it.
I've seen them twice this year on my commute, it's cool that they're deep into Columbus now.
Thanks Dennis, Ann and all the volunteers who made STAR an awesome event.
Congrats to Richard Grabowski for winning the BMW! Nice guys do finish first...enjoy for many years to come Rich. Larry
Thank Larry. Pleasure to meet you as well and I plan on enjoying the Raffle Bike for many years to come.
Had the most awesome time attending my first STAR. It was like "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure" in a way, with twist and turns at every window of opportunity. But you know what, it was just a blast like none other I've ever experienced. And for me, how could it get any better. The solo ride from MI to OH and then group ride to VT was stupendous. The roads in VT were likewise pretty darn good, and the Honda demo team allowed me to try out three bikes - the Africa Twin, the 2016 Interceptor (had to fold up like a pretzel to sit on it) and the F6B. I'd never ridden anything so big, and the girl told me "Don't worry. After you get to about 5 mph, you won't even feel the weight.", and she was right. The smallest tap on the bars and it just turned in - I was impressed.
Thanks to every single volunteer who did anything to make this STAR a great success. And thanks also to all who bought raffle tickets to support the club. I do almost every year, and after my win this year, I vouch that I will buy every year from now on, even if the bike doesn't interest me.
Photos (in order): Loaded up to leave Stratton, the farewell sign in lobby from the EC, night 1 ride home in NY, side of the road on PA 666 (freshly chip and sealed), VFR loaded and ready to return to OH. (Thanks again Steve.)
VFR loaded and ready to return to OH.
What brand/model trailer is in that photo?
---- Don
VFR loaded and ready to return to OH.
What brand/model trailer is in that photo?
---- Don
Richard can say for sure, but it looks like a Kendon trailer that folds and can stand up almost flush against a wall.
VFR loaded and ready to return to OH.
What brand/model trailer is in that photo?
---- Don
Richard can say for sure, but it looks like a Kendon trailer that folds and can stand up almost flush against a wall.
It is in fact a Kendon, single rail folding trailer. They are fantastic and I borrowed it from a friend. I can stand it up in my garage and still get the car in the same spot (a bit closer to the door, but room to get around). They are great for trailering to an event, once there you can fold up the trailer, and park it in the spot and put your car in front (don't need a trailer lot). Or fold it up and lock it to a light pole or other fixed object.
The empty trailer (even 2 rail) is very light and easy to move around, stand up, etc.
This is a much older model with the old style flat metal ramp and slots on trailer, newer ones (see a 2003 that has them) use 2 metal tubes to form the slot/channel for the wheel on ramp and trailer, just seems more prone to wheel slippage not sure why they'd do that (I assume to be stronger as I've seen the ramps can get bent over time).
I pulled this and a similar 2 rail trailer (with 2 VFRs or bigger) with my Subaru Outback 4 cylinder engine. Empty trailer pulled like nothing, loaded it is a bit of a load and reduced milage.
No I am not a Kendon salesman, but have loved them when I've used them (many times over the past 5+ years).
Thanks for the sincere recommendation, Steve! That trailer seems really nice, as well it should be for the price quoted on the Kendon website for the single rail model.
--- Don
Thanks for the sincere recommendation, Steve! That trailer seems really nice, as well it should be for the price quoted on the Kendon website for the single rail model.
--- Don
My friend is great at finding bargains online, I think he paid about $1500 for the single rail trailer. Just saw one now a 2003 model for about $1400.
I recently got a little lucky with a trailer. It's not a Kendon and it's certainly not new. However, it's very functional and I like it. It's a single rail trailer that when you disconnect it from the towing vehichle and uncrank a strap, the track drops down to ground level. Once your bike is secured in the trailer track and tied down, all from the safety of being on the ground, there is a crank that you turn to raise the track. Once it's back up, you insert a couple of pins to secure it in the up position, reconnect the trailer to the tow vehicle, and away you go. The trailer is a mid-80s model, but other than the paint being a bit faded and the strap that you crank being a bit worn, it's in pretty good condition. I've already been offered more than the $750 I paid.
My very good friend Roger White has bailed me out many times with his fine 3 rail trailer, but my new-to-me trailer must weigh only about 1/2 of what his does. I towed a bike to TriSTAR since I had so much to carry, and while it was not without any impact on the vehicle's fuel economy, I was surprised at how little effect it really had.
The brand name of my trailer is Easy Hauler and was manufactured in Dallas, TX. I can't find any references to the company now, so it must have gone belly up.
Yep I tried finding info on your trailer on line when I saw it at Tri-STAR, looked cool and easy to load.
Sorry I missed seeing you load and get it connected. I'm guessing from the description you tie it down before raising the track, which means the tie down points must be part of or connected to that track so they stay tight.
VFR loaded and ready to return to OH.
What brand/model trailer is in that photo?
---- Don
Don, it's a Kendon single rail. Another member in NE Ohio owns it and loans to my brother when needed. Same guy also has a two-rail Kendon. Nice fold up and easy storage. Takes about the same room as a couple filing cabinets. Ahh, but I see I'm late to the party and your question has already been answered twice.