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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Paco Bulto on July 05, 2016, 08:02:43 pm

Title: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: Paco Bulto on July 05, 2016, 08:02:43 pm
Has anyone done dual sport riding at the Mail Pouch Fly By and/or are planning to do any this year? I know that there are great roads in the area and hope to attend this year and wondered if I should bring my DR350 for dual sport. Thanks.
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: HawkGTRider on July 05, 2016, 08:46:46 pm
I don't know about "routes", but it's not hard to find gravel roads. Heck, part of the time they just find you. Someone local would need to put something together, but I'll bet it could happen.
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: Buckeye56 on July 05, 2016, 09:09:11 pm

Hi Fred,

I did some dual sport riding a couple of years ago. Doug McPeek grew up around Beverly and knows some gravel roads there. The ones we did were easy to do on a Tenere. That same event we rode with Barry Mullen (I think) who lives in Marietta, he was ridding a 400 dual sport. We rode a bunch of gravel roads north of town, again they we not too challenging. I will add that this is based on my almost non-existent off-road abilities. I have Cc'd Bryan Dunlap and Doug McPeek who can mock me if my memory is flawed, again! ;)

If I have it right, Barry's email addy is:

Another person you might want to contact is Clarks Morian:

He has ridden a lot of the trails in the Ohio Power properties.


P.S. I hope Donna's back is better![/size]
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: bcd on July 05, 2016, 09:14:32 pm
Yep, and I think Ron Vess is another local expert who could suggest good dual-sporting.
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: Paco Bulto on July 05, 2016, 11:07:26 pm
Thanks, for the replies, guys.

Bill, was Barry Mullen at the first MPFB that you and I rode way back when it was a midweek event, around 1997 or 98? I know there was a member there that lived in Marietta.

How about Jim Randall? Are you out there, Jim? If anybody is doing any dual sporting at MPFB, Jim would be involved.

Donna is progressing about as expected, Bill, thanks for asking. I am not doing any riding until she is able to get around well enough to take care of herself. We would have a heck of a time if I went down and got injured right now. We hope that by the time MPFB gets here, she will be fine, as our son David and I want to attend. We had planned on riding the Super Tenere's, but we had so much fun on my 2 DR350's when he was home last month, that I thought that we might enjoy taking them instead.
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: doug mcpeek on July 05, 2016, 11:34:31 pm
That was Barry's brother Jim Mullen who led us around the Wayne National Forest roads.

The roads in the forest are here:,+OH+45773/@39.49057,-81.1494531,10.5z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x8848678839892d37:0xf4d32b9e0c54ceb0!2sWayne+National+Forest+Athens+Ranger+Station-Marietta+Unit!3b1!8m2!3d39.370627!4d-81.394327!3m4!1s0x8849c2d52e38177b:0x72a5886b2f524e6c!8m2!3d39.4833754!4d-81.205616?hl=en

If you want trails, try this:
The National Forest Trails require a permit:

Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: STLTHMSTA on July 07, 2016, 11:04:31 am
One of the last times I attend MPFB Ray Pope loaned me an "extra" DS he had brought with him. So I took my limited dirt experience and rode DS on Saturday. Had a ball but these guys are way better than me. They did have mercy and took it easy on this old guy. Rode several gravel roads and saw some great sights. So yes, there is dual sporting at MPFB.   TM
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: stevegrab on July 07, 2016, 12:20:27 pm
Its not a dual sport road but having a DS bike may help with the suspension required for rough pavement (last time I was there), but this is a place to see for those looking for cool sites and interesting views. Click on the Google maps short link below and look at the pictures

Kiedaisch Point Park - just a small park with 2 picnic tables, no bathrooms. ( (
Stop at Subway at the gas station along OH7 near OH536 (which leads up to the road to park) and get a sandwich and enjoy lunch at the point. (Spelling of Kiedaisch varies a lot but anything close should find it.)
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: TN2Wheeler on July 07, 2016, 01:15:05 pm

How about Jim Randall? Are you out there, Jim? If anybody is doing any dual sporting at MPFB, Jim would be involved.

Not gonna be there this time.  You folks have fun!

Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: bcd on July 08, 2016, 03:03:36 pm
Stop at Subway at the gas station along OH7 near OH536 (which leads up to the road to park) and get a sandwich and enjoy lunch at the point.

Ah, a follower of The Way of the Tosh.
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: stevegrab on July 11, 2016, 10:40:26 am
Stop at Subway at the gas station along OH7 near OH536 (which leads up to the road to park) and get a sandwich and enjoy lunch at the point.

Ah, a follower of The Way of the Tosh.
The way of the Tosh, lunch on the cheap? (I like subway for a quick good sandwich, and I may even be carrying my own beverage and chips.) We did this with a group from NE Ohio on one fun summer ride. We even had a lady with us and she wasn't whining about their not being some sort of bathroom up there.

Its a cool vantage point, rode in the area for years before somebody showed it to me, since then I share it with others. Some of the back roads that connect this place to OH7 (was County Hwy 42 - Long Ridge Rd I think) can be pretty beaten up, so it may qualify as dual sport riding ;)
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: bcd on July 11, 2016, 09:19:45 pm
The way of the Tosh, lunch on the cheap?
Tosh is renowned for his affinity for Subway. If he stops somewhere else for lunch, corporate headquarters registers a stock drop and rings his cell to find out if all is well.
Title: Re: Dual sport at MPFB?
Post by: DirtFlier on July 12, 2016, 04:11:52 am
Recently, while John Boyd was in the hospital I had a tiny tracker implanted under his skin so I can now tell when he stops at something other than a Subway.  :-)