MSTA Forums
Regional Forums => Southeast => North Carolina => Topic started by: Bermuda Ron on April 04, 2014, 01:24:23 pm
Hey Guys, who is riding to Star from WNC, East TN, or passing through Asheville area on the way, and when are you leaving?
When did you move to Mills River? I was just over your way riding the other day. I took a few other riders... we have a group over here = Carolina Old Farts Sport Touring Association. Like me most are retired and well just want to ride. It's a way for us to get together mostly during the week, when others are working, and ride. Pinnacle Mt road is lots of fun. It still has some "crap" on it but the view is great and the curves are excellent.
Re: STAR 2014 there are 5 of us planning to ride to STAR, however it looks like it's gonna be a ride to Colorado then to STAR... so over and up! Talking about leaving Monday June 2 or Tuesday June 3.
Heya Ron! Good to see ya' on "board"!
I'm planning to ride from Abingdon, VA. Don't have a "plan" (route or schedule) but I'd like to stay off the interstate(s) as much as practical. Be glad to discuss it more detail. Send me a PM or email.
Hey Guys, who is riding to Star from WNC, East TN, or passing through Asheville area on the way, and when are you leaving?
Hey Guys, who is riding to Star from WNC, East TN, or passing through Asheville area on the way, and when are you leaving?
Randy Logan & I are leaving the East Tennessee area probably on Monday, June 2 with plans to pitch a tent each night along the way west. You are always welcome if that sort of thing intrigues you.
Well it looks like I'll have to stay back and tend the home fires this year. Between my daughter's travel ball and 2 knee replacements this summer my riding days look to be shot all too hell. Ron, feel free to stop by on your way out West.
Two knee replacements! Damn, please tell me you didn't do both at the same time!!
Hi Goeffry, Brick, Woovis, brider et al.
Started this post on the 5th, and then my dad passed away on April 6th (my birthday). Had to travel back to Ohio for a week and have just been playing catch-up ever sense.
Brick, I bought the Mills River place a couple of years ago, but am still living/working in Bermuda. I keep my bikes in Mills River, and will hope to get together with some of you old farts next time I visit. I usually see Iggy Joe and Gary when I'm there.
Guys I'm hosting a conference here in Bermuda for about 750 Insurance types on June 2-4. If I can pull it together, I'll fly to AVL on the 5th, prep the Sprint ST, and make a blast for SD on the 6th. About 1557 miles on the slab. Considering a half-way stop about Columbia, MO. Would like to have a wing-man for sure!
I haven't done either yet but the plan is to do the left knee first followed by the right as soon as the left is solid again. It's going to slow me down this year but in the long run the upside is well worth it.
Two knee replacements! Damn, please tell me you didn't do both at the same time!!
Bill, I understand. It looks like my hips are gonna need something. I need to go get them checked.
Ron, So sorry to hear about your Dad, ... especially on your birthday. Hard to figure. Safe travels to STAR.
Ron so sorry about your Dad!
I may know someone who wants to slab it to STAR... I'll ck let you know.
Hi Goeffry, Brick, Woovis, brider et al.
Started this post on the 5th, and then my dad passed away on April 6th (my birthday). Had to travel back to Ohio for a week and have just been playing catch-up ever sense.
Guys I'm hosting a conference here in Bermuda for about 750 Insurance types on June 2-4. If I can pull it together, I'll fly to AVL on the 5th, prep the Sprint ST, and make a blast for SD on the 6th. About 1557 miles on the slab. Considering a half-way stop about Columbia, MO. Would like to have a wing-man for sure!
I'm really sorry to hear about your Dad. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
If I were sticking to my usual MO, I'd be happy to blast out to SD with you, but I'm trying hard to set a more laid-back mood for this trip. I'm not sure how successful I'll be, but I'm really hoping to establish a more relaxed pace for my summer's big ride.
Thanks Goeffry,
Your plan sounds great! Travel at a flower-sniffin' pace and sleepin' out under the stars. Perhaps we can come up with a special merit badge for you and Randy. :D