MSTA Forums

Events => Regional Rallies => Big Lynn Lodge Ride => Topic started by: normkern on January 23, 2017, 09:35:06 am

Title: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: normkern on January 23, 2017, 09:35:06 am
2017 Registration is open! Got my room booked. Can't wait for July, but there's lots of good stuff between now and then.

Norm Kern
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on January 23, 2017, 12:06:05 pm
Great good to hear it's working.
Note: If you get a busy signal or the recording. It's because Vickie Rae is on the phone with another member.
Don't give up.

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Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: EZX on January 23, 2017, 02:10:16 pm
Thank you Brick, Vicky got me squared away, see you in Sparta.
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on January 23, 2017, 03:20:33 pm
Thank you Brick, Vicky got me squared away, see you in Sparta.

Ok... whoever EZX is... see you in Sparta.

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Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on January 23, 2017, 04:52:23 pm
I got this email from Vickie Rae of the Big Lynn Lodge. "I just have a few more rooms to have them all taken.. I have been a busy gal today."
That was at 2:37PM... She was going home at 3:00PM today. So I don't know if it sold out in one day or not. Sounds like it's close.

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Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on January 24, 2017, 12:47:01 pm
As of 9 this AM... there were 6 rooms still available.

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Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: stevegrab on January 25, 2017, 01:00:27 pm
Thank you Brick, Vicky got me squared away, see you in Sparta.

Ok... whoever EZX is... see you in Sparta.

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EZX's profile says Claude Bowman, just click on any user name to view their profile which may include their real name (few put it in their signature). Like if I clock your profile I see your real name (not just Brick).
Title: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on January 25, 2017, 09:12:10 pm
Thank you Brick, Vicky got me squared away, see you in Sparta.

Ok... whoever EZX is... see you in Sparta.

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EZX's profile says Claude Bowman, just click on any user name to view their profile which may include their real name (few put it in their signature). Like if I clock your profile I see your real name (not just Brick).

Not using Tapatalk. on my iPhone.

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Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: stevegrab on January 26, 2017, 01:12:54 pm
Sorry I have no idea what limitations Tapatalk has, was just trying to be helpful. I've seen similar comments a few times from people "ok whoever you are" and I've been able to find their name. Not every user will have a user name that identfies them clearly (most don't), or place their name in an obvious spot like the signature. (A few use another field and it shows up on the forum under other info, Norm Kern is one of them.)

But if the user puts their name in their profile it is there for all to see, at least on the forum.

PS  Just FYI All those emoji things you do on Tapatalk are not coming into the forum, I often see [emojixxx] where that xxx is some number.
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: EZX on January 26, 2017, 02:52:06 pm
( (
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on January 27, 2017, 12:29:19 pm
Not a problem Steve. I didn't think that the emoji things came through... Oh well. I'm here on line today and can click on and see names now.


Sorry I have no idea what limitations Tapatalk has, was just trying to be helpful. I've seen similar comments a few times from people "ok whoever you are" and I've been able to find their name. Not every user will have a user name that identfies them clearly (most don't), or place their name in an obvious spot like the signature. (A few use another field and it shows up on the forum under other info, Norm Kern is one of them.)

But if the user puts their name in their profile it is there for all to see, at least on the forum.

PS  Just FYI All those emoji things you do on Tapatalk are not coming into the forum, I often see [emojixxx] where that xxx is some number.
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on March 26, 2017, 04:50:12 pm
Since this thread is labeled Registration AND I've only received two registration forms to date... but the hotel is full. All Ya'll please go down load this registration form, print it and mail it to me with your check soon. Please!

Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: RIDEMYST on March 27, 2017, 07:05:46 am
I know this guy Vito that is good with collections.  8) -JEP-
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Patmo on March 27, 2017, 04:38:14 pm
I know this guy Vito that is good with collections.  8) -JEP-

He's going to be busy for a while because of all the deadbeats from Kentucky he has to track down after this past weekend, but I'll let him know y'all might need him.....:)
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: dhall854 on July 13, 2017, 03:47:44 pm
Since this thread is labeled Registration AND I've only received two registration forms to date... but the hotel is full. All Ya'll please go down load this registration form, print it and mail it to me with your check soon. Please! (

Hey Brick!
As the saying goes, the check is in the mail today because I was lucky enough to snag a room that was cancelled.
See you at Big Lynn for my first time!!
Dale Hall
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: OldButNotDead on July 13, 2017, 04:00:13 pm
Can I register at the Lodge?  If not I'll get it in the mail tomorrow.

I have a room for Fri and Sat.  Have an extra queen bed if someone wants to split it with me.
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: DirtFlier on July 13, 2017, 04:17:24 pm
You lucked out Dale!  :-)
Title: Re: 2017 BLL Registration
Post by: Brick on July 13, 2017, 04:46:14 pm
Can I register at the Lodge?  If not I'll get it in the mail tomorrow.

I have a room for Fri and Sat.  Have an extra queen bed if someone wants to split it with me.

Yes you can register at the Lodge!

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