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Main Forums => GPS Talk => Topic started by: stevegrab on February 04, 2017, 12:02:12 pm
Curious to hear any feedback people have on these 2 units. I've been looking to upgrade from my Garmin Nuvi 2450 which is not motorcycle specific, and well used after 5 years in both the car and on bike trips. New car has GPS so one dedicated for MC use is in order.
I'm looking at a good deal on Amazon, the 660LM for $300, the 590 is shown as the newer model, but is around 550.
Is the 660 a good unit or does it have serious flaws? I notice the screen is only 4.3", my current unit is 5", not sure if that matter a lot. Is the 590 worth almost double?
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I know there are better Zumo models but spending a lot more than $500 is not in my plans.
I've got the 660 and it's a good unit. I've not had any issues with mine and it does everything you would expect from a GPS.
I cannot speak to the 590, never had or used one. I can't imagine it so much better that it's worth spending twice as much.
I've had a 660 and now own a 590 so I have experienced both units.
For starters the 660 is very good. The biggest drawback is the screen in sunlight....not good. Most everything else performed as advertised.
The 590 is the next generation and has several more bells and whistles. For starters the screen could still be brighter but much better than the 660.
The bells and whistles I use on the 590 are the weather app, the enhanced nav features and the Pandora/Bluetooth music.
I guess it depends on what you want verses what you want to spend.
I travel often and use most features so for me it's worth the extra dollars.
Hopes this helps and not confuse. -JEP-
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Thanks guys. Basics and value, I think the 660 is the one for me. My Nuvi was not good in sunlight either, I may try a hood on this one.
Maybe I have a 665 as I can get traffic and weather is I subscribe through Sirius.
Maybe I have a 665 as I can get traffic and weather is I subscribe through Sirius.
Yes that sounds right, that model is over $600, I don't need those things at this time.
I bought my 660 about 6-months ago and hearing Andray Hubble tell me at Tri-STAR that he bought one for $300+ so I looked it up when I got home and ordered one for $325. As Jim said, the screen could be brighter so I've fitted a hood. The Zumo 550, my old GPS, has a much brighter screen so I never had to use a hood but conversely, its hard drive memory is too small so couldn't hold the entire US unless you did it on a SIM card.
The text size on the 660 seems tiny compared to my Zumo 550 but I'm still learning about all the bells & whistles. Kind of wish I'd opted for the 590 now but it was a bit too pricey for my retiree's budget.
Maybe I'll go for a ride today because it's in the mid-40s. :-)
I have a 660 and my only gripe is that the screen is small. I've also mounted a Nuvi 2790 lmt with a 7" screen. The big screen is ok but Nuvi's don't pair with my Sena 20s. The fact is that I use preplanned maps and the directions through the Sena work way better for me than taking my eyes off the road to look at the GPS.
660 and hood ordered.
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Thanks that was the brand I got which was listed as a "other people who bought this also bought" and has the Zumo 660 listed as a supported model. $19 is a value if it works well. I really noticed it riding out west where the sun seems to shine a lot more and brighter.
I don't have any info specific on the 590 to contribute as I only have the 665.
I do use the Glare Stomper which works fairly well. There is a problem you may encounter if you wear Hi-Vis gear in that when riding towards the sun, the glare from your gear washes out the screen. I've been tempted to install a black roll down piece of fabric on my chest but I've found that simply placing my black gloved left hand for a second or two between the screen and my chest works enough to see what I need.
With our aging eyes (bifocals etc.) and feature laden multi menu GPS units, it can be deceptively easy to end up with your head down and locked, so I highly recommend that GPS units be mounted as high as possible (higher than the bikes speedo/tach) so your peripheral vision will help save you. Most of us ((IMO) are not quite as vision disciplined as we tell ourselves we are.
Thanks Marty, I do wear a hi-viz yellow jacket, but I do have my GPS mounted high and center, I usually have reflection from my head area on screen. And yes the aging eyes need all the help they can get. And I do my best to not get locked onto viewing it but only glance periodically, or pull over if I need to do more.
Played with it some on the weekend, got battery charged and the unit updated with latest maps and such. I see my internal memory is now 95% full, and I'll be getting a micro SD card to put into it. Once I have it on a bike (spring) I'll really start to play. In time I'll probably look at some bluetooth speakers in my helmet for listening to directions and maybe even some music (have never done this and would generally only want it during long boring slab rides, which I don't do often).
I was impressed with all the stuff included in the box both for the bike hookup and the car. I know years ago Norm Kern was extolling the virtues of the Zumos including that part. I do not like how you have to leave the battery cover off to have it connected to a power source or your PC (the Mini USB connector is inside that area). Since this was the only way to charge it initially (was not installing on a bike or car) and you need it plugged in for hours while it updates things, it felt odd to leave it open, especially with the screen telling me to close the door. I guess outside of an update a couple times a season you're generally not needing to use that connection. (Unless I use the GPS enough off the bike to run the battery down.) However I guess it all makes sense and goes to being waterproof, something I'll enjoy over my Nuvi model.
I guess outside of an update a couple times a season you're generally not needing to use that connection. (Unless I use the GPS enough off the bike to run the battery down.) However I guess it all makes sense and goes to being waterproof, something I'll enjoy over my Nuvi model.
If you're into downloading routes to the unit, you're going to have the back off. I set up a lot of routes and then load them onto my GPS. Right now I have about 40 routes related to going to and returning from STAR. I've got that many because my old StreetPilot doesn't like routes much over 500 miles in length. With that limitation, I generally try to do increments of about 300 miles with one starting within a few feet of where the last one ended. I have only to remove a little rubber water cover to access my computer connection. But I've helped a few folks to load routes where the back had to be removed on their Zumo units, and it always struck me as a little cumbersome.
I guess outside of an update a couple times a season you're generally not needing to use that connection. (Unless I use the GPS enough off the bike to run the battery down.) However I guess it all makes sense and goes to being waterproof, something I'll enjoy over my Nuvi model.
If you're into downloading routes to the unit, you're going to have the back off. I set up a lot of routes and then load them onto my GPS. Right now I have about 40 routes related to going to and returning from STAR. I've got that many because my old StreetPilot doesn't like routes much over 500 miles in length. With that limitation, I generally try to do increments of about 300 miles with one starting within a few feet of where the last one ended. I have only to remove a little rubber water cover to access my computer connection. But I've helped a few folks to load routes where the back had to be removed on their Zumo units, and it always struck me as a little cumbersome.
I have a ZUMO 390 and it connects to PC via a USB cable port with a rubber water cover like yours. So which Zumos require the back cover to be removed to connect to a PC. That would probably be a deal killer for me.
I have a ZUMO 390 and it connects to PC via a USB cable port with a rubber water cover like yours. So which Zumos require the back cover to be removed to connect to a PC. That would probably be a deal killer for me.
Zumo 660 and 665 do. I've got the 665 and have no issue with removing the back cover to access the usb port. Its got a quick release slid button that releases the door latch.
I have a ZUMO 390 and it connects to PC via a USB cable port with a rubber water cover like yours. So which Zumos require the back cover to be removed to connect to a PC. That would probably be a deal killer for me.
Zumo 660 and 665 do. I've got the 665 and have no issue with removing the back cover to access the usb port. Its got a quick release slid button that releases the door latch.
Sounds like my Nuvi 550. Does it have a replaceable battery? If so that would be a reasonable tradeoff.
Yes my 660 has a removable/replaceable battery and you need to open the back to hook to computer. Not a big deal really.
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To me it just seems odd, especially with the screen telling me to close the door, when I MUST have it open for some things. I was afraid the battery would fall out, the cable would strain the connection, or some other issue during the several hours update.
I tend to use my GPS a lot during trips off the bike to check routes, create my own routes (not sue if the 660 has a route builder built in) etc. So it often runs the battery down some, then I might put it to charge overnight.
Also while there is a quick release it is (on mine) very tight and requires a strong push all the way across while the door barely opens up. (Little finger nailes don't help.)
There's always trade offs, I'm hoping the waterproof and other new features outweigh the negatives.
I am anxious to see one. My 390 is built like a tank and actually survived a 70 mph getoff from my R3. :o I doubt that anything with a removable door would survive that!
I am anxious to see one. My 390 is built like a tank and actually survived a 70 mph getoff from my R3. :o I doubt that anything with a removable door would survive that!
I'm not throwing mine off at 70 mph to find out for you.
I am anxious to see one. My 390 is built like a tank and actually survived a 70 mph getoff from my R3. :o I doubt that anything with a removable door would survive that!
A couple months ago I had my 660 on my Super Tenere on a country back road, whilst enjoying a sporting pace. When glancing down, as I do periodically, I noticed that the 660 was no longer in the cradle, as I had apparently been negligent in making sure that it was secure when I put it into the mount that morning. I did 3 round trips of about 10 miles each, looking for that GPS, and just when I thought that I was going to have to cough up some $$ for a replacement, I noticed something at the side of the road and it turned out to be my trusty Zumo 660. It has a small scuff on the case, but still works fine and the removable door was still in place.
BTW, personal choice, but I prefer the GPS to be mounted on a Ram arm attached to a Ram ball/bolt that replaces one of the handlebar clamps. I don't need it up high and in the center as I am not riding the Dakar looking at a roadbook, so have no need to have a constant view of the GPS screen. It ends up in the same area that I glance at when looking at the speedo and guages and it is within easy reach should I want to select something on the touch screen. I don't want to have to lean over the bars toward the windscreen to reach the GPS screen, but that's just me.
OTOH, if it were up high and center, I guess I would have noticed it coming out of the mount, hah.
I am anxious to see one. My 390 is built like a tank and actually survived a 70 mph getoff from my R3. :o I doubt that anything with a removable door would survive that!
You probably haven't seen the removable door on the 660/665. Very sturdy, has a rubber seal ring, excellent latch. IMHO, the door/latch would survive a trip down the road as well as any other part of the GPS. If the battery craps out, you simply buy a new one, open the door, replace it. Done! Meanwhile, the USB jack and micro SD card slot are completely protected, yet easily accessible. Works for me!
[...You probably haven't seen the removable door on the 660/665. Very sturdy, has a rubber seal ring, excellent latch. IMHO, the door/latch would survive a trip down the road as well as any other part of the GPS...Norm]
It's also flush mount and in my mind would only come open & fly off if the frame of the GPS unit was distorted by the impact. ;)
Glad to hear it is robust. Nevertheless I'll likely hang on to my 390 for a while...
I really don't like the text entry screen on the 660, separating the alphabet into 3 pieces (A-L, M-X and Y-Z) plus other screens with numbers, and even symbols. Not sure why a keyboard with the full alphabet was not used, the screen is not that much smaller (4.3 vs. my Nuvi 2450 which was 5") to make the argument that it would be too small. I think the old style phones using the keys to type (e.g. 2=ABC) were even easier than this.
One cool thing I have not done yet is using Garmin Express to transfer my favorites from the older unit, that will be very helpful. Have a lot of cool places I've stored over the years and its nice to have that hotel/diner in there when you're looking for a spot.
Glad you got lucky with the GPS like that, I had a GoPro come off my helmet (still not sure how) at Mail Pouch couple years ago on OH555, we retraced our steps looking for it, I was hoping maybe it would reconnect to the blue tooth remote and I'd find it that way. No luck, I've since been more careful and also use a device GoPro provides to prevent the buckle mechanism from opening. $$$$ lessons learned.
Yes GPS mounting is a personal preference like many things, I want mine front and center, both bikes are mounted at/near the stearing head spot. I've never tried it but didn't like the idea of being connected to a handbar area (like on the clip on bolt of a VFR) where it moves around from side to side as the bars move. Mine usually block a bit of the tach/speedo, not a big deal for me. I still have to look down, its not like inside my helmet. Hmm HUD (heads up display) for GPS?
PS Yes the battery door is very sturdy, and takes a lot of force on the latch to open, would be very surprised to see it open on impact, unless like Tosh said the outer case is comprompised.
I really don't like the text entry screen on the 660, separating the alphabet into 3 pieces (A-L, M-X and Y-Z) plus other screens with numbers, and even symbols. Not sure why a keyboard with the full alphabet was not used, the screen is not that much smaller (4.3 vs. my Nuvi 2450 which was 5") to make the argument that it would be too small. I think the old style phones using the keys to type (e.g. 2=ABC) were even easier than this.
You can change that to a QWERTY keyboard in the settings. Once you do, you may change it back. I've fat-fingered my entries without gloves, so I doubt I'd do any better with gloves.
I had to put the 2018.1 maps onto a SD card as it was too much data for the limited hard drive. I found valuable advice concerning how to do that here:
Enjoy your new gps, just be aware that Garmin has discontinued them and eventually they will stop supporting it. I have enjoyed that already with my excellent 478 and 276c.
Yes planned obsolescence... pisses me off!
Re the 2018.1 maps... I downloaded them and had my SD card in the 660 but just assumed that they just wrote over the 2017. I have my maps on the SD card as in 2015 when I flew over and rode the Alps Trey loaded me an SD card with the appropriate maps.
I actually still run a Garmin 60csx on my SV650. They stopped supporting that a long time ago. So far so good. It has lots of limitations that the 660 doesn't have.
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I really don't like the text entry screen on the 660, separating the alphabet into 3 pieces (A-L, M-X and Y-Z) plus other screens with numbers, and even symbols. Not sure why a keyboard with the full alphabet was not used, the screen is not that much smaller (4.3 vs. my Nuvi 2450 which was 5") to make the argument that it would be too small. I think the old style phones using the keys to type (e.g. 2=ABC) were even easier than this.
You can change that to a QWERTY keyboard in the settings. Once you do, you may change it back. I've fat-fingered my entries without gloves, so I doubt I'd do any better with gloves.
I had to put the 2018.1 maps onto a SD card as it was too much data for the limited hard drive. I found valuable advice concerning how to do that here:
Enjoy your new gps, just be aware that Garmin has discontinued them and eventually they will stop supporting it. I have enjoyed that already with my excellent 478 and 276c.
Thanks I had a feeling it was a setting but just haven't had a lot of time to poke around yet. I'll definitely change it and see how it goes, I find when using the GPS at home or in a hotel I often usea stylus from my laptop to do the typing (fat fingers here too).
I thought I had the latest maps, didn't notice what version/year, but there is no SD card in the unit yet (I'll need to buy one, probably 16GB, don't have any spares I want to use in it, just huge ones for the GoPro.) Garmin Express did show me the unit's memory is 99% full so I'm going to avoid trying to load anything else to it until I have a card.
As for support, I believe this model came out in 2013, my Nuvi 2450 was new in 2012, so it was older. I do hope that the lifetime map options don't go away quickly with these, I do understand it is "lifetime of our support for maps on that unit".
Wow I just scanned those instructions to get maps loaded to the SD Card, I hope it is not that complicated. I know the maps on my Nuvi are going to the card, and Garmin Express was taking care of that for me.
I really don't like the text entry screen on the 660, separating the alphabet into 3 pieces (A-L, M-X and Y-Z) plus other screens with numbers, and even symbols. Not sure why a keyboard with the full alphabet was not used, the screen is not that much smaller (4.3 vs. my Nuvi 2450 which was 5") to make the argument that it would be too small. I think the old style phones using the keys to type (e.g. 2=ABC) were even easier than this.
Enjoy your new gps, just be aware that Garmin has discontinued them and eventually they will stop supporting it. I have enjoyed that already with my excellent 478 and 276c.
GPS technology changes rapidly with time, just like computers. All GPS units will be obsolete in the future, including the 590 & 595, just not as soon as the 660/665, which actually came out in 2011. Six years is a good run for a GPS model, and support for the 660/665 hasn't dried up yet. I expect the map updates will work on it for at least another 2-4 years.
Norm Kern
Hi Steve,
Yes, mine is front and center for me, using the Ram replacement bolt for one of the handlebar mounts and a short Ram arm. As you say, right in line with the speedo and easy to see with a glance and easy to reach if I want to make a change or adjustment. Works for me.
Well the QWERTY keyboard is much better, a bit small but not much smaller than on my Nuvi. Not sure why they had the other one as the default.
OK, that is a different spot than I thought you were describing, I was thinking of the bolt on the clip on, I've seen some of those and the GPS moves a lot, and has clearance issues with the screen or other controls. Your way is pretty much in the center and doesn't move much, not that different from my setup on sport bikes (mounts are using the tank bolt near stearing head). This would work on my Ninja 650, it has similar handlbar setup and I have not yet put a GPS on that bike (not used for trips much).
Anothre question for those with Zumos and the special connector with the pins in the cradle, if you use it on multiple bikes, do you just order additional stuff from Garmin (another wired cradle, and the plate with ball that connects to it)? I'm assuming you're not swapping the cable from bike to bike. The bikes I use my current GPS on already have a cig light adaptor in place for power, I may leave that in place to provide power options for other things. And I move the entire RAM mount setup (cradle and connectors) from bike to bike as needed. Each bike just has the ball.
I noticed the car cradle has the mini USB jack on the back, I tried to use it to provide power to the unit and that didn't work. I wonder what it is for, quick skim of the manual doesn't say. Maybe it is for a traffic receiver, similar to the connection on the MC cable.
I got lots of learning to do... last night I went through all of the settings and cleaned some things up.
You can also pick up some good information on the Zumo on this site: (
[...I'm assuming you're not swapping the cable from bike to bike....Steve]
The 660 has a huge mass of cables, most of which I don't use! Fortunately, my plug-in for 12v is under the plastic so I can also hide all that cabling down there but if I had to use a plug-in on the handlebar, it would be a real bleeping mess. :-\
ps. Jim - thanks for that tip on the Zumo Forum. I joined this morning. ;)
You're right about the spider web of wires with the 660 Tosh! I was only interested in the GPS function, so I weeded through the wires, got rid of the excess, shortened the whole mess, and simply wired the pos. and neg wires to a two prong sae plug. Every bike (and Scooter) are pre wired and ready to go. It's relatively simple, and works very well! Syd :D
When I first installed my 660 on my Super Tenere, I used the Garmin motorcycle mounting plate and cabling, which, as mentioned has a lot more conductors than needed and you then end up with the mounting plate always installed, even when you don't have the GPS on the bike. When I wanted to use the 660 on my 2 DR350's, I found a simpler method. I used the automotive mounting plate, plus an adapter that has a Ram size ball on one end and the Garmin size ball on the other end. I then bought a hard wire 2 conductor cable that has the plug for the auto mount plate on the other. That would allow me to simply swap the plate and adapter from one DR to the other and all I would have left when not installed was the cable end that plugs into the auto mount. I later just bought another auto mount plate, so I have one for each DR.
Wow, Garmin model designations are weird! I assumed the Zumo 6xx series was newer than the 590 and way newer than my 390 but the opposite is true. POI factory has a Garmin release date list (
Wow, Garmin model designations are weird! I assumed the Zumo 6xx series was newer than the 590 and way newer than my 390 but the opposite is true. POI factory has a Garmin release date list (
Almost as bad as some of the BMW bike stuff where they had a model with a 600ish number that was really an 800 (or vice versa). Or the Triumph Daytona 595 that was really 900-1000ccs.
Thanks again for the feedback everybody.
When I first installed my 660 on my Super Tenere, I used the Garmin motorcycle mounting plate and cabling, which, as mentioned has a lot more conductors than needed and you then end up with the mounting plate always installed, even when you don't have the GPS on the bike. When I wanted to use the 660 on my 2 DR350's, I found a simpler method. I used the automotive mounting plate, plus an adapter that has a Ram size ball on one end and the Garmin size ball on the other end. I then bought a hard wire 2 conductor cable that has the plug for the auto mount plate on the other. That would allow me to simply swap the plate and adapter from one DR to the other and all I would have left when not installed was the cable end that plugs into the auto mount. I later just bought another auto mount plate, so I have one for each DR.
So Fred... was this a bunch cheaper than buying the normal $40 gps mount? Did you say you wired each bike with the one wire and just moved the mount from bike to bike?
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Hi Brick,
This is the automotive mount that is about $40 on ebay. Cheaper than some of the MC mounts, but the advantage that I was looking for was not having to have the MC plate mounted on each of my bikes. Instead I only have to have the hard wire cable on each bike and can then move the GPS and mount to whichever bike I want to use the Zumo on.
The mount is here:
And the adapter is here:
Cable s here:
These are on ebay. You may find better prices elsewhere, but my objective was easy mounting on several bikes without having the permanent MC mounting plate on each bike.
So, you only need a $10 cable for each bike and then you can move the mounting plate from bike to bike and when not in use, you only have the Ram ball on the bike, instead of the MC plate that comes with the 660. And you don't have those extra wires that are not needed that come with each MC kit.
Senor Paco,
This opens up some interesting possibilities. For now, I have my ancient Zumo 550 on one bike and the 660LM on the other bike. The LM lives in a TouraTech locking mount but I have the original mount that came with the 660 but I'm fairly sure it's one with the "bundle of snakes" for wiring. :-(
OK Fred... got it Thanks for the further explanation.
Tosh, the snake of wires is really not a big deal. They are all inside a nice cable until they get down a distance. Just tuck them in behind all that plastic and only worry about the two bare end wires that are already stripped and ready to apply the connector of your choice. I just run mine to my FZ1 Fuze Block. once there you can select if you want it on a hot circuit or a switched circuit. :trink39:
I use my 660 on more than one bike and don't need all the bundle of wires that came with the GPS.
So I cut out all of the wires except for the 12V connections and spliced in an SAE connector that picks up 12V from the matching connector on each bike.
The Garmin cradle for the 660 GPS has a RAM ball so I can connect it to whatever bike I'm using.
Simple and effective.
You guys are the ultimate farklers and giving me some good ideas, just not sure I'm as skilled at some of the DIY stuff.
I think I found the solution, replace many of my older bikes with one new sport touring bike :)
I really have no need for the car mount (new car has built in, and I could use my old NUVI in a rental if needed) so I may use the car mount to make a second mount setup on a second bike similar to what Fred did (I'd need the double ball, could use cig adapter since I have a power outlet of that style).
Your set up is exactly the same as mine Doug! It is universal for all the bikes, and relatively simple. ;D Syd
Make sure - really sure - your 660 is seated in the cradle. Wait till you here the click and give it a pull to make sure it holds tight. Although I knew of this problem from various forums, mine flew off one morning! Geoffrey and I had just started out from Burlington VT when I thought a bird had hit my leg, and I could see something black with wings flapping rolling down the road in my mirror. Poor little guy I thought. When I looked down, my 660 was gone. This was on an Interstate overpass, so I turned around and stopped in the center strip to pick up my poor little guy. (What had looked like flapping wings to me was actually the sunshade flappin'!) 660 was still running, not even a scrape, and so I plopped her back on just as Geoffrey rode up. "Are we lost?" he said through his face shield. "Nah, just dropped something - were good" - and we rode on.
Sounds like it is too late, but for future readers with the same question, I'll toss in my two cents worth.
I looked at the 660 and 665. The screen brightness was an issue. I also felt at my advanced age (over 60), and after using both 4.3 inch and 5.0 inch car GPS's, I wanted the larger format.
I picked up a refurbished 590LM from the Factory Outlet Store. Price was around $550, which I thought was steep, but when you look for a "motorcycle" GPS, you're stuck on the bad side of the supply and demand curve. Still, it is cheaper than a "new" unit.
Everything about the 590LM appears new. The box. The unit itself. It even has the full Garmin warranty.
The screen is fine in bright sunlight. Navigation includes a curvy road option. I simply set up two profiles. One as a "car" for fastest routing. The other as "motorcycle" to take advantage of the curvy road option. Traffic updates are good with a smartphone app tie-in. So far, in over 6000 miles of mostly winter Seattle riding, it has worked fine.
If given the choice of the 660 and the 590, I'd go with the 590 for the larger screen and curvy road feature.