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Main Forums => GPS Talk => Topic started by: brider on March 06, 2017, 09:52:43 pm
My helmet discussion went so well I might as well see if I can get some help in the GPS arena. :helpme: The 2720/30 units I currently use may be time to replace. I'm understanding that Garmin now makes a unit that has a twisty road option. Is this true? What model is that and what can I expect to pay for one? At least if Mini Me (Jon Campbell) are going to be lost all the time we might as well be on twisy roads when we are making good time. :P
Actually Garmin has several units that will auto select curvy roads, 590LM. 595LM and 395LM (may have missed a few).
I would start your selection process by visiting the Garmin website and comparing features, then shop for pricing. -JEP- (
My 390 LM has the curvey road navigation option. I have not yet been able to verify that it works. It does NOT work in the podunk area where I live but that is probably a map issue rather than a device issue. (Latest City Nav still says I live on unpaved Bryant Rd which was paved and renamed 25 years ago, despite me reporting the error to Garmin 3 times). At any rate there are some major navigation differences between the Zumo 390 and my old 2610 and Nuvi 550.
I would like to hear what other experiences have been with curvey road navigation.
This will be fun to watch. Will Brider go for the LM 595 for $700? How about the LM 395 for $400, or maybe forego the twisty roads option and get the discontinued LM 660 for around $300? Or maybe get some sort of Nuvi for about $100. Decisions, decisions!
Norm Kern
He could cash-in that mountain of Old Milwaukee empties that were part of the cache in his Man Cave? ;D
ps. isn't the 2720/30 series from long before the last century?
He could cash-in that mountain of Old Milwaukee empties that were part of the cache in his Man Cave? ;D
He could drive that stash of empties to Michigan and get some serious $$$ for them ;) Maybe a bit far from him but something I've considered until I saw the tedious manual process of returning empties at most grocery stores (my brother says some stores won't accept the item if they don't sell it).
What a tough crowd! I'm not saying you guys don't know how I think but it just stings a little. ;D My daughter is graduating from BMT in San Antonio middle of next month and the trip there is must do so it might take me a while to pull the trigger. ;D While $700 for a GPS makes me light headed keep the suggestions coming. KISS is my motto however. ::)
PS - American Pickers has called me about my stash of vintage 2720/30 with cables and mounts. I promise to drink some keystones with them.
PSS - it is true that the RF 1200 helmet I just bought was a mint "slightly used" one. Guy used it less than 500 miles and sold his street bike. I saved right a $200 What can i say I love a good deal.
Actually Garmin has several units that will auto select curvy roads, 590LM. 595LM and 395LM (may have missed a few).
I would start your selection process by visiting the Garmin website and comparing features, then shop for pricing. -JEP- (
Here is what Garmin said. I know this isn't right
Hello Bill,
I'll be happy to help you with this.
None of our units have a option to avoid or take curvy roads to get to a destination. The units do have Advanced detour options to avoid curtain roads for a route the unit has calculated. Also you can create routes in a program called BaseCamp and transfer the route to devices.
Actually Garmin has several units that will auto select curvy roads, 590LM. 595LM and 395LM (may have missed a few).
I would start your selection process by visiting the Garmin website and comparing features, then shop for pricing. -JEP- (
Here is what Garmin said. I know this isn't right
Hello Bill,
I'll be happy to help you with this.
None of our units have a option to avoid or take curvy roads to get to a destination. The units do have Advanced detour options to avoid curtain roads for a route the unit has calculated. Also you can create routes in a program called BaseCamp and transfer the route to devices.
That must have come from a rookie customer service rep. The curvy road option has been around for at least a couple of years now, and maybe more.
Actually Garmin has several units that will auto select curvy roads, 590LM. 595LM and 395LM (may have missed a few).
I would start your selection process by visiting the Garmin website and comparing features, then shop for pricing. -JEP- (
Here is what Garmin said. I know this isn't right
Hello Bill,
I'll be happy to help you with this.
None of our units have a option to avoid or take curvy roads to get to a destination. The units do have Advanced detour options to avoid curtain roads for a route the unit has calculated. Also you can create routes in a program called BaseCamp and transfer the route to devices.
That must have come from a rookie customer service rep. The curvy road option has been around for at least a couple of years now, and maybe more.
May have been a rookie but even a rookie CS rep should be fully trained on the features of any device he's paid to support!
I don't have any direct experience with the newest units, but if I was buying one now, I would get the zumo lm 590. The latest is the 595, which doesn't have many additional features. The 590, being older, can be had for about $590 although you might find a refurb for less.
If you want to go cheaper, the lm 390 or newer 395 are the only other choices that support twisty roads option. Here's a comparison
Norm Kern
.............Man Cave? ;D
ps. isn't the 2720/30 series from long before the last century?
That was the model used by Columbus. It was using the old Navtec maps and Mapsource that's why he was unaware that North America was in his way to get to India.......but it did help him avoid from sailing over the edge! -JEP-
I. Still have a gpsiii, gpsv and a 2610. They all still work but the maps are a little old.
My friend Chris is on his second BMW GS and both had/have a BMW labeled GPS that looks sooo much like my Garmin 660. Both were controllable from BMW's "Wonder Wheel" AND both had a curvy road function.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Tough crowd indeed.
Don't know if you're looking for a motorcycle - specific do-everthing unit or what but the approach we took was an inexpensive Nuvi (55LM I think) for simple automotive use and a more expensive GPSMAP 64S for my adventure riding. The former being excellent for "Where To?" navigation and the latter providing awesome track management but not particularly user friendly.
I recommend looking for a refurbished 590LM. Cost for mine was about $540. Everything looked new, including the factory warranty. I bought mine here. I don't see it listed as refurbished now...I suppose it is a matter of supply and demand.
Pros: It's a 5-inch screen. I can see it with my aging eyes. Screen brightness is fine. Curvy roads works. It's waterproof and the mounting system is quick and easy to use. Plus, as a refurbished unit, I save about $250.
Cons: I can't think of any.
Hey Jim,
On the Nuvi's, they work great for navigation and I have two 2797LMT's for the car. BUT, if you want or need Blue Tooth, a Zumo is the only way to fly. All the newer model Zumo's have the latest BT and make communications with something like a Sena plug and play. With a Nuvi, BT can be a crap shoot.
Download the TomTom app for your cell phone. It has the curvy road option. I've got the paid version, works as good as a dedicated GPS at getting you lost. :D
Download the TomTom app for your cell phone. It has the curvy road option. I've got the paid version, works as good as a dedicated GPS at getting you lost. :D
Thanks. You need to updatre your signature
Download the TomTom app for your cell phone. It has the curvy road option. I've got the paid version, works as good as a dedicated GPS at getting you lost. :D
Thanks. You need to updatre your signature
For those of you that thought i would never pull the trigger on a new GPS I now have a brand new Garmin 395LM sitting here ready to go!
Just a quick thought as I was skimming through the posts. If you're considering a Garmin 390 or might check out the new TomTom 400. You can also get the TomTom software for your smartphone. A subscription is dirt cheap.
I ended up getting a refurbished 590LM, but primarily because I decided I wanted the larger 5" screen size. But until then, my intention had been to go with the TomTom. TomTom came out with the "curvy roads" feature first. On the TomTom standalone GPS, the "curvy roads" has the ability to customize the amount of curves and hills too.
I needed to drive my mom from her "snowbird nest" in Sebring back to suburban Cincinnati for the summer just a couple of weeks ago. I've always been a Garmin guy, and I always try to avoid the slab (even in a car), so I packed up my Garmin 660 and caught a plane to the US. Ran the 660 on her windshield and my Samsung 7R dual sim using a clip-on over the vent for just shy of 1000 miles. (My mom is a talker, so I've applied for an Iron Ears award).
Wow, a real difference!
The android was quite a few seconds ahead calling out turns; it gave me congestion warnings and alternate routing choices, and when I saw some dark clouds I brought up a weather app which automatically overlayed the road map showing real time doplar! All the while the Garmin sat there calling out turns about 10 seconds later - and yes I had uploaded the latest maps.
Will save the Garmin for my dual sport riding or if I download routes, but for just not getting lost . . . use your phone man!
The android was quite a few seconds ahead calling out turns; it gave me congestion warnings and alternate routing choices, and when I saw some dark clouds I brought up a weather app which automatically overlayed the road map showing real time doplar!
What app is that? It sounds helpful and something I should get.