MSTA Forums

Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Brick on April 10, 2017, 06:32:57 pm

Title: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: Brick on April 10, 2017, 06:32:57 pm
I started this thread because where I put it was wrong.

I'm posting a photo of another forum that I participate in. Can you see the "Like" button?


I don't think it's very intrusive.

Just my $.02 worth.

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 11, 2017, 01:22:46 pm
Not intrusive at all. I don't see it.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: stevegrab on April 11, 2017, 01:32:21 pm
Have you asked the web master if this is a feature of the forum that can be turned on?
Has somebody told you "we cannot do it" or anything that mentioned "no it is intrusive"
Keep in mind the forum is a software package, it has various abilities. If it doesn't have the ability to do the LIKE we won't have it, unless we want to incur the cost (time and probably $) to change.
Social media has made LIKE and SHARE an easy thing for many, not all places will support that.
Bob the LIKE is a thumps up image. Are you the current webmaster? Is this a feature that is available?  I did a quick search and turned up a thread discussing it. (
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 11, 2017, 02:41:00 pm
Thanks for researching Steve. I am the webmaster. As far as I know this is not an smf feature but a lot of what you see on the msta forum is Generated by third party applications, referred to as "mods" and there are many more available. Most are available as free versions with limited features. As for the like thing I kinda feel it belongs at facebook and agree with the comment in the thead you posted.If you like a post just reply and say so even if just with an emoticon. But I will look at available mods and if I find any good ones for free may start a poll to see how many members would "like" it.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: stevegrab on April 11, 2017, 03:54:38 pm
Yes from what I read not a built in feature, but a mod, and those sound like more than just a bit of work. Your decision on if its worth pursuing.

The other difference with making a post saying "LIKE" and just clicking a button, is that is a new post and raises its visilbity (the LIKE would probably not do that since it isn't a post). That may be considered a good thing by some, but then if every day there's a bunch of threads with new posts and they're mostly LIKEs people may not be thrilled with that.

I'm on other forums where LIKE exists, and it can be a good tool. I'm not against it but feel if it cannot be done easily then we shouldn't do it. I know its more popular in social media and blogs (almost any new site with comments allows them). Its like emojis, just because some places have 500 doesn't mean everything needs that.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: Brick on April 11, 2017, 09:15:48 pm
The other forum uses the same software as ours.

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: RichGrab on April 12, 2017, 10:00:55 am
The other forum uses the same software as ours.

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Yes Brick, that may be. But the image you post is from TapaTalk yes?? I think the Like thing is in the app, not the forum software. But I could be totally wrong.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 12, 2017, 10:31:11 am
Let me know if y'all "like" it.  I don't think I do... :-\
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: RichGrab on April 12, 2017, 11:09:15 am
Let me know if y'all "like" it.  I don't think I do... :-\
Meh, could take it or leave it. The biggest problem I see with it, is it will (most likely) result in less interaction. It's so much easier to just hit "like" and then move on. I see so much of that on FB, LIKE, SHARE. So few real thoughts - or maybe I'm following the wrong people on FB. :(
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: Brick on April 12, 2017, 12:18:48 pm
How can we get less participation? There may be 15 of us that are active!!
I think any feature that adds or allows someone to feel more comfortable is a plus.
Obviously just my opinion.

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: fartymarty on April 12, 2017, 11:49:10 pm
So what exactly is the (practical) difference between "Like" and "Applaud"?

Enquirering Almost senile mind wants to know.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 13, 2017, 08:24:50 am
So what exactly is the (practical) difference between "Like" and "Applaud"?

Enquirering Almost senile mind wants to know.
Supposedly the "applaud" applies to the user whereas the "like" applies to an individual post.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 13, 2017, 09:09:27 am
I agree Brick that we should add features that enhance the forum experience and I am trying to do that, such as the member map. However I am not sure the likes feature would necessarily be positive, so far I have not seen much support from members. The free version I tested yesterday was an eyesore and I quickly disabled it. I am searching for better alternatives. So far the only one that looks promising comes with a price. 

How can we get less participation? There may be 15 of us that are active!!
I think any feature that adds or allows someone to feel more comfortable is a plus.
Obviously just my opinion.

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: Brick on April 13, 2017, 10:16:41 am
Bob I understand. It's not a big deal. There are just some posts that I liked and kind of wanted to let the poster know that but didn't need to reply which I feel is for adding to a post.
I'm good either way!
Thanks for all your work! You DA-Man I my book!

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 13, 2017, 01:37:37 pm
Thanks for your support Brick.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: stevegrab on April 13, 2017, 05:04:03 pm
I'm  looking for the like, then get to Bob's post saying he disabled it because it looked bad, and the better one cost money.

Its not that its a bad idea, just so long as you understand there is work behind the idea, and that others may not care for it. I'm on one forum that has it, and use it a lot there. I'm on another that doesn't have it and would use it at times. It is also run on the same forum software so I knew that LIKE wasn't a standard piece or was maybe defaulted to off.

SMF [Simple Machines Forum] is the forum software, not the Tapatalk app you use on your phone, so it may be hard to distinguish between that is our forum and what is Tapatalk.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: fartymarty on April 13, 2017, 08:21:38 pm
So what exactly is the (practical) difference between "Like" and "Applaud"?

Supposedly the "applaud" applies to the user whereas the "like" applies to an individual post.

Thanks Bob. Regardless, I applaud you and your efforts to maintain/improve the forum.

How can we get less participation? There may be 15 of us that are active!!
  ;D ;D

I think we should perhaps each (each of the 15 actives on the forum  ;D ) randomly pick someone that hasn't logged on in a while (just skip those that are not members and that have never posted since none of them remember their passwords anyway) and start talkin' some smack about them and then send 'em a pm/email saying that someone was talkin' about them on the forum.

Here, I'll start us off. I'm gonna pick on V908 aka Brian.

"HEY BRIAN!............................................................. I'M talkin smack 'bout YOU! How do you "LIKE" that?    ...Eh?....................................... I said "HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT????????????????????????????????

That's right Brian I'm talkin' about you.

You took the time to put up a picture of yourself (;attach=1274;type=avatar)
and yet you have only one post (, and you seemingly haven't been active ( on the forum since the first day you joined.
Quote from: from Brian's profile
Date Registered:
    June 22, 2016, 09:38:47 AM
Local Time:
    April 13, 2017, 07:59:34 PM
Last Active:
    June 22, 2016, 01:32:23 PM

Did you quit riding or what?  Did you get a VFR1200? How's your back doing? Did your computer break?
I heard that someone somewhere said that his cousin's girlfriend knows a guy that said you butter your toast on the bottom side.
Dude, what's up with that? ???

 Come on guy, log on in and tell us something. Please?
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 13, 2017, 10:59:35 pm
Right on farty, er, Martin!
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: fartymarty on April 14, 2017, 01:22:14 am
Right on farty, er, Martin!

Thanks, well I got Brian to log in and send me a pm anyway, perhaps when he returns from his trip he'll come back on here and tell us what he's been up to and just what's up (or down) with his toast prep.

OK, after the other 14 pick someone out randomly to harass maybe we can get up to 30 active folks here,.... dare I dream that large?.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: tunerider335 on April 14, 2017, 03:32:24 pm
That's some tough smack....  I better make sure I post....  randomly. 

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: v908 on April 16, 2017, 01:03:21 pm
That's right Brian I'm talkin' about you.

You took the time to put up a picture of yourself <snip>
and yet you have only one post (, and you seemingly haven't been active ( on the forum since the first day you joined.

Did you quit riding or what?  Did you get a VFR1200? How's your back doing? Did your computer break?
I heard that someone somewhere said that his cousin's girlfriend knows a guy that said you butter your toast on the bottom side.
Dude, what's up with that? ???

 Come on guy, log on in and tell us something. Please?

Honestly, the forum software has changed so many times over the years (seemingly requiring re-establishing an ID/password each time), that I just sort of gave up.  But, I'll acknowledge that it's been nearly a year now, so perhaps it's finally stabilized for a bit.  On top of that, I've been unemployed for a while (hence, no VFR1200X) and let my membership lapse (thanks for not banning me right away!).  Back is fine, computer is fine, just really focused on trying to find my next permanent job -- and traveling a bunch for a consulting gig I've been leveraging to pay the bills (mostly).

Since relinquishing my CA State Director role, I haven't been able to be very involved in MSTA activities.  I was really hoping someone else would be able to step in and stir the pot out here, but no such luck.  Seems like many other areas are still going strong though!
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: fartymarty on April 17, 2017, 10:48:15 am

Thanks Brian, you've validated my process. Please check in here (the forum, not specifically this thread) at least weekly. Good luck with the employment hunt.
I kind of think it's Brick's turn to talk smack about some random member and see what happens.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: Patmo on April 17, 2017, 10:59:14 am
Forum hasn't had any problems for a long time now, or at least I haven't seen any, and there has been no need that I know of to change the software for at least a couple of years.  (Thankfullly!)

Don't be a stranger Brian.  Post up and let us know what is happening out west there. 

In addition, don't think that California is alone in finding people to "step up", it's a struggle most places. My own theory is that as many of our members have aged, they have just gotten burned out and tired.  Most seem to just want to attend events where they can ride and socialize with old friends without always having to be on the go.  Can't fault anyone for that as I tend to agree with that sentiment.  I just gotta learn to say no".   :)
Title: Re: The &quot;Like&quot; option on our forum
Post by: Brick on April 17, 2017, 10:46:36 pm
Woovis is one I'd love me to see come back on this forum. We need his witty sage words of wisdom here!
Woovis are you still out there?

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 18, 2017, 08:45:47 am
Woovis is one I'd love me to see come back on this forum. We need his witty sage words of wisdom here!
Woovis are you still out there?

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For sure. Especially since his picture is on the front page...
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 18, 2017, 09:37:39 am
Why not start a separate thread (a challenge thread) asking active forum members to harass, contact and twist the arm of past forum members to make a post (as did FM above) and see if we can generate some interest?
We could cross post to our MSTA Facebook page or send emails to past forum buddies asking for a post and an update on their activities. -JEP-
Title: Re: The &quot;Like&quot; option on our forum
Post by: fartymarty on April 18, 2017, 10:48:04 am
Woovis is one I'd love me to see come back on this forum. We need his witty sage words of wisdom here!
Woovis are you still out there?

PM sent  (
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: Woovis on April 19, 2017, 06:23:35 pm
"Witty and sage words of wisdom..."  Shirley, you jest!

You've interrupted my beer drinking hammock time dammit.
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: fartymarty on April 19, 2017, 09:51:46 pm
Why not start a separate thread (a challenge thread) asking active forum members to harass, contact and twist the arm of past forum members to make a post (as did FM above) and see if we can generate some interest?
We could cross post to our MSTA Facebook page or send emails to past forum buddies asking for a post and an update on their activities. -JEP-

We? Nay nay.
 He whom thinketh it, must also doith it, or at least starteth it off.  ;)
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: stevegrab on April 21, 2017, 05:28:56 pm
"Witty and sage words of wisdom..."  Shirley, you jest!

You've interrupted my beer drinking hammock time dammit.
How about a beer of the day/week thread?
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: touringman on April 22, 2017, 10:11:52 am
Am I dreaming (again), or didn't we have a "like" button on one of the former itterations of the forum? I think Jat may have been the guru-moderator at the time. ::)
Title: Re: The &quot;Like&quot; option on our forum
Post by: Brick on April 22, 2017, 02:55:38 pm
Am I dreaming (again), or didn't we have a "like" button on one of the former itterations of the forum? I think Jat may have been the guru-moderator at the time. ::)

If we have to totally reboot this forum to add "like"... OH HELL NO! Don't do it!

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: NinjaBob on April 22, 2017, 08:24:24 pm
how's that?
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 23, 2017, 09:21:40 am
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: fartymarty on April 23, 2017, 12:51:57 pm
how's that?

Well it's a little mushy and maybe a bit more than "like". However maybe it's time we let our emotions go unchecked.

So I guess I  :like: it!  :clap:
Title: Re: The &quot;Like&quot; option on our forum
Post by: Brick on April 23, 2017, 05:28:52 pm

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Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: TrophyRider on April 24, 2017, 09:41:30 pm
The like option can be added to this forum software. I have a copy of the plugin. Any admin can contact me at my email provided in my profile, I'll forward the plugin. I may even be persuaded to install it...
Title: Re: The "Like" option on our forum
Post by: touringman on April 25, 2017, 07:20:31 am
Thank you Jay! :D