MSTA Forums
Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: touringman on August 03, 2017, 09:56:50 pm
Hello all, I've received word that my Honda CTX is totaled. My Aprilia 500 Scarabeo that was stolen from the dealership is still missing in action. The only thing I have left to ride is a Piaggio MP3 400. That's okay with me as it will fulfill my short term needs. The hunt is on for a replacement #1 bike. I'm wondering if anyone lives near Hilliard, Ohio? There's a bike there I may like to ask someone if they could look at for me. Is there anyone in that area who might be able to do that for me? Thanks, Syd
I find it amazing that the guy that swiped your Aprilia is still on the loose. If his credit info was really him, I'd think that would be a no brainer. If it was not his info, did he really go into the dealership with fake credentials with the thought in mind of stealing someone's bike while he was there?
What are you looking at now?
Syd....I'm sorry to hear this, especially about the Aprilla. I imagine that by now it's either been shipped out of the country or chopped up. Guy sounds like a real pro who knew what he was doing. Probably was hoping that the dealership was going to let him "demo" a new model while his credit was being checked, with him knowing darn well he wasn't going to bring it back if they did.
I wonder...can we get tracking microchips for our bikes? Kind of like the app on our phone that can tell us where we parked our car? Think I'm goi g to have to look into this more...hmmmm.
Good luck on your search and if I can help in any way, don't hesitate.
Syd....I'm sorry to hear this, especially about the Aprilla. I imagine that by now it's either been shipped out of the country or chopped up. Guy sounds like a real pro who knew what he was doing. Probably was hoping that the dealership was going to let him "demo" a new model while his credit was being checked, with him knowing darn well he wasn't going to bring it back if they did.
I wonder...can we get tracking microchips for our bikes? Kind of like the app on our phone that can tell us where we parked our car? Think I'm goi g to have to look into this more...hmmmm.
Good luck on your search and if I can help in any way, don't hesitate.
Lojack has been around for years.
Bryan Dunlap lives in Hilliard, Ohio.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Syd....I'm sorry to hear this, especially about the Aprilla. I imagine that by now it's either been shipped out of the country or chopped up. Guy sounds like a real pro who knew what he was doing. Probably was hoping that the dealership was going to let him "demo" a new model while his credit was being checked, with him knowing darn well he wasn't going to bring it back if they did.
I wonder...can we get tracking microchips for our bikes? Kind of like the app on our phone that can tell us where we parked our car? Think I'm goi g to have to look into this more...hmmmm.
Good luck on your search and if I can help in any way, don't hesitate.
And along with Lojack, the SPOT folks have a tracker.
Thanks for the info guys. I will give Bryan a call. I am frankly confused as to what to buy, and I am not rushing to do anything. After all the noise I made about getting rid of the CTX, I actually gained a little respect for it at Big Lynn. One of the bikes I'd been looking at was the Yamaha FZ-07, and Howard was riding his new one with us the day I crashed. He later told me he had a tough time keeping up when coming out of a corner. I was a little surprised, but the CTX does have bountiful low end torque, and I'm a fan or torque. I'd also considered the lowly NC700X (sorry Tosh), as it has the same running gear, and I could lower it a tad if needed. I hate to admit it, but after reading the review of the much changed WeeStrom, and the comparison of it to the Versys 650LT in the new Rider, the Vstrom is looking good again. I'm just reading and listening to a lot of reviews and comparisons right now. After all, I still have my Piaggio MP3 400 to ride for now. Everyone should take advantage of this story to press the home front for more bikes in the garage! It is possible to run out!
I just don't understand about the Aprilia either? I've completely stopped pressing the issue, because I'm not sure I would want it back at this point. No telling how it's been treated, and what shape it's in now. Allstate has already settled on the CTX, and they were fair about it. I sent the rest of the paperwork to Erie concerning the Aprilia yesterday, and I'm waiting to hear from them. I won't replace the Aprilia, and just use the settlement for that to put towards one bike. Syd😀
Syd, I sent you a PM, let me know if I can help you out.
Hey Steve, I just checked, and I don't have a new pm?? :o
Syd, I sent it to your yahoo account.
I got it Steve! I sent you a reply. Thanks!
Since your dealer will be on the hook for the insurance claim of the stolen Aprilia Scooter maybe they've just accepted that fact and haven't pressed the local LEOs on catching the culprit. But if I were a MC dealer in that area and this happened to me I'd be sure to press for investigation and prosecution, to prevent further theft from local dealers. As somebody said sounds like the theif had a plan, and had to settle for anything he could easily steal when he realized they weren't letting him ride away with what he wanted.
Syd glad to hear you're alright. Looking forward to Fall Colors!
Be good to see Steve G. and all the guys .
The Versy looks tall, there are some good deals on the Honda CB 500 X. Personally I never liked the looks the NC model and if you pack it isn't the gas tank under the seat which means removing some luggage to add gas :(
My friend has a Burgman scooter. He rides that darn thing more than his BMW 800 GS? He loves it. Low to the ground, tons of torque and plenty of power and speed. Lots of internet action/clubs and forums. Larry
Thanks Steve and Wardie. I agree with you Steve, but. at this point, I don't think I want them to find it, and try to force it back on me. There's been too much time elapsed, and too many chances for it to have been abused. Not only have the police not caught anyone, but they still haven't provided a report for the insurance company. They're holding up the claim.
I have been considering almost every bike under the sun Wardie, and the CB500x is on the list. The CTX700 had gobs of low end torque in just the right place for pulling out of corners, and merging with traffic. I just don't know if the 500 can compete with that. I'm not in a huge rush. The search for the right bike, and the right deal are ongoing. :D
The CB500x might be a good choice. I've ridden a couple and the performance is acceptable if not quite thrilling. It is more of a revver than your torquey 700 though so it would require a different riding style. It is however, a physically small motorcycle. That's not necessarily a bad thing for us aging riders but it might affect the long term comfort for a "touringman". As a tall guy I found the bike to be a little tight but it might fit you perfectly. Point is you need some saddle time on one before deciding.
Thank you for your input Jim. You guys have moved the X higher on my list, and there are some good deals out there now. :D
Thanks Steve and Wardie. I agree with you Steve, but. at this point, I don't think I want them to find it, and try to force it back on me. There's been too much time elapsed, and too many chances for it to have been abused. Not only have the police not caught anyone, but they still haven't provided a report for the insurance company. They're holding up the claim.
Wait, the police have yet to provide a report for the insurance company? I'd call my local city councilman (or whatever rep you have) and raise hell. The police dept is holding up your ability to be made whole after someone stole your property. That just ain't right. Hope to see you at FCR.
Thanks Steve and Wardie. I agree with you Steve, but. at this point, I don't think I want them to find it, and try to force it back on me. There's been too much time elapsed, and too many chances for it to have been abused. Not only have the police not caught anyone, but they still haven't provided a report for the insurance company. They're holding up the claim.
I have been considering almost every bike under the sun Wardie, and the CB500x is on the list. The CTX700 had gobs of low end torque in just the right place for pulling out of corners, and merging with traffic. I just don't know if the 500 can compete with that. I'm not in a huge rush. The search for the right bike, and the right deal are ongoing. :D
Curious, have you talked to your insurance about this? Can they make a claim then subroggate the dealer to collect the rest? Like when you're in an accident with somebody else clearly at fault. That could be key if you're looking to move on buying another bike and need those funds.
Sucks that the police have not even provided a report for insurance. Last accident I was in I was able to get access to it online the next day, same for my insurance company. What is the hold up? And why isn't the dealer pushing for a quick resolution that is an inconvenience to you.
I agree on not wanting the scooter back in who knows what condition.
That scooter may very well not be something Syd wants back due to its likely of having being trashed. But I seem to recall him talking about having looked for that specific model for some time. It had some specific features that he wanted (removable bags and more) that made it somewhat unique. It won't be easily replaced.
Ok now I'm warning you, I might have to get up, and mix another drink in the middle of this, but here's "the rest of the story" on the accident portion of my equation. My insurance was with Allstate on this bike. The adjuster was a real human being, and we hit it off from the first phone conversation. The dealer estimate to repair my bike was over $6000, so I naturally assumed he was going to total it. I received a check for $5200+ for the bike, which is a pretty fair assessment. After a little exploring and thought, I decided I wouldn't be heartbroken to own another CTX. I called him, and asked if I might make a deal to buy my seat, and a few other items back. To my absolute shock, he said I could do anything I wanted with it, because it was still my bike!! Turns out, he didn't total the bike after all, and he was paying me to repair it!! He released the bike to me, and it's now back in my garage. This means that I still own the$1500 to$2000 worth of extras I'd done to the bike, and I have a restoration project to keep me occupied this coming winter. I am still in a state of shock, and obviously pretty happy. The title is still clear, but I will divulge the entire background of the old bike, and ask for a signed statement if I sell it. So, I'm looking for a 2014-2017 CTX700D-DCT in red or white. They are scarce around this part of the country, as they have seemed to gain popularity in recent times. It must have the DCT tranny's, because I've fallen in love with that! If you see one, please let me know!
In terms of the scooter theft, there will be no settlement for at least 30 days since it was stolen. That means around the 23rd of this month. Syd :trink39: Syd
By the way, God is good all the time-all the time, Good is good!! :D
- got the money + the bike! If it was never totalled, I would assume your title remains as-is and wasn't converted to what we call a "salvage title." :)
For whatever reason, the DCT seems to elicit a love or hate relationship. Perhaps too many riders think it's not manly to ride a 2-wheeler with "automatic"?
Those on the hate side mostly voice displeasure with upshifts at what seems to be an absurdly low RPM and also doesn't downshift to 1st gear until you almost come to a stop. This is in D which is the full automatic mode. The engine doesn't seem to care that it's upshifting at 2000 rpm so I've decided that it's OK and the same goes for downshifting when coming to a stop. The one personal change I've made is to downshift manually before a turn such as in a town environment so I can start accelerating out of the turn in 3rd and not 5th, which requires two downshift before it starts to upshift - too many shifts in too short a span.
In D, you can do whatever you want with the shift paddles and the shifts are instantaneous and smooth. I've only ridden it once or twice in S (sport) which means it upshifts at 3000 rpm and am perfectly happy with D. :trink39:
In my experience, I found that I leave it in sport mode the vast majority of the time. It's definitely my choice for riding in cities and other slow speed traffic situations. D lugs the engine unmercifully in slow traffic situations. I believe D is engineered to give you that optimal fuel mileage that's advertised. In the twisties, sport mode is definitely the way to go! I leave it in sport, and toggle the paddle switches when needed.
I've only had a vehicle totalled once, and it was very clear from an early point that was the case. I was dealing with an adjuster (on the phone from State Farm) who was in the total loss division. Even when some last minute changes were made to the vehicle value (based on extras and condition) and I was afraid that pushed it too high for total (usually some portion of vehicle value, have heard 75% but don't know) and was told "nope that's why you're dealing with total loss division". Also before you can receive a check for a totalled vehicle I was required to sign the title over to the insurance company, something I did at my agents office (or I would have to send in the title and wait for the check).
Now as to your bike and the extras, I'd think you have the right to them if the original equipment can be replaced (for example a custom seat, if it was a replacement and you have the original). Not really any different from wanting to get any other personal belongings from the vehicle. (Mine was taken to the repair shop, didn't consider it may be totaled and while I removed many personal items some others were still in the car which I cleaned out before it was picked up for transport to salvage buyer).
God is good no doubt your faith is helping you take this all so well.
Great news Syd. Glad it worked out for you all for the better it seems. Winter projects if you have the space can be fun. Enjoy, and good luck on the search for bike.
Thanks guys! I've never entered a claim on a motorcycle before, but I suspect that the adjuster did me a huge favor here. He didn't total my bike as I had first thought, and his payment to me was based on the repair estimate. In other words, he was paying to repair the bike, even though the repair estimate was about 100% of the value. I'm told that anything above 75% is generally considered totaled. I guess totaling a vehicle is a pain in the butt for an adjuster and the insurance company, so it's possible he took the easy way out. I'm in his debt, because he was under no obligation to give my bike back to me.😁
Good deal Syd. But, since the insurance company didn't total the bike, YES they were obligated to give you the bike. I think they did you a real solid on not totaling it. When I dumped by VFR (county road crew "fixed" a pot hole with gravel, but neglected to put any warning signs up) the first call I got was from total loss unit. When I told them about all the extras on the bike, and provided internet information on the value of the upgrades, plus the low mileage for age etc. they worked with me and didn't total the bike. 8) :trink39:
The Farm Bureau adjuster who totaled my 08 Concours was quite fair as well but the first thing he told me was that Louisiana law mandates that a vehicle be totaled if repair is 75% of value. They paid me full retail on a bike with 170,000 miles. The adjuster offered to sell it back to me for 2000 but the main cast aluminum frame was broken so I did not want it! I was able to find an ABS 08 with 50,000 in much better shape than mine for half of what they paid me.
Saw this and thought of you.
Thanks Landon, and that's very close to the way mine was accessorized. I've found a 2017 pretty much like this one at a dealership in Winston Salem, NC. They gave me an extraordinary deal on the bike, and the local dealers couldn't, or wouldn't, touch it. My daughter, Amy, is going to ride down with me Tuesday morning to pick it up 😀. I've already been taking parts off the old one to transfer over. I also had a good friend, one time professional dirt track tuner, and now AMA compliance inspector for all kinds of racing look the old one over closely. It's his opinion that it can be restored without a lot of expense. Winter project! Meanwhile, the scooter has been found. I got a call from the dealer yesterday, and the police found it in Henrico Co., while arresting a guy for other thefts. I'll get to ride over to Richmond tomorrow, and take a look at it. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to want it back at this point. Syd☺
I think we all wish everything to work out to your satisfaction. Good news on find a new CTX that you can equip with some of your existing farkles.
The scooter... Unless it's just like it was when taken, I'd be hesitant to take it back too. There's no way of knowing to what extent of abuse it may have been subjected. But I know you enjoyed it and am almost sorry they found it. It just muddies the water. But maybe it'll be another bar in the door of the thief to keep him locked up.
Can't you just hear it now...
Inmate #1 "What're you in for?
Inmate #2 "Stole a scooter."
Inmate #1 "A what?"
Inmate #2 "You know...a bike that... Oh, never mind."
Inmate #1 "Har Har Har...I'm going to make YOU my best friend."
That's great Syd, new bike to ride and a winter project. Glad this is working out.
That's hilarious Geoffrey!!😂
Hey Syd! Sorry to hear about the CTX, but glad to hear it worked out in your favor!
I've been riding a 2016 NC700X DCT since May (had it at Big Lynn). I'm loving it! Plenty of low end torque in Sport 2 & 3. I usually ride in Sport 1 or 2 in town, Sport 3 on the sweepers, switch to manual in the real twisty stuff. Drive mode is reserved for slogs on the highway or open road. Bike handles like a dream. Quick, nimble, grabs a line and sticks it.
It's a bit tall, but not to bad (I'm 5'7"). The downside? The stock seat downright sucks. Easy fix though. It is a big known issue on the NC forum.
To those who think an "automatic" isn't a real bike: everything else being equal, these bikes will outshift (in manual mode) anything comparable on the road! Whatever you choose, good luck!