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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: ff73148 on April 24, 2014, 07:56:18 pm

Title: Aerostich
Post by: ff73148 on April 24, 2014, 07:56:18 pm
I recently bought a suit. Custom made for me after trying 3 suits and spending quite a bit of money at FedEx for shipping back and forth. After getting my suit I was still not absolutely satisfied with the fit. I was going to settle. Well Aerostich had a pop up store here in NJ and I visited it today to see if they could further tailor it. Well much to my surprise they took my suit back and fitted me in a two piece suit, which fit me perfectly. In this day and age to have a retailer offer their customers such service and exchange policy is unbelievable. I wanted to post this so other members would know how good Aerostich is.
Frank Ferrante
Title: Re: Aerostich
Post by: Brick on April 24, 2014, 10:15:29 pm
Fantastic! I had been bugging Andy Goldfine the owner/founder of Aerostich to STAR and fit people for years and years. He always said he couldn't/wasn't worth it. Sooo glad he finally is doing these Pop up stores!
The service you got is sooo fantastic! Thanks for posting!

Title: Re: Aerostich
Post by: stevegrab on April 24, 2014, 11:37:49 pm
Always good to hear about those companies that go the extra mile.
Title: Re: Aerostich
Post by: TeeCee on April 26, 2014, 12:07:22 pm
After putting off for years not getting A Roadcrafter because of "the not fitting fear"
I went to the Pop up store in Seattle last year. The staff was great! Fitted me right up.
Now after a year with my Stich and commuting over 250+ wet Portland OR days
I love my Stich!
Title: Re: Aerostich
Post by: ff73148 on April 26, 2014, 05:49:09 pm
Hey Brick. I've got to figure that after having this pop up store in NJ his mind will be changed. It was a good thing that I had an appointment otherwise I would have stood around for an hour waiting for help. The girl who helped me told me that they where so busy there was no time for lunch or site seeing. They even put a post on the web asking for volunteers to help at the store. I would have to believe that it was a very profitable trip for Aerostich.
Title: Re: Aerostich
Post by: Brick on April 27, 2014, 05:05:36 am
Frank wow they were busy in Raleigh, NC but not that busy.
