MSTA Forums
Thread Archive => STAR 2018 => Topic started by: hhemstreet on April 20, 2018, 08:23:42 pm
Last seen in 2010.
These beauties will be available at STAR for $3.00 each.
Wonderful news. I look forward to picking up a couple when there.
:clap: :trink39:
And the finished product looks even better! Wait 'till you see it!!! ;D
And the finished product looks even better! Wait 'till you see it!!! ;D
I'm chomping at the bit to get to STAR. Can't wait for the routes, the fun, the pin, everything.
There are enough routes for you Rich, that you can come early, stay late and you can take a different route everyday for about 3 weeks. We can also give you some more options for routes when you run out. :clap:
There are enough routes for you Rich, that you can come early, stay late and you can take a different route everyday for about 3 weeks. We can also give you some more options for routes when you run out. :clap:
Thanks Carl. Well, if I hit the lottery before heading to STAR (or while on the road there) I just might take you up on the stay late. I'll be arriving Saturday night and staying through Wednesday night (unless I win another bike, then may have to stay a little longer) and then heading up to the UP of MI. That will cover Thursday through Sunday when I plan to arrive back at home.
I have been told that it is someone else's turn to win the bike.
Rich, last July, Denise and I rode to Duluth, took a sail boat cruise for a few hours on Lake Superior as the sun went down. Never did that before and it was awesome watching the sun go down over the hill to the west. The Capt says he only takes 6 passengers, that night it was 4 plus him. Then rode to Tofte and spent a few days riding around the area and all the way to the border, and took photos of a water Falls that one side is USA and the other is Canada. Very peaceful ride. Very little traffic. This August we are riding to the U.P. Michigan for a week.