MSTA Forums

Thread Archive => STAR 2018 => Topic started by: hhemstreet on May 14, 2018, 11:24:07 pm

Title: Housing news 5/14/2018
Post by: hhemstreet on May 14, 2018, 11:24:07 pm
Some housing news. The Radisson - sold out a while ago.
 The Holiday Inn - Dennis was able to get a few more rooms but these start on Sunday, so no Saturday rooms left.
 Best bet is register and book your room now.

 Second best bet is to find someone who needs/ wants a room-mate.
 Third best bet is to call both anyway - we always have a pretty large number of cancels (up to 10%), so don't be discouraged.
 Fourth best bet is to pitch your tent next to Geoffrey Greene ( who will be in the woods somewhere.
 Fifth best bet is to seek an Airbnb - several in the area.
 Absolutely nothing should deter you - you will always find a way because you are unstoppable.  (👺(👺(
Title: Re: Housing news 5/14/2018
Post by: RichGrab on May 15, 2018, 09:52:50 am
Like your final line Harry. It's similar to what Yoda said "Do or do not. There is no try."
Title: Re: Housing news 5/14/2018
Post by: STLTHMSTA on May 17, 2018, 08:16:53 am
Harry, I just registered as I am a Last Minute Louie these days. Do you have a stand by list for the Raddison to snatch up those cancels? I will make a reservation at the Holiday but would prefer to be at "Home" base. 

Of course I am open to sharing a room if someone needs a roomie to cut expenses. Gas prices DID just hit the roof again this week. Non-smoker, Thanks, TM
Title: Re: Housing news 5/14/2018
Post by: hhemstreet on May 17, 2018, 10:12:06 pm
We are NOT corresponding with the Radisson regarding cancels. Our last cancel was on 4/30, so the cancels are not coming very fast. Normally cancels occur much closer to STAR - usually in the last 2 weeks prior, so all I can say is check frequently. Every year is different, so keep an eye on this thread. I would be happy to post cancels as they occur.

Dennis found some  more rooms across from the Holiday Inn - details will follow.

As of now (5/17) we have 251 registered for STAR. At this pace we are ahead of 2017 where we ended up with 290 registered.
Remember that there are other hotels/motels in La Crosse, should we come to the point where we can't block rooms.

Title: Re: Housing news 5/14/2018
Post by: stevegrab on May 18, 2018, 04:50:28 pm
Tom book a room at the Radison as soon as you can, I booked what seems like 2 months ago and the Holidy Inn was already sold out, plenty of us won't be at the main hotel and the walk should be very short based on the aerial view I've seen.
Title: Re: Housing news 5/14/2018
Post by: hhemstreet on May 18, 2018, 07:50:13 pm
See new topic on additional housing at the Home2 Suites by Hilton.
Title: Re: Housing news 5/14/2018
Post by: STLTHMSTA on May 21, 2018, 08:13:42 am
I booked a room this morning at Home2. I'll have to book separately for Saturday night as this is not included for the MSTA rate. It wouldn't let me include it in my booking. No biggie. Thanks to those responsible for arranging this. TM