MSTA Forums

Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: NinjaBob on May 20, 2018, 09:18:17 pm

Post by: NinjaBob on May 20, 2018, 09:18:17 pm
Keith, sorry to hear about your accident! Sounds like you are ok, hope that is true. I am sure the Beemer did not fair so well. Hope the damage is not too bad and gets fixed quick! Let us know if you need anything!
Post by: Brick on May 20, 2018, 10:16:01 pm
Wait... what is this?? I saw no notice of any one named BMWKEITH having an accident? I don’t think this is a very cool way to start a thread!

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Post by: HawkGTRider on May 21, 2018, 08:30:19 am
Wait... what is this?? I saw no notice of any one named BMWKEITH having an accident? I don’t think this is a very cool way to start a thread!

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I'm with you Brick. What happened?
Post by: NinjaBob on May 21, 2018, 08:37:10 am
Sorry if I was out of bounds. Keith posted about the accident on his road log in Mileage Logger ( Not sure why he posted there and not here. Not trying to be cool, just wanted to wish him well and thought his many friends would want to also.
Post by: HawkGTRider on May 21, 2018, 09:12:16 am
Sorry if I was out of bounds. Keith posted about the accident on his road log in Mileage Logger ( Not sure why he posted there and not here. Not trying to be cool, just wanted to wish him well and thought his many friends would want to also.
You weren't out of bounds...we were just uninformed.
You're correct about wanting to wish Keith well...we're all happy it seems to have been mostly mechanical damage rather than bodily harm.
Post by: RichGrab on May 21, 2018, 11:52:08 am
Well, that sucks for Keith. Glad he's okay because bikes can be fixed. I know of Keith (Danielson), he's from Sterling Hts. MI and a nice guy.
Post by: Brick on May 21, 2018, 01:19:42 pm
Oh yea I had no idea there was a ride log anywhere. So Bob you weren’t out of bounds I like Geoffery was just uninformed. I figured BMWKEITH WAS KEITH Danielson. Glad he is ok... or at least I believe he is.

I guess I do the biggest following of the MSTA world through the forum and Tapatalk on my iPhone. So obviously I see there are things I’m missing out on. My computer is old and well frankly I don’t really do much on a computer and so hate the thought of spending a bunch of money on a new computer. I suppose if I could get fast internet at my house I might think differently.

Keith let us know how you are.


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Post by: stevegrab on May 21, 2018, 01:26:25 pm
Brick you should consider getting a tablet or something, if you're doing all your online stuff with your cell phone that has to be hard with such a tine screen. How do you shop for motorcycle accessories and place orders? All on your phone?

You should consider getting a tablet or something smaller, if you're using your phone at home to browse you're already using the data it provides, and could probably do a WiFi hot spot from your phone for the tablet (or a computer).

My home computer is an ancient laptop that I use very little compared to my tablet. But it is still better for somethings and I use a computer daily at work an enjoy the full keyboard, larger screens etc.

PS Sorry to hear about Keith's accident, glad he appears to be ok. Nothing wrong with posting this kind of stuff, but if there is more to the story that is known provide it. I've heard of the milage logging, but did not know people are blogging about their rides there.
Post by: NinjaBob on May 21, 2018, 01:30:35 pm
I've known Kieth from the early days, he is one hell of a nice guy, but not the type to seek sympathy! Which is why I supect he did not post here. Keith is typically the first one to help out when someone else has a misshap!

I wish more riders would participate on the mileage logger. It is workable with a phone, but barely. Guess I need to learn how to make phone version!
Post by: DireWolf on May 25, 2018, 04:44:33 pm
Rumor has it the Keith will be on a new bike for STAR.  :trink39:
Post by: BMWKeith on July 31, 2018, 05:41:05 pm
A little bit late to the party, but here I am now.  I've been too busy riding to be spending time here.  So here's my tale of woe.

While in NC back in mid-May, a guy ran the red light on Hyatt Creek Road, just east of US23, in Waynesville.  He said he was looking at the next light at Old Balsam Road, and never saw the one he ran (or my motorcycle that was cross-wise in his lane in front of him as I moved out slowly, waiting for oncoming turning traffic to clear).  I estimate that by that time the light had been red for him (green for me) for at least 4 to 5 seconds.  I wasn't quite far enough forward to dodge him, and he hit my new 2016 R1200GS (purchased at the end of December) behind the rear axle, and knocked me down.

The bike's rear frame was bent, the top case was sent clear across the road, and the right cylinder head cover was cracked, among other things.  The bike was totaled, but I escaped with a pulled groin, a hip pointer, and minor rug-burn on my right elbow. 

I picked up a new 2017 R1200GS Rallye at the end of May.  I rode 888 miles in Michigan on it the first weekend so I could have the initial service done before STAR, and had it there at STAR (a great event, I might add, thoroughly enjoyed by me, as well as all who were there, as attested in other threads on this forum).  After STAR, I rode it back home via the UP, and then to Minneapolis a week later, then to KY a couple of weeks ago, along with numerous other rides around MI.

It's just about broken in now, and has remained out of the way of other vehicles, and on it tires since.  It's a great bike.

Thanks to all for the concern expressed here.  Sorry I didn't see this thread sooner.

See you on the road.

Post by: DirtFlier on August 01, 2018, 04:14:56 am

Good to hear that you came out of it without serious injuries. 

Post by: RIDEMYST on August 01, 2018, 12:30:41 pm
Glad you had a happy ending! -JEP-

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Post by: bcd on August 01, 2018, 02:53:52 pm
Glad you're OK, Keith. It's a jungle out there!
Post by: RichGrab on August 01, 2018, 04:07:54 pm
It was good to see you at STAR after hearing about this thru the grapevine. And glad you came out of it pretty much whole, if not better off.