MSTA Forums

Thread Archive => STAR 2018 => Topic started by: hhemstreet on July 08, 2018, 01:06:40 pm

Title: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: hhemstreet on July 08, 2018, 01:06:40 pm
I have not closed the survey yet, but took a quick look at the results so far.
143 have responded out of 230 surveys sent -  that 62% response rate is a new record.                                                         
I combine Very high and High as a measure of ‘goodness’ with regard to answers.                                                                     
As of today 96% of respondents rated La Crosse High/VH as a venue for STAR. The closest competitors were Avon, CO and Rapid City, SD – both at 89%. This is also a new record!                                                                                                             
The specific score for STAR 18 overall was fantastic 94%. This is bested by only Lexington KY for STAR13 (97%).
Many thanks are in order for the STAR18 crew – fantastic job guys!

Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: ladtodt on July 08, 2018, 05:46:01 pm
I couldn't agree more. It was truly fantastic!  Thanks to all the volunteers and coordinators who helped with this unforgettable event!
Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: Ride4MS on July 08, 2018, 11:07:57 pm
It was a lot of hard work, and we are glad that so many enjoyed and appreciated it. 

We wish that more members would have made the trek to La Crosse to enjoy the hard work put into it this year, as well as the great riding roads.  But, we understand that not everyone can take off for a week or more, depending on where you live.

We could not have done it without all the great MSTA volunteers that helped in La Crosse. :clap:

Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: STLTHMSTA on July 09, 2018, 08:28:47 am
And thanks to YOU Harry for all that you and your little helper ;) have done to keep this all organized. Not only with the registration but the after glow of STAR with the survey and such. So to Carl and Denise, Harry and Beth we really couldn't have done it without you and you deserve these high ratings.
LaCrosse was truly friendly and a little laid back (that's a good thing) and was well worth the trip.
Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: RichGrab on July 09, 2018, 09:56:43 am
Couldn't agree more with all the statements above. The planning was superb, and the roads & routes were just great. And just think, with all the routes planned out, I'd say most people rode 3-5 of them at most. So next time we do it in La Crosse, the routing and GPS files are already done.  :clap: :trink39: 8)
Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: stevegrab on July 09, 2018, 12:51:12 pm
That is great to hear, I had a great time and gave high marks for almost everything.
Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: RichGrab on July 09, 2018, 04:42:42 pm
That is great to hear, I had a great time and gave high marks for almost everything.
Hey bro - time to update that tag line if you know what I mean. :)
Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: bcd on July 10, 2018, 10:19:59 am
Like apparently nearly everyone else, I had a wonderful time at STAR 2018. I rode about 4 1/2 of the routes (I used the return part of one route on my way to STAR), and they were all a good time. There were enough routes (in addition to places to visit) that I did not get to that I would be happy to return to the area.

On the way home, I crossed over the top of Lake Superior. If you haven't ridden in that area, you owe it to yourself to do it someday. Absolutely lovely scenery.
Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: wmeacham on July 12, 2018, 09:37:32 am
Harry, I did not receive the survey. That being the case will be able to view the results?
Title: Re: STAR Survey - preview - Holy Cow!
Post by: hhemstreet on July 12, 2018, 10:29:58 am
Wayne, Sorry about that - you should have received the email.
Oh well - I am posting the results in a new topic in the section, so yes - everyone can see the results!