MSTA Forums
Events => Regional Rallies => Fly-By WEEK => Topic started by: normkern on August 07, 2018, 10:31:24 am
The new EZ Route Selector is online at (
Choose the Complete Route Guide, Destination, Touring Bike-Friendly, Easy Navigation, Twisty & Technical or Adventure categories and see the routes you are interested in at a glance.
Each page lists all routes in the category with details including route type, navigation difficulty, distance, lunch stop, direction from Marietta, comments, date of latest version and link to a full page map. There are also links for the PDF printable maps and turn-by-turn instructions and Garmin GPS route and track files in GPX format. The PDF and GPX links will be activated on August 10.
The FlyBy Week T-Shirt order deadline is quickly approaching. No orders can be accepted after 6PM, Thursday, August 9.Go to Online Registration ( to order yours today. If you already registered and didn't order one, just email Doug ( ( with your name, quantities and sizes S-XXXL. Click HERE ( to see a larger version.
For those who don't pre-register and just show up at the rally, here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. I hope to have a couple of GPS "data wrangler" volunteers on hand to load routes onto GPS units, but if you want to use your GPS at FlyBy Week, you would be wise to choose the ones you are interested in and load them before you come to the rally. If you have a netbook or notebook computer, be sure to bring it with you and download the latest updates at the rally. While you're at it, you could also VOLUNTEER ( to help!
2. If you are a paper map and turn-by-turn printed route person, there will NOT be stacks of pre-printed routes available at sign-up. Each route is 4-8 pages, and including variants there are about 20 routes. There is no way we can have copies on hand, so IF YOU WANT TO USE PAPER ROUTES, PRINT THEM AT HOME BEFORE YOU COME TO THE RALLY!
3. While you are online getting route info and files, why not GO AHEAD AND REGISTER ONLINE ( That way our volunteers won't have to work so hard at event signup. THANK YOU for your cooperation!
Norm Kern
FlyBy Week coordinator
The route selector is very cool! Great job Norm! I can’t wait for my departure date to get here.