MSTA Forums

Thread Archive => Regional Sanctioned Events => Topic started by: NinjaBob on November 21, 2018, 10:06:24 am

Title: 19 Events
Post by: NinjaBob on November 21, 2018, 10:06:24 am
Thats 19 EVENTS in 2019!
We have an interactive events listing at (
Click on the event title for more details. Details are not posted yet for all events  but will be added as soon as available.
Title: Re: 19 Events
Post by: Ride4MS on November 21, 2018, 11:12:54 am
For all of those people that missed out on STAR in La Crosse, or if you just want to come back and ride more of the great Driftless area, come back on August 9-11, 2019.  This is listed on the Events page as Twistar 2.0, with John Panek.

We hope to see many riders for this JFF Event.

Title: Re: 19 Events
Post by: tunerider335 on November 22, 2018, 09:42:39 am

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