MSTA Forums

Thread Archive => STAR 2019 => Topic started by: doug mcpeek on December 16, 2018, 09:49:26 pm

Title: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - RESCHEDULED for Jan 19 due to weather
Post by: doug mcpeek on December 16, 2018, 09:49:26 pm
It's not back yet.  Due to concerns over the expected snowfall, Bill has rescheduled the event for the following Saturday.

The raffle tickets for STAR 2019 will be physical rather than virtual.  They will be mailed to all members.  Therefore we will once again have a raffle ticket stuffing party in Ohio.  Raffle Guy Bill Rusk will host the morning's activities at his home @ 11 am Saturday January 19.  Many hands make light work (and many hands lighten the donut boxes).  Bring your favorite breakfast treat, beverage or snack.
Bill Rusk, MSTA Raffle Guy                                                                                                                       Address - 316 S. 3rd St. Tipp City, OH
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: brider on December 16, 2018, 09:52:06 pm
Land line is 937-667-0787
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: Patmo on December 17, 2018, 06:14:22 am
Yay!  Thanks for volunteering the space for this Bill.  Looking forward to seeing everyone there.  Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Holiday season, and a safe one too.  See y’all next year!

Pat M
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: bcd on December 17, 2018, 10:59:42 am
I've missed these, so I look forward to it.

Thanks, Bill! You're OK, I don't care what Jon says about you! :-D
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: brider on January 07, 2019, 12:02:42 pm
Can someone bring a big coffee pot.  We just have a very small one.
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: doug mcpeek on January 07, 2019, 04:48:31 pm
Can someone bring a big coffee pot.  We just have a very small one.

I'll pass the word.
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: RichGrab on January 08, 2019, 09:49:47 am
Can someone bring a big coffee pot.  We just have a very small one.
Sorry I won't be there. But do have a suggestion on coffee. Most coffee places (Dunkin etc.) have to go in a large pourable container. Like a gallon or more - unsure of cost but someone could swing it I'm sure since you're donating the space. Have fun, looking forward to getting tickets in the mail.
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: Patmo on January 10, 2019, 06:42:23 am
Watching the there a plan in case we get more snow than the forecast or there are road problems?
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: brider on January 10, 2019, 07:03:43 am
We don't need no stinkin plan!  If things go bust we will have to set up another Saturday after I get back from Cozumel! 
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: Patmo on January 10, 2019, 08:00:46 am
Did I just hear that the Stuffing party is moved to Cozumel?  Yay!

Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: STLTHMSTA on January 10, 2019, 08:49:11 am
Weeeeeeeelllllll, ecsuuuuuuuuse  Meeeeeee!!!!!
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: DirtFlier on January 10, 2019, 05:17:39 pm
Bill lives in Miami county and the current forecast for Sat-Sun is 3-6" of new snow.
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: stevegrab on January 10, 2019, 06:18:07 pm
Bill lives in Miami county and the current forecast for Sat-Sun is 3-6" of new snow.
Which means either 0-1 inch or closer to a foot. :)

Was not forecast for much here, then the lake effect kicked in (Superior and Michigan too, not just nearby Lake Erie) major white out few minutes from work on my commute and probably 4 inches total. Watch I'll get home (15 miles away) and have the same trace I had this morning.

Sorry I won't be there, just too far and early for me to be there enough to help.
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: DirtFlier on January 11, 2019, 05:18:45 am
Our area (Miami County) won't be too bad but south of us might see much heavier snowfall.
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: Patmo on January 11, 2019, 05:57:51 am

This is going to be your call.

Of course the problem is that none of us trust the weather people.  We’ve been forecasted for snow so many times in the past, that never reached us, that we’ve come to expect it to not be as bad as they say it will be.  However, I really think they’ve got it right this time.  There are just to many people from St. Louis eastward that are calling for 4-6 inches, that I don’t think they can all be wrong.  Can they?

I know that IF we get the weather forecasted I probably won’t be driving up from NKY.  It’s suppossed to start here by 2am tonight and snow continually until around noon on Sunday.  This is the one time where it looks like the further SOUTH you are, the more snow you’re going to get.  I blame Canada.  ❄️☹️
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: brider on January 11, 2019, 06:05:01 am
I'll going to wait till noon today and make the call one way or the other. 
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - Jan. 12 Tipp City, OH
Post by: brider on January 11, 2019, 10:30:53 am
I'm pulling the plug on the raffle stuffing for January 12 due to the weather and rescheduling it for January 19th at 11AM.
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - RESCHEDULED for Jan 19 due to weather
Post by: erniee on January 11, 2019, 12:14:50 pm

Sorry, will not be able to make the 19th.
Tom & Kelly Ernst
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - RESCHEDULED for Jan 19 due to weather
Post by: DirtFlier on January 12, 2019, 03:06:24 pm
Rescheduling it a week later was a good choice.  I just finished shoveling my driveway (I live around 2-miles from Bill) and I'd guesstimate it at 5+" and still coming down steadily.  In all that time when I was shoveling, only one car went by so road conditions are dicey and since it's a weekend, the township snowplows aren't running.  I'm not planning to go anywhere so it really doesn't matter! 
Title: Re: Raffle Ticket Stuffing Party - RESCHEDULED for Jan 19 due to weather
Post by: STLTHMSTA on January 13, 2019, 09:08:39 am
My ever aging Honda tractor spent the morning plowing driveways. Looks we'll be at it again today. I don't like winter, just sayin'.  TM