MSTA Forums
Events => Regional Rallies => Big Lynn Lodge Ride => Topic started by: dpippin on March 04, 2014, 09:19:56 am
North Carolina's Big Lynn Lodge Ride
July 25 - July 27, 2014
For more event information and a registration form go to; (
The Big Lynn Lodge is located in/near Little Switzerland, NC and is literally hanging on the side of the mountain right on NC-226A.
You will be AMAZED at the view and you will be ASTONISHED by the roads!
The Big Lynn Lodge has a unique "formula" in that their nightly room rate INCLUDES an excellent home styled cooked meal and a full Breakfast for each person!
Pre-Registration will be $15 for Members and $10 for M.O.H.
Registration at the event will be $20 for Members and $15 for M.O.H.
Sustaining and Lifetime members receive a 10% discount
Dave Brickner event coordinator has negotiated special rates for this Big Lynn Lodge Ride.
Call 800-654-5232 to make your reservations
Be sure to tell them this is the MSTA Event (
Special Notice: Friday evening July 25th 2014 at the Big Lynn Lodge Ride The Alligators blues band will play just for us!
Live blues music just another reason to attend this fast growing event! See the link above and get your registration form in.
Well there are 17 rooms reserved but I have only 4 registration forms. Please if you have a room send me a registration form and check. Note: my address is 1044 Belvidere Lane Morganton, NC 28655.
I mailed my registration form today, now I just need to get a room..... ;)
Great Rick it will be really good to see you again. How's your back? Are you riding yet?
Great Rick it will be really good to see you again. How's your back? Are you riding yet?
Thanks for asking, it's getting a little better each day....Dr says I can do little 30-40 minute rides for now, but I have not had time to get out for a ride yet....The ST still shows 2 miles on the odometer... :'(
Hopefully this weekend I can change that.... ;)
Since I can't go to STAR this year, I am going to try and make it to four of the MSTA weekend events that are within a one day ride....and yours will be the first.. ;D
I have a room reserved Rick, and no roommate as of yet. Please contact me by phone or email, if you're interested. Glad to hear things are improving! Syd :D
I have a room reserved Rick, and no roommate as of yet. Please contact me by phone or email, if you're interested. Glad to hear things are improving! Syd :D
Hey Syd, thanks for the offer and I will take you up on it. It seems kind of fitting as neither of us get to go to STAR.
Here are photos from previous years of the Big Lynn Lodge Ride...
Well there are 17 rooms reserved but I have only 4 registration forms. Please if you have a room send me a registration form and check. Note: my address is 1044 Belvidere Lane Morganton, NC 28655.
What is the special rate per room?
Stopped by the lodge yesterday on the way home from Sparta. Showed Anita the Lodge and had a visit with the owners. It is all looking good, hoping to see everyone there in July, and in SD in a coupkle of weekes.
Iggy Joe. 8)
It's $110/night plus tax for two people to a room. AND it's 95/night plus tax for a Queen bed. This rate includes full Supper including drink (not beer) and dessert for two in the $110/night room and for one person in the $95/night room.
I spoke with Hoyte today and he said we only have 15 rooms left on our block. Get them now while they are hot!
Well there are 17 rooms reserved but I have only 4 registration forms. Please if you have a room send me a registration form and check. Note: my address is 1044 Belvidere Lane Morganton, NC 28655.
What is the special rate per room?
See you in July!
OK Brick, I'm calling the Lodge right now!. Ruth & I will be there again this year after a super good time was had last year, despite the weather. As powerful as you are, I know you will take care of that little issue for this year's event ;D . Right?
See you in July
Bob & Ruth
No problem Bob... just for you I ordered extra fun.
Brick, my registration is in the mail.
Excellent! See you there!
Yesterday I rode up to the Big Lynn Lodge to check up on a few things.
226A is ALL repaved... they are still installing a few guard rails. AND as with all repaving they put new gravel on all the berms. That sounds good except "Bubba" can't seem to keep his pick-em-up on the road and drags the gravel onto the new pavement. So I've survived here by staying in one of the tire tracks... left or right in every corner. Do not cross from one tire track to the other in mountain curves... that center... between the two tire tracks is very dangerous with the gravel.
The Big Lynn is almost full. There are only 8 rooms left for this event so call now and get yours before all are gone.
Also if you have a room or when you make a reservation be sure to give your T-shirt size because Hoyte the Owner is having event T-shirts made.
The Alligator's Blues band will be playing Friday night for our entertainment.
The roads are fantastic both paved and dual sport.
I sure hope you can make it!
Woovis & I will be there.
Jon Sr.l
Jon... Great!
Just made reservations for Jennie and I and registration form is in the mail. As of today ( 6-25 ) there are three rooms available so time is running out if you are thinking about attending.
I went up to the Big Lynn Lodge today! There are Two rooms left at the BLL!
One room has 2 Queen beds. The other has 2 Queen beds and 2 bunk beds in another room... But there is no door between the tw bed rooms. And you have to go through the bunk bed room to get to the bathroom.
So if you want to stay with us at the Lodge call ASAP! If you do get a room let me know.
As of yesterday June 30, 2014 the Big Lynn Lodge has only one room left and this room has 2 Queen Beds in one room and 2 Bunk Beds in an adjoining room (no door between rooms).
Overflow motel: ( The Skyline Village Inn Cavern Tavern is located at the intersection of NC 226, NC 226A and the Blue Ridge Parkway. And is approximately 3 miles from the Big Lynn Lodge. Mike there has some rooms for us:
Balcony (with the view) Single 1Q $99 our rate $93
Balcony Double 2Q $119 our rate $113
Single (no view but access to the balcony view) 1Q $79 our rate $73
Double 2Q $99 our rate $93
Call: 828-765-9394
Note: They also have a few Dual Sport bike to rent. Call for more info.
There is also ( The Switzerland Inn is located at the intersection of NC 226A and the Blue Ridge Parkway at the Little Switzerland exit MM 334. It is right at Little Switzerland near the post office and the Little Switzerland Cafe.
The Switzerland Inn is a motorcycle friendly motel and even has one building designated as for motorcyclists located behind the tennis courts. You can actually ride your bike on a walkway back to this building and park it under cover. These MC Rooms share bathroom facilities. I was unable to negotiate any special rates at the Switzerland Inn so the rate will be what you can negotiate. The Switzerland Inn is approximately 4 miles down NC 226A from the Big Lynn Lodge.
Hoyte the Big Lynn Lodge owner says that if you stay at either of these facilities he will see that you can get a ride to and from so that you can enjoy an adult beverage if you so desire. Note: The Big Lynn Lodge has some beer to sell by the drink but if you desire a certain beverage you should BYOB!
It looks like I will have another surprise for all attendees... stay tuned!
"It looks like I will have another surprise for all attendees... stay tuned!"
Drag racing your two Super Teneres against each other. Can you say holeshot!!! ;D
Last time I was at the Skyline Village Inn (5+ years ago during a Tri-STAR event) they had a large selection of beer available for carry out at a store next door. Or was that some other place down there? I know we ate lunch there and it looked like a nice place.
Wish I could make this but things are just too busy here to break away again for vacation. Y'all enjoy it and maybe next year (since I won't be able to make STAR >:( ).
Good to know the old memory is still pretty good, the Village Inn Shop, claiming the best beer/wine selection in the area. Even the most cultured of beer snob should be able to find something good there. (
Steve I visited the Skyline Village yesterday to firm up them as our overflow Motel and yes they have a large selection of beer! I will be recommending them to anyone looking for good beer!
Also they have 3 dual sport bikes for rent. 2 small Yamaha 200 & 225cc and a 650cc BMW. $100/day for the Yamaha and $125 plus Mike said $15/day for insurance. That is a cool deal! So if anyone wants to DS ride give Mike a call.
This is a cool place too Mike and Lynn Thrift bought the Skyline 10 years ago. I used to stay there in the 90's during my many "Spring rides"! A lot has changed since then!
Just booked airfares to AVL on Friday, July 18th, so Cindy & I will see you for at least part of Big Lynn!
We may book nearby lodging for the Friday night as the Blues Band is right up our alley.
Our place is just 5 minutes from Asheville airport, so anybody wanting to ride any day thru Saturday, August 2nd give me a shout please.
Anita and I are looking forward to seeing you and Cindy there, and since I live 3 minutes from the same airport I bet we can even ride together... Glad you guys are getting some vacation time in together!
Iggy Joe
Just received our registration back in the mail. :-[ Do you have the correct address on the form? At any rate Tree and I will see you there. We are both looking forward to it. ;D
Rick B
Sorry, the correct address is:
1044 Belvidere Lane
Morganton, NC 28655
FREE T-SHIRTS! Yes, that is what I said... everyone who registers for this years Big Lynn Lodge gets a free T-shirt! BUT in order to get your shirt you need to email... AND tell them who you are what room you are in and what the correct size or sizes of T-shirt(s) you will require.
You can also call them at: 800-654-5232 and tell them your name, what room you are in and what size(s) of T-shirts you require.
IF you are at one of the overflow motels... tell them that!
The inn is sold out. Does anyone have a room they would like to share. I would plan to be there Friday and Saturday nights.
reply to my email
Bill Hammond
Greensboro NC
klr650 old and slow
Bill there is a newer member, William King who is looking for someone to share his room. I think his email is Let me know if that's not correct.
There are also rooms down 226A in both directions. The Skyline and Switzerland Inn.
Thanks Brick --- I sent email to waking --- he does not appear to be a member of this list.
Hopefully I will hear from him today. I also sent him my cell#.
Bill H
The email to waking bounced back so must be incorrect. I am still looking to share with someone. Thanks.
Bill H
So---- I have connected with Bill King from Massachusetts and he and I will be rooming together at the Big Lynn Lodge. Look forward to seeing everyone on Friday evening.
Bill H :D
Rick Giddish and I were all set to share a room, but he is suffering from a respiratory infection that has knocked him out of work as well as Big Lynn. If there is anyone who would like to share the room, please send me a pm. Thanks, Syd :)
I drove... my truck, up to the BLL today delivering the "stuff" I need for registration and the event. There were two members already there and they were expecting around 16 members for the evening meal tonight!
Excellent! Howard Baumwell rode down from Ohio today and is staying at our house tonight. We ride up tomorrow!
Thank you Brick and crew for a most excellent adventure weekend!
Thank you Brick and crew for a most excellent adventure weekend!
+1 most excellent!
Jennie and I had a great weekend. We have our room reserved for next year. Thanks to Dave Brickner and all who assisted.
Y'all are very welcome! I too had a ball! It's great riding up there. The roads are fantastic! (
The view from the deck of my cabin.
Who are those people and what are they doing?
Bob we had morning stretching before the ride. Our Message person, Ann Marie LaFrance was showing us some stretches to help make our ride better.
Bob we had morning stretching before the ride. Our Message person, Ann Marie LaFrance was showing us some stretches to help make our ride better. 
Cool! Great idea. You really put on a great event, Brick. Gotta make it next year!
Bob... Yes it was a great event... The only problem is that there are only 42 rooms after that fills up its all full period.