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Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: STLTHMSTA on February 10, 2019, 09:24:44 am

Title: Raffle bike picture
Post by: STLTHMSTA on February 10, 2019, 09:24:44 am
Don't want to nit pic but.............The picture of the raffle bike on the website is a 2017 Wing. Not a big deal though the raffle bike is the next generation of Goldwing and is a much different bike. I was just so proud of myself for finding the "what's wrong with this picture", LOL.
Just sayin', TM
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: Patmo on February 10, 2019, 09:55:48 am
Darned if you aren’t right.  Never noticed it myself (not being a Goldwing person), but side by side there are some differences in the way it looks.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: Ride4MS on February 10, 2019, 10:25:04 am
Another small correction should be made. 
Honda does not produce a Goldwing.  But they do make a Gold Wing.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: STLTHMSTA on February 10, 2019, 07:01:31 pm
Another small correction should be made. 
Honda does not produce a Goldwing.  But they do make a Gold Wing.
Damn, you got me on that one. I think my catch was worth more points though. LOL
You say potato I say potahto!
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: Ride4MS on February 10, 2019, 10:39:49 pm
Gee, makes me wonder...what is the raffle bike??  Incorrect photo and name.  Or is this a bait a switch??  We will have to wait and see what the winner really gets.  I may buy extra raffle tickets and hope that I win this rare cycle.  LOL
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: NinjaBob on February 11, 2019, 09:25:02 am
And to think I spent a hour plus trying to find a good photo! Somebody send me a link, I don't know Gold Wings!
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: HawkGTRider on February 11, 2019, 04:09:28 pm
How about these pics from Honda's web site?
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: NinjaBob on February 11, 2019, 06:50:53 pm
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: NinjaBob on February 11, 2019, 07:02:55 pm
The picture I put up originally WAS from Honda's website but apparently I got an old picture.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: STLTHMSTA on February 11, 2019, 09:24:23 pm
Yep, that's the ones. Make mine the red one please! Goldwing, GoldWing, Gold Wing. A ride by any other spelling or trade mark, tm.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: HawkGTRider on February 12, 2019, 11:22:35 am
I'd probably be willing to sell a couple of older bikes to make room for something like this in my garage.

As far as the name of the bike...Gold Wing vs Goldwing...when I did a Google search for pictures, I entered 2019 Gold Wing. Google asked Did you mean:2019 Goldwing

When looking at a video of bike features, a couple of places on the bike it looks like one word. But I believe the correct name is two words.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: NinjaBob on February 12, 2019, 02:23:05 pm
My googling came up with several forums and all but one were labeled goldwing
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: Ride4MS on February 12, 2019, 04:34:55 pm
Even though we all know that the internet is ALWAYS correct, I would still go with the spelling that is on the Honda site as well as on the bike it self.  LOL
We really don't want to upset Honda with the deal that they are giving us.  At least I heard it was a good deal.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: NinjaBob on February 12, 2019, 05:01:58 pm
Well FWIW I have edited the the post on the website (which is actually an exerpt from  STAReview) to read Gold Wing.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: JimRRides on February 15, 2019, 04:18:50 am
I can't image any MSTA member not buying raffle tickets or refusing to accept the bike if they won because it was a Gold Wing not a Goldwing (or the other way around, I'm getting confused already). (grin, chuckle)

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Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: JimRRides on February 15, 2019, 04:23:01 am
Last week I heard a young rider at the shop say the Gold Wing is the "Buick Roadmaster" of motorcycles.

I thought that was rather funny (although I am suffering from a serious case of Parked Motorcycle Syndrome so my sense of humor could be a little bent)

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Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: Ride4MS on February 15, 2019, 08:43:46 am
Buick Roadmaster??  On steroids maybe.

When I got the '86 Gold Wing Interstate and restored it, I was told that if I like the 1200, you would really love a 1500.  And, don't ride a 1800 unless you are planning to buy one, because you will buy it after riding it.  Well, I have not ridden either the 1500 or 1800.  The 1800 is a cross between sport touring and touring with a touch of sport bike power with it's frame and handling.

Now the new 1800, 2018 and 2019 have more of the sport bike features added.  After riding our '02 ST1100, then get on the '86 1200 with two of us on, we are scraping bottom in  the corners.  I have been told the new 1800 will handle corners better than the '02 ST1100.

Am I ready for that at my age?  Hopefully I win the raffle bike and then I can find out.

Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: JimRRides on February 15, 2019, 02:30:10 pm
Buick Roadmaster??  On steroids maybe.

When I got the '86 Gold Wing Interstate and restored it, I was told that if I like the 1200, you would really love a 1500.  And, don't ride a 1800 unless you are planning to buy one, because you will buy it after riding it.  Well, I have not ridden either the 1500 or 1800.  The 1800 is a cross between sport touring and touring with a touch of sport bike power with it's frame and handling.

Now the new 1800, 2018 and 2019 have more of the sport bike features added.  After riding our '02 ST1100, then get on the '86 1200 with two of us on, we are scraping bottom in  the corners.  I have been told the new 1800 will handle corners better than the '02 ST1100.

Am I ready for that at my age?  Hopefully I win the raffle bike and then I can find out.
I've seen you ride, my friend. I suspect you would quite quickly make use of all the capabilities of the 1800.

I remember riding the GL1800 when it first arrived and being impressed with it's handling and once moving it felt tons (yep, pun intended) lighter than the preceeding Gold Wing.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: STLTHMSTA on February 15, 2019, 02:46:02 pm
Well, I always said if ya can't handle a bike that big then just don't get one. I've had a GW12, 2 GW15's and an 18 all great machines that do take getting used to. I'm a whopping 165lbs so no buffet belly required.
The 18 was the best handling of them all. I had a chance to ride a friend's 2018 GW and it is sportier (can we sporty people call it that) than the rest. Didn't get too aggressive with a friend's NEW bike but it really motors.
However, having said all that my ST11's have stayed when others were traded off or sold. Fits me best.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: Ride4MS on February 15, 2019, 05:46:02 pm
We like our ST1100 the best also.  But, the 1200 Gold Wing is ridden about once per year, on the MS River Road Run, a charity ride for the MS Society.  My Uncle rode it for about 10 years in that Ride and when he bought a new Gold Wing 1500, his daughter bought it and rode it once.  Her husband and her decided they liked riding each their own bike.  It sat for about 10 years in a pole shed.  Then I got it and restored it and we ride it in the MS River Road Run each year as a tribute and it is also the bike that has been in the most Rides for MS.  Total of about 20 years in the MS RRR.

A side note, when my Uncle sold his 1500, he downsized to a Bergman and rode that many years, while living in St. Paul, MN.  I got an email from him two years ago, saying his reflexes were not as good as they used to be, and he sold his Bergman.  Two weeks later he turned 94 years old.  I guess all the years flying bombers and such in WWII kept his reflexes good, even though he did not start riding an cycle until he was in his 50's.

Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: STLTHMSTA on February 15, 2019, 07:34:39 pm
Well, here's a great big S-A-L-U-T-E from this end for your uncle's service. Truly the Greatest Generation!!!
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: RichGrab on February 16, 2019, 10:41:15 am
Even though we all know that the internet is ALWAYS correct, I would still go with the spelling that is on the Honda site as well as on the bike it self.  LOL
We really don't want to upset Honda with the deal that they are giving us.  At least I heard it was a good deal.
Googling (and most search engines I believe) compile info based on what people look for. Most folks don't know it's two words, so that's how they search. BUT, on the Honda website it's Gold Wing. Like another mentioned, I'd believe the manufacturer before google. Hope everyone is buying a few tickets.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: erniee on February 16, 2019, 04:01:26 pm
Spell it anyway you want, but when I win it I will take the standard Gold Wing and upgrade to the 7 speed transmission.
Title: Re: Raffle bike picture
Post by: HawkGTRider on February 16, 2019, 05:30:47 pm
I'm afraid to have a DCT bike. I might get in the habit of not engaging my foot and hand and forget to shift when I'm riding one of my other bikes. But I have test ridden a couple of different Hondas equipped with DCT, and I liked them. Doug P says his Africa Twin with DCT shifts in all the right places.