MSTA Forums
Thread Archive => STAR 2020 => Topic started by: Patmo on June 26, 2019, 06:15:51 am
Just in case anyone is interested...…
STAR 2020 will be held September 6-9, 2020 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Drury Hotel will be the base location
Is registration open yet?
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Is registration open yet?
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You a funny man :)
Wasn't 2020 STAR supposed to be held in the West?
Wasn't 2020 STAR supposed to be held in the West?
Not sure if we're still doing the east, west, central rotation, or just east/west (like it had been before). Either way pretty sure the "west" was anywhere west of the Mississippi River, and this qualifies.
2016 - Stratton VT (east)
2017 - Colorado Springs CO (west)
2018 - LaCross WI (central)
2019 - Bristol TN (east)
2020 - Cape Girardeau MO (east or central, not west)
Also keep in mind it is increasingly more difficult to have STAR out west if
a) we don't have active members there willing to help
b) we don't have members willing to travel that far from the larger membership bases in the east
Every STAR the EC ask for feedback about the event, and uses that for future STAR. There's also been discussions here (Facebook to I suspect) about where should we have STAR. The STAR surveys have a low return rate, number of people giving feedback here is also very low. They are trying to do what the members want, but need to hear from them.
I agree that we should give up the East-Central- West thing. Especially after the whole "West Coast" debacle of a few years ago. Cape Girardeau is only West of Illinois.
Missouri is considered “west” by many of our members, and “technically” the Cape is on the west side of the Mississippi...thus it is “technically” west. :)
If someone, or some group, wants to put together a serious proposal for a STAR location anywhere, including those in the traditional areas of the “west”, we are all ears.
My PERSONAL desire is that we go to the far west sometime, but that’s just what is good for ME....not necessarily what is good for the club as a whole. It’s all good and fine for members to verbalize what it is that THEY want, but we need to consider not just their desires, but those of EVERY club member, and especially what is the desire of the majority of the club, along with what is feasible. We also need to allow members some time to plan if the location is going to be in an area that is not convenient for most members to attend, it is my personal opinion that the majority of club members need more than just a year (or less) notice in order to palm to attend an event that is several hundred, or even thousands, of miles away,
Areas in New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, and SD were all considered, and examined, but none that were found meet all of the criteria AND to be affordable at the same time. We will continue to look, but in the meantime we could use some local help in this endeavor. Thank you.
As always thanks for your informative feedback Pat.
Sorry Patmo but if any member considers MO to be the western part of the 48, they need a serious geography lesson. the 1700's it WAS considered WEST. Gate City,VA is west of Bristol,VA. Is that a future WEST location? I know it is difficult to find a location that meets all the criteria. ALL I am saying is don't say something in the central part of the country is WEST...OR that Colorado Springs is on the "West Coast".
I've been in HSTA/MSTA for about 20 years, have attended about half the STARs in that time, and I always understood the east-west rotation to be relative to the Mississippi river. Texas was west, so was Colorado, so was Arkansas. Some eastern sites were not very far east like Charleston WV and Lexington KY.
Regarding Colorado Springs not being west coast, who in the MSTA said it was? It was a western STAR, and it is certainly in the western US. There is more to the east and west than just the coasts. And since our large pockets of members are mostly not on the coasts (Texas, Ohio, NC/TN/VA) with FL being one exception.
Stevegrab. Maybe the EAST- WEST was used in the past but recently they added Central and it was supposed to be rotational. If MO is not Central then... I don't know what is. As for "West Coast", it was printed in the Star Review. I remember because I was excited that it may truly be in a west coast state which have some great riding. It turned out to be Colorado Springs, which is of course NOT a west coast state. But...if many members consider it to be on the west coast...let's just say it is.
My point is, if we can't agree on geography lets just get rid of the current system. Maybe it would be best just to use a time zone with a clearly delineated boundary. BTW.. LaCrosse,WI which was a Central location is further west than Cape Girardeau...
How about we just don’t worry about technicalities like what is the rotation, or what is east and what is west and just try to enjoy them as they come? I mean, does it REALLY matter if Missouri is east, west, or central? It’s going to be a great location and a great event no matter how it’s designated. Sheezz....we’re a Motorcycle Club not a debate society, right? Let’s just concentrate on having fun first and let the technicalities take care of themselves.
Now then....
I feel confident that we will have a true western STAR again someday, but exactly when I don’t know. Right now we don’t have the numbers and support necessary to pull it off and make it a success for our membership. Knowing that, I see no reason to hold one just so that we can say that we followed some arbitrary “rule” that was made up when the club was somewhat different than it is today.
When it is in the best interest of the club membership as a whole, and when it can be done with some guarantee of success, I will certainly support one and vote in favor of it. Maybe that will be in 3 years, 4 yours, five years? Who knows? But I’d certainly say that it’s not right now and not next year. In the meantime we will work toward building membership in those areas so that there are people there that can help to make it successful when it does happen. As I stated before, I have personal reasons for wanting to go out west...lots of family to visit....but we choose not based on personal desires and choose based on what we think is best for the membership as a whole.
Stevegrab. Maybe the EAST- WEST was used in the past but recently they added Central and it was supposed to be rotational. If MO is not Central then... I don't know what is. As for "West Coast", it was printed in the Star Review. I remember because I was excited that it may truly be in a west coast state which have some great riding. It turned out to be Colorado Springs, which is of course NOT a west coast state. But...if many members consider it to be on the west coast...let's just say it is.
My point is, if we can't agree on geography lets just get rid of the current system. Maybe it would be best just to use a time zone with a clearly delineated boundary. BTW.. LaCrosse,WI which was a Central location is further west than Cape Girardeau...
Yes, geographically LaCrosse may be farther west than Cape Gireardeau, but it was and is NOT west of the Mississippi River. And that is what the MSTA has determined to be east/west divider for purposes of STAR. You may not like that, but it is what it is.
Hey fellas, I get it. Not everyone has a grasp of 4th grade geography. Personally, I'll admit I'm not very good a math, but if I say 2 plus 2 equals seven and get a few members to agree to that, I guess we can all feel good about ourselves.
I'll just offer this last suggestion. Since we apparently can't agree on simple geography, why not just say "STAR 2027 will be in______" and fill in the blank. I have enjoyed all the locations where STAR has been held and have every confidence that I will enjoy future STARS. I think Cape Girardeau is a great location. That said, I'm not the one who instituted the EAST CENTRAL,WEST system. If so...I would have stuck to it. If that system is officially scrapped just say so.
Don't know if I can make it, but I've ridden the roads there before, and the area is beautiful and should provide excellent riding.
Don't know if I can make it, but I've ridden the roads there before, and the area is beautiful and should provide excellent riding.
Please, tell us more about the riding!
I had a conversation with some of the members in that area and they said that everyone will love the roads. Not quite as technical as the roads in the Smokies can be, but a little more open with fewer switchbacks. I’m guessing that they will be more like the roads around Lexington, Ky and around Marietta, Ohio/West Virginia.
The roads in the Mark Twain National Forest area are nothing like those in the Appalachian region. It is unlike any other area I've found except parts of eastern Arkansas. Long series of fast sweepers for miles go through rolling hills with very little traffic. Those roads are why Friends of Freddies was such a popular event, IMHO. It will be fun. Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis. :-)
I suggest for those that would like to see a different location to work on finding a location of their liking. If a few people come up with a location and are willing to be the Coordinator of the event, it could possibly happen. The latest issue of SR on-line in the Member Profile column, Frank said he attended STAR 2008 in the Texas Hill Country. It was held that year in April due to the possible hot weather in TX.
Now for that type of big change of location and date, it would have to be in the planning of about two years to give everyone enough time to plan vacations, being it is not the traditional dates.
As the Coordinator for La Crosse last year, there is a lot to do to make it happen, and I think a much different date would take more than 1 year.
It would be nice to see groups competing to have STAR held in their area.
So, my suggestion is; check out the area you would like to have STAR, have a group willing to volunteer to help with it, find a good hotel/convention center and send details to the EC. Make sure you have number of rooms and some prices. If you are interested in making this happen, contact the EC for more details and suggestions. I can also give some assistance on the planning and what is required.
Please contact me or the EC by email, not on the forum so that we can keep the possible location confidential, until it is confirmed and announced at STAR.
Great suggestion Carl.
I made a point of riding some of the old Friends of Freddies roads on the way to STAR in Springdale, AR. There is a lot of fun riding to be had in that region. I am looking forward to going back!
As Doug said, less tight and technical overall than Appalachia. More sweepers and generally better sight lines, though there's always the occasional surprise somewhere.
I have been through that part of the country a number of times, also. Another plus is the lack of traffic. Depending on where you are the towns are small and the population is not too dense.
The roads in the Mark Twain National Forest area are nothing like those in the Appalachian region. It is unlike any other area I've found except parts of eastern Arkansas. Long series of fast sweepers for miles go through rolling hills with very little traffic. Those roads are why Friends of Freddies was such a popular event, IMHO. It will be fun. Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis. :-)
I can agree with this assessment.
Here's the rub for me...
Often, attendance numbers are bantered around as one of the justifications for where a STAR is considered to be located. We had just 312 attendees in Bristol. We had just shy of 300 in Colorado Springs, if memory serves...
So where were the almighty SE members this year... A few years back, we had nearly 500 in Johnson City. Hence the notion that it matter where we had STARs. I think we had nearly 300 attendees in LaCross.
Locating our "west" event truly east of our "central" location in 2018 can't be a positive selling point for developing our membership base from Denver to San Francisco. You want to talk about the "difficulty" of attending a STAR because you had to cover 1000 miles or less to Bristol... It's almost 2000 miles from Reno to Cape Girardeau!
Full disclosure--I rode my Hayabusa 981+/- miles from Boynton Beach, FL to Bristol. Two overnights; one at a friends house that took me a bit east (Pittsboro, NC) from a truly direct route. And back the same way. I've also ridden that bike to Avon and back...
I believe in that old "Field of Dreams" one-liner... "if you build it, they will come..." Considering we are 3 years away from another "west" location (2020 MO; 2021 midwest; 2022 eastern; 2023 western) the EC HAS to make an event come together. Take the border between Utah and Colorado and focus west of that latitude. Meanwhile, creating a real Regional Event(or two) west of Arkansas or Texas would get things moving. If you expect any leadership to be ignited "out west", ya gotta start the fire first.
just my two cents worth Van
At least to me, wanting to belong to the MSTA starts with regular lunch rides, small events and perhaps one day it will morph to a regional event. They don't suddenly sprout because of a STAR in that location.
Regional events are created by people in that locale and not directed by the EC so perhaps you can start a JFF event? I coordinate a monthly breakfast gathering that often leads to various rides after the food/yakking is done and both members and non-members are welcome. It's not difficult but you have to start somewhere. ;)
interesting discussion, but perhaps the discussion about the value of STAR and where it should be held in the future should have its own thread?
The roads in the Mark Twain National Forest area are nothing like those in the Appalachian region. It is unlike any other area I've found except parts of eastern Arkansas. Long series of fast sweepers for miles go through rolling hills with very little traffic. Those roads are why Friends of Freddies was such a popular event, IMHO. It will be fun. Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis. :-)
LOL... yes that right turn caught a bunch of HSTA riders back in the day! 

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Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis. :-),-90.714611,3a,75y,194.11h,93.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWvME0WyQ4rb_S6b_3tL2NQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664 (,-90.714611,3a,75y,194.11h,93.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWvME0WyQ4rb_S6b_3tL2NQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664)
Just click to move forward along the road.
Someone said we had 500 attendees at Johnson City STAR. True but that was 2011 when the average age of members was lower and membership was about 50% higher.
In about 2003 STAR was in Mammoth Lake CA. I did not make that one- it was too far from Ohio- but the attendance was less than 225 as I recall.
When you think in terms of the distribution of MSTA members around the USA, Cape Girardeau is clearly a "West" location.
My personal preference is to have a STAR in Colorado, NM, SD etc about once every four years and find the balance of the past few years to be about right.
Norm Kern
Someone said we had 500 attendees at Johnson City STAR. True but that was 2011 when the average age of members was lower and membership was about 50% higher.
In about 2003 STAR was in Mammoth Lake CA. I did not make that one- it was too far from Ohio- but the attendance was less than 225 as I recall.
When you think in terms of the distribution of MSTA members around the USA, Cape Girardeau is clearly a "West" location.
My personal preference is to have a STAR in Colorado, NM, SD etc about once every four years and find the balance of the past few years to be about right.
Norm Kern
Yes I was going to point out Johnson City was almost 10 years ago now, and the club has changed a lot over that time including aging members who may not attend as many rallies. When the club was closer to 2000 members having 500 at star was 25%, now we're down around 1200 so 300 attending is still 25%.
Also agree with what Tosh said, local events are what create interest and get things rolling in an area. Not having STAR or even a regional even there. When I joined my local group already was meeting (with a larger group of motorcyclist, many but not all HSTA members at the time) every Saturday, having at least a monthly ride, going to Mid-Ohio for the races, and attending the popular Mail Pouch Fly By in southern OH.
Of course Pat is correct, the discussion is better suited to its own thread.
Just watch out for that right turn at the top of the hill on route K SW of Annapolis. :-),-90.714611,3a,75y,194.11h,93.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWvME0WyQ4rb_S6b_3tL2NQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664 (,-90.714611,3a,75y,194.11h,93.97t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sWvME0WyQ4rb_S6b_3tL2NQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664)
Just click to move forward along the road.
I'd also like to point out that the railroad tracks on the west side of Annapolis, on Hwy K, is a ski ramp. In both ways. So, if your put off by the bike jumping, have a care.
BTW, here is a run from Annapolis to Ellington on said hwy K
Who's going to remember your warning 9-months from now? It would be much better to put it out again in May 2020.
I'd also like to point out that the railroad tracks on the west side of Annapolis, on Hwy K, is a ski ramp. In both ways. So, if your put off by the bike jumping, have a care.
Yes! I landed fully on my front wheel after that jump.
Just in case anyone is interested...…
STAR 2020 will be held June 7-10 2020 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri
Drury Hotel will be the base location
Which Drury Hotel location?
i didn’t realize that there were two locations. Sorry.
The one in Cape Girardeau, just of I-55
There are 2 Drury locations at the same exit off I-55 in Cape. We'll be at the Drury Plaza Hotel north of Hwy K off of I-55.
If you want STAR 2020 hotel registration info, go to the BMWRA Website. They have the hotel info posted on their events page...
Hotel is located at
3351 Percy Drive
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
Facebook group set up at
Sport Touring Association Rendezvous (STAR)—-Rally 2020
Why do we need the hotel registration information when we can't register until we have the rally registration? Isn't this getting the cart before the horse? Or have they already posted the rally registration somewhere and the rest of us just haven't found it?
Rally Registration will be opening soon. It’s usually around the 1st of the year, but will be a little earlier this year I believe. We wait until we have the raffle bike information, so that it can be included in the registration information and so that members can purchase raffle tickets at the same time that they are registering for STAR. We should have that completed information very very soon and the registration site is currently being completed with all of the event information.
Edit> Have the raffle bike info up now, but waiting on the STAR logo so that we can have the t-shirts and hats ready for ordering/purchase on the registration site.
The nearest Missouri State Park that offers camping as an option is the Trail of Tears State Park. It's 12 miles from Cape G. and has campsites for a variety of equipment. As a basic tent camper, the nightly fee appears to be $13/night with a $2 discount for senior citizen. They take reservations 6 months in advance (not available yet), so I'll likely be making a reservation the first week of December (only 2 weeks away) for the days I'll be there in June of next year. Even if I don't get breakfast at the host hotel, I think I can live with that for $13/night. That's a killer deal. It'll also be a good chance to check out my gear before a longer camping trip later in the summer.
Does anyone know of a 1/2 day riverboat tour from Cape Giradeau? I've looked and was only able to find multi-day tours that go to faraway locations.
The nearest Missouri State Park that offers camping as an option is the Trail of Tears State Park. It's 12 miles from Cape G. and has campsites for a variety of equipment. As a basic tent camper, the nightly fee appears to be $13/night with a $2 discount for senior citizen. They take reservations 6 months in advance (not available yet), so I'll likely be making a reservation the first week of December (only 2 weeks away) for the days I'll be there in June of next year. Even if I don't get breakfast at the host hotel, I think I can live with that for $13/night. That's a killer deal. It'll also be a good chance to check out my gear before a longer camping trip later in the summer.
I made my reservation at the Trail of Tears State Park at the tent oriented Lake Boutin Campground (site 46). If we've got any other campers in the crowd, maybe we should try to get our sites close together.
If there are any RVers that might be giving some thought to staying at this SP, the Mississippi River Campground seems to cater more to the RV crowd, and is just a short distance away next to the river (still within the SP).
Hello fellow riders...New member here.
Have not found a link for the registration on the website. Is it open at this point?
Hello fellow riders...New member here.
Have not found a link for the registration on the website. Is it open at this point?
Registration isn’t open yet, but should be sometime around the 1st of February.
Thanks to EC and all the folks who worked so hard on STAR.Already changed my reservation. I'm looking forward to getting together with everyone in September! Thanks again for all of those who are making this possible. :clap: :trink39:
I'll put this in this thread or it can be moved but moderator.
On my way to STAR, now starting Labor Day weekend, I plan on stopping by Owenboro, KY to visit the Nicky Haden memorial. It's worth a separate trip in my mind but not sure when I could do that. So, STAR trip it is. I have no definite plans just yet but I thought I'd throw it out there. This still breaks my heart that this has happened but he's sadly gone but not forgotten.
Just sayin'. TM
I just tried to reschedule my reservation, and the gal I talked to at the hotel #(573-334-7151) wanted a new group rate #. Otherwise I wasn't going to get the group rate on the new date. Anyone else encounter this?
I just tried to reschedule my reservation, and the gal I talked to at the hotel #(573-334-7151) wanted a new group rate #. Otherwise I wasn't going to get the group rate on the new date. Anyone else encounter this?
I changed my reservation a couple of weeks ago and was not told that I needed a new number.
I changed my reservation on April 2.
When I called they had already changed my dates, but also added a day to the beginning and also after. There was no problem, they corrected and emailed a new confirmation sheet.
See you in September.
I just tried to reschedule my reservation, and the gal I talked to at the hotel #(573-334-7151) wanted a new group rate #. Otherwise I wasn't going to get the group rate on the new date. Anyone else encounter this?
Have a feeling you might have talked with the wrong person. I was told by Dennis that the hotel had already changed everyone’s reservations to the new dates. Send an email to Dennis and see what he says about this. If nothing else, he will probably have a name of the person to contact and maybe even a direct number to call.
Didn't think of it until just now. Checked my Drury Rewards program online, and yup, new dates and everything. I'm good.
Just booked our room. She said they still have rooms with 2 queens and also Queen suites available.
So glad STAR is a go, tired of everything being cancelled. We are suppose to be at the Isle of Man right now watching the TT. (Actually wouldn't be on the ferry yet.) So this works out great for us. We spent last weekend up in Missouri riding some great roads, looking forward to riding the rest in September. See everyone at STAR!
Really sad to see that the IOM was cancelled this year and that y’all didn’t get to go. It’s definitely a treat! Heck, the Island itself is worth a trip to, even if there was no racing going on. Just simply beautiful. The racing and the history there is just icing on the cake. I’d go back tomorrow and can understand why people living there love it so much.