MSTA Forums
Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: HawkGTRider on December 19, 2019, 10:32:10 am
Randy Logan, a long-time HSTA/MSTA member, passed away shortly after 4:00 a.m. this morning.
Within the last couple of months, Randy's colon cancer had come back and he was back on chemo. That may have contributed to susceptibility to other things, and he spent 8 days in the hospital during the first part of December with MERSA pneumonia.
Twyla, his wife, took him to the hospital this a.m. when he started having breathing problems around 4:00 a.m. They live only 5 minutes from a hospital, but he passed away en route.
A celebration of life/memorial service will be held at a date and time to be determined later.
Randy was my primary riding buddy for years...we probably rode together more than many people ride in their lifetimes. Despite some accidents leading to him deciding to stop riding a couple of years ago, I consider him to have been a fine rider. And more than that, he was a fine friend. He was my friend.
Truly sad news.
Very sad. Cancer sucks!
We share your pain, Geoffrey. Friends are a treasure to have, good friends are priceless.
He could repair a pretty mean boot, also. I still wear them.
When we cross paths again, we shall toast him properly. Sorry to hear of our loss.
God speed Randy. TM
Very sad. I rode with Randy a few times and saw him at many events. I know he was truly a great guy, and the kind of person that makes this club what it is. Let's remember him as we ride!
Randy's memorial service will be Monday, December 23, 2019 at Sharon Baptist Church in north Knox County. It is located on Pedigo Road a short distance off Emory Road. Emory Road intersects with I-75 at exit 112 from the interstate. The memorial service will be at 7:00 p.m. and they will be receiving friends from 5:00-7:00 p.m.
If anyone is interested in coming for the service, give me a shout. We'll figure out some place to have dinner either before or after if that works into your schedule.
Obituary attached.
So sorry to hear this news. RIP Randy.
Very sorry to hear. Met Randy at Tri Star when I first joined the HSTA. Enjoyed being around him.
Very sorry for your loss. I remember Randy from Tris-stars over the years as well. in fact some where I still have a gift certificate from him for boot repair. The hardest thing about aging seems to be loosing those we care about most.
Rick B.