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Regional Forums => Southeast => North Carolina => Topic started by: P@Q on March 11, 2020, 09:47:39 am

Title: The Snake?
Post by: P@Q on March 11, 2020, 09:47:39 am
Has anyone ridden the road called the snake? A buddy and I found it a couple of years ago on a ride, I can’t seem to locate it now...any help would be greatly appreciated  it’s located near the blue ridge parkway.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: NinjaBob on March 11, 2020, 09:58:35 am
Was featured at last years STAR in Bristol US 421 at Shady Valley TN (
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: doug mcpeek on March 11, 2020, 02:27:30 pm
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: STLTHMSTA on March 11, 2020, 05:32:32 pm
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: HawkGTRider on March 11, 2020, 09:27:03 pm's a fine ride!
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: stevegrab on March 24, 2020, 02:42:24 pm
Rode it before it had a name ;)   Like Deal's Gap it can be over run on the weekends with hooligans and posers. I can remember 10 years ago or more at Tri-Star Galen Diehl was recommending against riding there if you had anything that might make your bike a target for LEOs because they were starting to spend a lot of time there righting citations to keep things in order.

We all need to remember, these are public roads with others on them, not a road closed off for our entertainment.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Brick on March 25, 2020, 08:23:13 pm
Gonna ride it tomorrow!

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Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: stevegrab on March 27, 2020, 01:23:20 pm
Gonna ride it tomorrow!

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Lucky dog...
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 02, 2020, 09:56:36 pm
Does anyone else find it mildly annoying that fun roads get nicknames? Once the "Dragon" moniker came into being, it wasn't long before every road that was anything at all had a nickname. We've got the Devil's Triangle, the Snake, the Dragon (Dragon, Dragon's Tail, and other iterations), Back of the Dragon, and so forth. I've been living and riding in this area longer than most. My earliest memory of US129 was a friend talking about US129 as being a super curvy road at the Tennessee/North Carolina state nickname whatsoever. Maybe I gave it my own by just referring to it as Deal's Gap.
I suppose one of these days someone is going to call the Cherohala Skyway as something else. I have news for that person...Cherohala Skyway IS the name/nickname given the road by the States of Tennessee and North Carolina (it's a portmanteau based on Cherokee and Nantahala National Forests).

Any thoughts?

Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Brick on April 02, 2020, 10:22:53 pm
Yea as soon as a road is named it gets overrun by too many riders/drivers. Kind of ruins it for me.

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Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: stevegrab on April 03, 2020, 04:48:35 pm
Our NE Ohio group was riding at one of the rallies in the south east, we had just finished a run on some really fun road. At the next stop one of our group says to me, "that road needs a nickname". I thought NOO that will ruin it.

I haven't been riding in that area as long as some of you, but I do recall enjoying the Snake (US421) before it had that name. It was part of one of my favorite short loops from the TriSTAR event site, US58 from Volney into Damascus, then the road to Shady Valley thru Backbone Rock, then 421. Then 91 back to Damascus and back 58.

Dang I'd love to be at the Allegheny Inn now for a few days and riding that area :( 
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Brick on April 03, 2020, 05:30:49 pm
Our NE Ohio group was riding at one of the rallies in the south east, we had just finished a run on some really fun road. At the next stop one of our group says to me, "that road needs a nickname". I thought NOO that will ruin it.

I haven't been riding in that area as long as some of you, but I do recall enjoying the Snake (US421) before it had that name. It was part of one of my favorite short loops from the TriSTAR event site, US58 from Volney into Damascus, then the road to Shady Valley thru Backbone Rock, then 421. Then 91 back to Damascus and back 58.

Dang I'd love to be at the Allegheny Inn now for a few days and riding that area :(
Steve I agree completely!

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Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: NinjaBob on April 03, 2020, 07:38:14 pm
They won't  come up with a nickname for one of my favorite roads 8n the area because they can't compete with the real name. WAR WOMAN ROAD!
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Brick on April 03, 2020, 08:28:04 pm
They won't  come up with a nickname for one of my favorite roads 8n the area because they can't compete with the real name. WAR WOMAN ROAD!

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Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Patmo on April 04, 2020, 07:45:32 am
16 has the nickname “back of the dragon” and 58 is known as “the crooked road”.  But I’ve never found either of them to be overrun with other riders, and they haven’t yet become destination rides.  And that’s a GOOD thing.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: RIDEMYST on April 04, 2020, 08:05:07 am
We don't have these kind of problems with our roads in Florida!  :( 
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Brick on April 04, 2020, 10:50:42 am
We don't have these kind of problems with our roads in Florida!  :(
Jim year’s ago you showed me both the curves you have down there.

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Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 04, 2020, 05:18:13 pm
Our NE Ohio group was riding at one of the rallies in the south east, we had just finished a run on some really fun road. At the next stop one of our group says to me, "that road needs a nickname". I thought NOO that will ruin it.

I haven't been riding in that area as long as some of you, but I do recall enjoying the Snake (US421) before it had that name. It was part of one of my favorite short loops from the TriSTAR event site, US58 from Volney into Damascus, then the road to Shady Valley thru Backbone Rock, then 421. Then 91 back to Damascus and back 58.

Dang I'd love to be at the Allegheny Inn now for a few days and riding that area :( 

TriSTAR isn't officially canceled yet (not saying one way or the other yet)..I still have my reservation. may be able to come down to Sparta at the end of May to get your spring started with plenty of curvy roads. If the governors of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia decide it's ok for restaurants to open, it could still happen. Alas, I don't see how we could expect folks to arrive for a weekend if restaurants are still closed except for carry out (Sparta doesn't have that many options under the best of circumstances). So I'm waiting for all those big dogs to decide what they think is ok. If restaurants are accessible, I'm ok with people deciding for themselves what level of exposure they're willing to accept.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: RichGrab on April 05, 2020, 09:47:18 am
Sounds like a good plan Geoffrey, and with the lack of other riding opportunities might be the year to go. Stay safe out there always.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: stevegrab on April 06, 2020, 08:21:51 am
16 has the nickname “back of the dragon” and 58 is known as “the crooked road”.  But I’ve never found either of them to be overrun with other riders, and they haven’t yet become destination rides.  And that’s a GOOD thing.

Neither one seems to have the full blown treatment with a store of some kind serving as the home base. I recall 10-15 years ago riding 58 from Damascus end towards Volney heading to Tri-Star and my friend and I were passed by a rather aggressive group of sport bike riders. They appeared to be locals not people out touring. Don't usually see a ton of bikes on either road though.

One of my favorites here in NE Ohio doesn't have a name but I refer to it as The Rollercoaster, because of its many curves and hills. I doubt it will ever catch on ;)
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: stevegrab on April 06, 2020, 08:32:58 am
Our NE Ohio group was riding at one of the rallies in the south east, we had just finished a run on some really fun road. At the next stop one of our group says to me, "that road needs a nickname". I thought NOO that will ruin it.

I haven't been riding in that area as long as some of you, but I do recall enjoying the Snake (US421) before it had that name. It was part of one of my favorite short loops from the TriSTAR event site, US58 from Volney into Damascus, then the road to Shady Valley thru Backbone Rock, then 421. Then 91 back to Damascus and back 58.

Dang I'd love to be at the Allegheny Inn now for a few days and riding that area :( 

TriSTAR isn't officially canceled yet (not saying one way or the other yet)..I still have my reservation. may be able to come down to Sparta at the end of May to get your spring started with plenty of curvy roads. If the governors of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia decide it's ok for restaurants to open, it could still happen. Alas, I don't see how we could expect folks to arrive for a weekend if restaurants are still closed except for carry out (Sparta doesn't have that many options under the best of circumstances). So I'm waiting for all those big dogs to decide what they think is ok. If restaurants are accessible, I'm ok with people deciding for themselves what level of exposure they're willing to accept.

We shall see, it is one of my favorite regional events. But things are too uncertain now for me (and many others) to commit to any sort of event or travel. If things get back to normal by then we'll see. Big question might be getting time off work, things are slow now (requiring as furlough days) but that could change once business re-open. If things are still not normal then there will be no travel to distant lands for riding fun. Also while some of those states may return to normal others won't, making travel from/thru those "stay at home" states difficult.

I'm not at any particular high risk but I am leaning towards caution with this.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 07, 2020, 07:12:03 am
If you're "leaning" (I'm gong to resist making that into some sort of pun about riding) towards caution, I'm with you. The Alleghany Inn's manager sent me this message this past weekend "We are open to essential travel right now, the county has a ban on non essential travel until the end of April, it could be extended.  We are hoping this will be way in the rear view mirror by Memorial Day weekend."

The folks in North Carolina and Virginia are taking a somewhat harder line on this than we are here in Tennessee. You've probably seen pictures of barriers on US129 stopping people from entering Graham County (Robbinsville) and at the state line on the Cherohala Skyway. We'll see. The manager knows I need to make a call before we get too far into May...look for a decision/announcement the first week of May.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: stevegrab on April 07, 2020, 03:49:32 pm
Nope, haven't seen or heard anything about officials putting up barriers to keep people out of the North Carolina side of those roads. I had some trouble finding news of it, too many matches with some terms.

I also saw it mentioned on the Tail of the Dragon website, copied below

From home page
Sunday March 29, 2020
SUNDAY Graham County North Carolina has set-up roadblocks/checkpoints on US129, NC28, and the Cherohala Skyway near the county lines. Only Graham County residents are allowed to enter at these checkpoints.
There is no access to the Dragon from North Carolina. There is no problem coming from the Tennessee side.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Ride4MS on April 15, 2020, 08:55:01 pm
Here is a sign that you can get for your garage.  Or this sign from the area.  Order at
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: HawkGTRider on April 16, 2020, 09:35:23 am
The store in Shady Valley is absolutely the "home base" for US421. Heck, it almost works for US58 as well. I'll bet more than a few folks have ridden back and forth across 421, run up SR133 to Damascus, and then rode back and forth across 58.
Title: Re: The Snake?
Post by: Stretch on April 26, 2020, 07:02:37 pm
They won't  come up with a nickname for one of my favorite roads 8n the area because they can't compete with the real name. WAR WOMAN ROAD!
War Woman Road is a fine road and in that area is Double Island Rd.

People ask me if I've ridden the Snake, Back of the Dragon, Moonshiner..... Huh? Gimmie a highway number.

Usually at the end of one of those silly named roads is a gift shop/restaurant. Same thing is happening here in KY.
Your best bet is to ride them before Memorial Day or after Labor Day. If you can't do that then sometime Monday through Thursday. Fridays, Saturdays and Sunday mornings are just motorcycle shows.