MSTA Forums
Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: wengland on March 26, 2020, 12:52:23 pm
When I try to send a help command to I get a 'no such user found' bound.
When I try to visit the list info page at
Mailman displays an error page, noting "No such list msta_me..."
Not sure who set this up or is in charge of it, but they may want to look at it. Had a comment on the FB page about it and I've seen a couple of mails go across wanting to be unsubscribed.
Will - FB Admin.
I am seeing the same errors.
Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Bob has taken the list down. It was never meant to be set up the way it was. He had initially set it up as a way to email the link to the SR to members. He wasn’t aware at that time that it was going to allow people to post up responses. The biggest problem there was that every message came to him and he had to approve it before it would go out to others....what a hassle for him! He asked me if it would be OK to axe it and set up another way to get the SR link to members and I said sure.
I liked the list, and thought it could help the club grow. I wouldn't want Bob to have to approve all the emails though. I did see some people commenting about wanting the emails to stop and thought why didn't they just block the email. I'm sorry to see it stopped.
Part of the issue may have been people not realizing that their response would go to everybody, along with the many "I'm here" type of responses that were just causing clutter.
I like the idea of an email list for the club, I'm old school and many others are as well. It is also what was referred to as "push" technology where the messages get sent to every person who is subscribed. Both this forum and Facebook and many other things are "pull" technology meaning you need to actively log onto some site, and look for the information. Even with notifications and ability to follow certain discussions it just isn't the same. But it has to be used properly, and people need to be informed on what was going on with the list, how to use it etc.
I had a feeling that something wasn't right with it and it would be quickly resolved. Bob does great work for the club, don't want to sound like I'm complaining.
PS I also don't do FB and that applies to many members of this club. I also know people who are on FB who say they don't use it much, others spend lots of time there daily.
While I do check this forum daily, and comment on posts from time to time, I must tell you that it’s usage pales in comparison to the amount of usage the club sees on its Facebook Group page. From the names I see there on a daily basis, I would say that there are a great number of dues paying members who are also FaceBook users, probably many more than most would assume. Just as important, there are hundreds of others who have expressed interest in the club and sport touring, have signed into the group page, and communicate with the group daily, that are not dues-paying members. But , they are potential dues paying members and potential rally attendees. They are our potential future, not our past.
(So far this year we have about 40 new forum members. We had 35 people join the Facebook page last WEEK. The FB page is up over 2000 members now. Almost as many as the highest level the club reached at its largest. Where would you say we are experiencing the most growth and have the greatest potential for getting new members?)
Club information is shared more easily, and more quickly, on the FB platform than it is on this platform. The FB platform is much more mobile friendly. It reaches out to a much larger audience than this forum does. Forum usage worldwide is done, while FB, Twitter, Instagram, and other mobile friendly platforms are growing.
And something that non-FB users may not be aware of (I certainly wasn’t before I got on it a few years ago), you can limit your interaction on it to just communication within the club group page if you wish. You don’t have to set up communication or accept messages from anyone else if you so choose.
This forum certainly has its usages, but so does FB and the other platforms. We need to embrace them and not distance ourselves from them.
While I do check this forum daily, and comment on posts from time to time, I must tell you that it’s usage pales in comparison to the amount of usage the club sees on its Facebook Group page. From the names I see there on a daily basis, I would say that there are a great number of dues paying members who are also FaceBook users, probably many more than most would assume. Just as important, there are hundreds of others who have expressed interest in the club and sport touring, have signed into the group page, and communicate with the group daily, that are not dues-paying members. But , they are potential dues paying members and potential rally attendees. They are our potential future, not our past.
(So far this year we have about 40 new forum members. We had 35 people join the Facebook page last WEEK. The FB page is up over 2000 members now. Almost as many as the highest level the club reached at its largest. Where would you say we are experiencing the most growth and have the greatest potential for getting new members?)
Club information is shared more easily, and more quickly, on the FB platform than it is on this platform. The FB platform is much more mobile friendly. It reaches out to a much larger audience than this forum does. Forum usage worldwide is done, while FB, Twitter, Instagram, and other mobile friendly platforms are growing.
And something that non-FB users may not be aware of (I certainly wasn’t before I got on it a few years ago), you can limit your interaction on it to just communication within the club group page if you wish. You don’t have to set up communication or accept messages from anyone else if you so choose.
This forum certainly has its usages, but so does FB and the other platforms. We need to embrace them and not distance ourselves from them.
I am not trying to say Facebook is not a useful tool for the club. Just hoping that like some of my own relatives that the only way to stay in touch with MSTA becomes FB, because everybody uses that.
When I talk about MSTA members that are not on Facebook I am talking about those people in my local area who I ride with, who attend rallies and such.
Not really sure what you’re trying to say there? Anyway, my post wasn’t directed exactly at you, but at all members that are not on FB and just don’t realize how popular it is with people in the Sport Touring community.
Not only has the National MSTA FB Group page grown in leaps and bounds, but we also have several state groups that have set up their own group pages and are experiencing growth on them to. Often those state groups have many more members in them, than we have dues paying members in the same state. In addition, most owners groups have their own FB pages. Included in that are groups for VFR’s, ST100/13000, Concours, BMW, and virtually every other make and model of motorcycle. It’s not just FB is useful and popular, it’s that Forums are no longer popular and can’t do all the things that other platforms do easily. However, our plan is to continue to make use of any and all communication and recruitment platforms that we can. Including this forum, our website, FB, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
We certainly can’t force any member to get on FB, but I will say that by not doing so they are missing a lot of interactions with fellow members, and non-members, that they might otherwise have engaged in.
Sorry, but I have to ask. Who is Bob and what is the SR?
Fred Z.
Sorry, but I have to ask. Who is Bob and what is the SR?
Fred Z.
Bob Chappiaus...webmaster and forum administration
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Address not found
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The response from the remote server was:
550 No such person at this address."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Friedrichs <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 08:05:38 -0400
John Friedrichs, MSTA Member 1471RG here. I didn't sign up for this email, but cannot seem to be able to stop it. Links provided to stop, don't work, emails returned as invalid.
I went to the forum and looked in my profile, can not find where I can stop this. I get enough email.
Please advise
John Friedrichs Aka Falco Fred
Sorry, but I have to ask. Who is Bob and what is the SR?
Fred Z.
Ninja Bob to you Paco :trink39:
Error Icon
Address not found
Your message wasn't delivered to because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.
The response from the remote server was:
550 No such person at this address."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Friedrichs <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 08:05:38 -0400
John Friedrichs, MSTA Member 1471RG here. I didn't sign up for this email, but cannot seem to be able to stop it. Links provided to stop, don't work, emails returned as invalid.
I went to the forum and looked in my profile, can not find where I can stop this. I get enough email.
Please advise
John Friedrichs Aka Falco Fred
When did you last receive an email from the list?
Error Icon
Address not found
Your message wasn't delivered to because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.
The response from the remote server was:
550 No such person at this address."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: John Friedrichs <>
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 2020 08:05:38 -0400
John Friedrichs, MSTA Member 1471RG here. I didn't sign up for this email, but cannot seem to be able to stop it. Links provided to stop, don't work, emails returned as invalid.
I went to the forum and looked in my profile, can not find where I can stop this. I get enough email.
Please advise
John Friedrichs Aka Falco Fred
When did you last receive an email from the list?
I received 7 new messages this morning Saturday March 28, 2020
So obviously the Email Listserv is still sending out messages
Interestingly they were dated March 24
Thanks Doug, that’s what I needed to know.
Email I sent to Bob, and his response.
This is just one of the bugs that we are finding in the new system. It should be fixed now.
Sorry if it upset anyone, it was purely unintentional.
Same for me Pat. I got three this morning.
Just to let you know, not only did I have 4 in my In Box today, but there was also two in my Spam folder. So apparently my yahoo email did not like some of our members email. I didn't think their comment was that bad. :o
And, I did not sign up for these notices.
I deleted several messages yesterday, and there are none so far today.
John Friedrichs, aka Falcofred