MSTA Forums

Main Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: GoVFR on May 06, 2020, 12:16:04 pm

Title: AIMExpo 2020 Now Jan 21-23, 2021 Trade-only
Post by: GoVFR on May 06, 2020, 12:16:04 pm
IRVINE, Calif., May 6, 2020 – The MIC’s American International Motorcycle Expo (AIMExpo) is moving to [/size]January 21-23, 2021 ([/size] at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. Previously scheduled for this October, North America’s largest powersports show is changing more than timing; the show will become a trade-only event and emerge as an integral part of the buying season.
Title: Re: AIMExpo 2020 Now Jan 21-23, 2021 Trade-only
Post by: HawkGTRider on May 06, 2020, 08:27:03 pm
By being in January in mid-Ohio, that pretty well seals the deal on riding to the event...or should we say NOT riding to the event. But since it's a "trade" show and not for the general public, it probably doesn't matter.
Title: Re: AIMExpo 2020 Now Jan 21-23, 2021 Trade-only
Post by: Patmo on May 07, 2020, 07:36:35 am
Pretty sure that demo rides will NOT be part of the Expo any longer.

When they had a similar trade expo in Cincinnati and then Indianapolis, they were held in late January/start of February every year.  All indoor in the convention centers. 
Title: Re: AIMExpo 2020 Now Jan 21-23, 2021 Trade-only
Post by: Ride4MS on May 07, 2020, 10:36:06 pm
Maybe they will have Virtual rides.

Hey Pat, bring a big screen and put on some videos from past STARs.  Especially the videos taken while riding the routes.
Title: Re: AIMExpo 2020 Now Jan 21-23, 2021 Trade-only
Post by: Patmo on May 08, 2020, 08:18:43 am
Maybe they will have Virtual rides.

Hey Pat, bring a big screen and put on some videos from past STARs.  Especially the videos taken while riding the routes.

Nah....those videos are boring.   Besides, they charge to use their electric.

Seriously, IMO there is no reason to set up and MSTA booth at an industry/trade show.  The majority of people attending these types of shows are attending in order to learn how to run their businesses more effectively.  They probably aren’t looking for a club to join. We are better off visiting THEIR dealerships and building a relationship on a local level, and/or visiting their booths and investigating how their products might interest our membership and/how our club might help their business. We can always hand out information on the club, but it’s the follow up after the show that actually builds relationships.....and we are really bad at that most of the time.